Author:Aurelius Ambrosius
edit- Volume X of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II, ed. Philip Schaff et. al.
Theological works
edit- On Faith, to Gratian Augustus (De fide ad Gratianum Augustum)
- On the Offices of Ministers (De Officiis Ministrorum)
- On the Holy Spirit (De Spiritu Sancto)
- On the Sacrament of the Incarnation of the Lord (De incarnationis Dominicae sacramento)
- Exposition of the Christian Faith
- On the Mysteries (De mysteriis)
- Commentary on the Gospel according to Luke (Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam)
- Sermons, fragments
Ethical works
edit- Death as a Good (De bono mortis)
- Flight From the World (De fuga saeculi)
- On the Birth of the Virgin and the Perpetual Virginity of Mary (De institutione virginis et sanctae Mariae virginitate perpetua ad Eusebium)
- On Naboth (De Nabuthae)
- On Repentance (De paenitentia)
- On Paradise (De paradiso)
- On the Sacraments (De sacramentis)
- On Widows (De viduis)
- On Virgins (De virginibus)
- On Virginity (De virginitate)
- Exhortation to Virginity (Exhortatio virginitatis)
- On the Sacrament of Rebirth, or, On Philosophy (De sacramento regenerationis sive de philosophia, fragments)
Homiletic works on the Old Testament
edit- Six Days of Creation (Hexaemeron)
- On Elijah and Fasting (De Helia et ieiunio)
- On Jacob and the Happy Life (De Iacob et vita beata)
- On Abraham (De Abraham)
- On Cain and Abel (De Cain et Abel)
- On Joseph (De Ioseph)
- On Isaac, or The Soul (De Isaac vel anima)
- On Noah (De Noe)
- On the Prayer of Job and David (De interpellatione Iob et David)
- On the Patriarchs (De patriarchis)
- On Tobit (De Tobia)
- Explanation of the Psalms (Explanatio psalmorum)
- Commentary on the Symbol (Explanatio symboli)
Funeral orations
edit- On the Death of Theodosius (De obitu Theodosii)
- On the Death of Valentinian (De obitu Valentiniani)
- On the Decease of His Brother Satyrus (De excessu fratris Satyri)
edit91 letters are extant.
editMisattributed and disputed works
editBy Ambrosiaster
editWorks about Ambrosius
edit- "St. Ambrose," in Catholic Encyclopedia, (ed.) by Charles G. Herbermann and others, New York: The Encyclopaedia Press (1913)
- "Ambrose, St," by John Weeks Moore in Complete Encyclopaedia of Music, Boston: Oliver Ditson Company (1880)
- "Ambrosius, St., bishop of Milan," in Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century, (ed.) by Henry Wace and William C. Piercy, London: John Murray (1911)
- "Ambrose, Saint," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Ambrose the Bishop," in Lives of Illustrious Men by Jerome, 393.
- "Ambrose, Saint," in The New Student's Reference Work, Chicago: F.E. Compton and Co. (1914)
Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1930, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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