Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson

Edition of 1900.

1197621Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson

SELIGMAN, Edwin Robert Anderson, educator, b. in New York city, 25 April, 1861. He is a son of Joseph Seligman, the banker, and was graduated from Columbia in 1879. From 1879-'82 he spent in Europe, studying at the universities of Berlin, Heidelberg, Geneva, and Paris. He took post-graduate courses at Columbia between 1882-'4. and in the latter year received the degrees of LL. B. and Ph.D. He has chosen political economy as his specialty, and has been identified with Columbia from 1887-'90 as adjunct professor, and since 1890 as professor of political economy and finance. He has been one of the editors of the “Political Science Quarterly” since 1886, and the series in history, economics, and public law of Columbia since 1890. Prof. Seligman's publications include “Chapters on Mediæval Guilds of England” (Baltimore, 1887); “Finance Statistics of American Commonwealths” (Boston, 1889); “Railway Tariffs and the Interstate Commerce Law” (New York, 1887); “The Shifting and Incidence of Taxation” (1892; 2d edition, 1898); “Progressive Taxation in Theory and Practice” (1894); and “Essays in Taxation” (1895).