Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Thaxter, Adam Wallace

Edition of 1889.

1940598Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Thaxter, Adam Wallace

THAXTER, Adam Wallace, journalist, b. in Boston, Mass., 16 Jan., 1832; d. there, 8 June, 1864. He was graduated at Harvard in 1852, and at the law-school in 1854. Devoting himself to literature, he was for seven years dramatic and literary critic of the “Boston Evening Gazette,” from which his health finally compelled him to withdraw, and he contributed to many periodicals. He was the author of a poem that he read before a Harvard society (Cambridge, 1850) and “The Grotto Nymph” (Boston, 1859), and produced some successful plays, among which are “Olympia,” “The Sculptor,” “The Painter of Naples,” “The Regicide,” “Mary Tudor,” and “Birds of a Feather.”