Executive orders
Signature of Barack Obama
Administration of Barack Obama (January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017)
  • 276 Total Executive Orders Issued.
  • Range: Executive Order 13489–13764


WS:USEO [ 3 CFR, 2009 Comp. ] 2009 · E.O. 13489 → E.O. 13527
E.O. No. Signature Date Subject 74 FR Page
13489 Jan. 21 Presidential Records 4669
13490 Jan. 21 Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel 4673
13491 Jan. 22 Ensuring Lawful Interrogations 4893
13492 Jan. 22 Review and Disposition of Individuals Detained at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base and Closure of Detention Facilities 4897
13493 Jan. 26 Review of Detention Policy Options 4901
13494 Jan. 30 Economy in Government Contracting 6101
13495 Jan. 30 Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service 6103
13496 Jan. 30 Notification of Employee Rights Under Federal Labor Law 6107
13497 Jan. 30 Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Regulatory Planning and Review 6113
13498 Feb. 05 Amendments to Executive Order 13199 and Establishment of the President's Advisory Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships 6533
13499 Feb. 05 Further Amendments to Executive Order 12835, Establishment of the National Economic Council 6979
13500 Feb. 05 Further Amendments to Executive Order 12859, Establishment of the Domestic Policy Council 6981
13501 Feb. 06 Establishment of the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board 6983
13502 Feb. 06 Use of Project Labor Agreements for Federal Construction Projects 6985
13503 Feb. 19 Establishment of the White House Office of Urban Affairs 8139
13504 Feb. 20 Amending Executive Order 13390 8431
13505 Mar. 09 Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells 10667
13506 Mar. 11 Establishing a White House Council on Women and Girls 11271
13507 Apr. 08 Establishment of the White House Office of Health Reform 17071
13508 May 12 Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration 23099
13509 Jun. 23 Establishing a White House Council on Automotive Communities and Workers 30903
13510 Jul. 10 Waiver Under the Trade Act of 1974 With Respect to the Republic of Belarus 32047
13511 Sept 29 Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees 50909
13512 Sept 29 Amending Executive Order 13390 50911
13513 Oct. 01 Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving 51225
13514 Oct. 05 Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance 52117
13515 Oct. 14 Increasing Participation of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Federal Programs 53635
13516 Oct. 28 Amending Executive Order 13462 56521
13517 Oct. 30 Amendments to Executive Orders 13183 and 13494 57239
13518 Nov. 09 Employment of Veterans in the Federal Government 58533
13519 Nov. 17 Establishment of the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force 60123
13520 Nov. 20 Reducing Improper Payments 62201
13521 Nov. 24 Establishing the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues 62671
13522 Dec. 09 Creating Labor-Management Forums to Improve Delivery of Government Services 66203
13523 Dec. 11 Half-Day Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies on Thursday, December 24, 2009 66563
13524 Dec. 16 Amending Executive Order 12425 Designating Interpol as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities 67803
13525 Dec. 23 Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay 69231

E.O. No. Signature Date Subject 75 FR Page
13526 Dec. 29  Classified National Security Information 707
13527 Dec. 30  Establishing Federal Capability for the Timely Provision of Medical Countermeasures Following a Biological Attack 737
( 39 Executive Orders issued total )


WS:USEO [ 3 CFR, 2010 Comp. ] 2010 · E.O. 13528 → E.O. 13562
E.O. No. Signature Date Subject 75 FR Page
13528 Jan. 11 Establishment of the Council of Governors 2053
13529 Jan. 16 Ordering the Selected Reserve and Certain Individual Ready Reserve Members of the Armed Forces to Active Duty 3331
13530 Jan. 29 President's Advisory Council on Financial Capability 5481
13531 Feb. 18 National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform 7927
13532 Feb. 26 Promoting Excellence, Innovation, and Sustainability at Historically Black Colleges and Universities 9749
13533 Mar. 01 Providing an Order of Succession within the Department of Defense 10163
13534 Mar. 11 National Export Initiative 12433
13535 Mar. 24 Ensuring Enforcement and Implementation of Abortion Restrictions in the Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act 15599
13536 Apr. 12 Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Somalia 19869
13537 Apr. 14 Interagency Group on Insular Areas 20237
13538 Apr. 19 Establishing the President's Management Advisory Board 20895
13539 Apr. 21 President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology 21973
13540 Apr. 26 Interagency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development 22497
13541 May 07 Temporary Organization to Facilitate a Strategic Partnership with the Republic of Iraq 26879
13542 May 13 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Agriculture 27921
13543 May 21 National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling 29397
13544 Jun. 10 Establishing the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council 33983
13545 Jun. 22 President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition 37283
13546 Jul. 02 Optimizing the Security of Biological Select Agents and Toxins in the United States 39439
13547 Jul. 19 Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes 43023
13548 Jul. 26 Increasing Federal Employment of Individuals with Disabilities 45039
13549 Aug. 18 Classified National Security Information Programs for State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Entities 51609
13550 Aug. 18 Establishment of Pakistan and Afghanistan Support Office 51615
13551 Aug. 30 Blocking Property of Certain Persons with Respect to North Korea 53837
13552 Aug. 31 2010 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States 54263
13553 Sept 28 Blocking Property of Certain Persons with Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuses by the Government of Iran and Taking Certain Other Actions 60567
13554 Oct. 05 Establishing the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force 62313
13555 Oct. 19 White House Initiative On Educational Excellence For Hispanics 65417
13556 Nov. 04 Controlled Unclassified Information 68675
13557 Nov. 04 Order of Succession Within the Department of Justice 68679
13558 Nov. 09 Export Coordination Enforcement Center 69573
13559 Nov. 17 Fundamental Principles and Policymaking Criteria for Partnerships With Faith-Based and Other Neighborhood Organizations 71319
13560 Dec. 14 White House Council for Community Solutions 78875
13561 Dec. 22 Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay 81817
13562 Dec. 27 Recruiting and Hiring Students and Recent Graduates 82585
( 35 Executive Orders issued total )


WS:USEO [ 3 CFR, 2011 Comp. ] 2011 · E.O. 13563 → E.O. 13596
E.O. No. Signature Date Subject 76 FR Page
13563 Jan. 18 Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review 3821
13564 Jan. 31 Establishment of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness 6309
13565 Feb. 08 Establishment of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Advisory Committees 7681
13566 Feb. 25 Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related to Libya 11315
13567 Mar. 07 Periodic Review of Individuals Detained at Guantánamo Bay Naval Station Pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force 13277
13568 Mar. 08 Extending Provisions of the International Organization Immunities Act to the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the International Civilian Office in Kosovo 13497
13569 Apr. 05 Amendments to Executive Orders 12824, 12835, 12859, and 13532, Reestablishment Pursuant to Executive Order 13498, and Revocation of Executive Order 13507 19891
13570 Apr. 18 Prohibiting Certain Transactions with Respect to North Korea 22291
13571 Apr. 27 Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service 24339
13572 Apr. 29 Blocking Property of Certain Persons with Respect to Human Rights Abuses in Syria 24787
13573 May 18 Blocking Property of Senior Officials of the Government of Syria 29143
13574 May 23 Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996, as Amended 30505
13575 Jun. 09 Establishment of the White House Rural Council 34841
13576 Jun. 13 Delivering an Efficient, Effective, and Accountable Government 35297
13577 Jun. 15 Establishment of the SelectUSA Initiative 35715
13578 Jul. 06 Coordinating Policies on Automotive Communities and Workers 40591
13579 Jul. 11 Regulation and Independent Regulatory Agencies 41587
13580 Jul. 12 Interagency Working Group on Coordination of Domestic Energy Development and Permitting in Alaska 41989
13581 Jul. 24 Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations 44757
13582 Aug. 17 Blocking Property of the Government of Syria and Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to Syria 52209
13583 Aug. 18 Establishing a Coordinated Government-Wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce 52847
13584 Sept 09 Developing an Integrated Strategic Counterterrorism Communications Initiative and Establishing a Temporary Organization to Support Certain Government-Wide Communications Activities Directed Abroad 56945
13585 Sept 30 Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees 62281
13586 Oct. 06 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between Certain Railroads Represented by the National Carriers' Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference and Their Employees Represented by Certain Labor Organizations 63533
13587 Oct. 07 Structural Reforms to Improve the Security of Classified Networks and the Responsible Sharing and Safeguarding of Classified Information 63811
13588 Oct. 31 Reducing Prescription Drug Shortages 68295
13589 Nov. 09 Promoting Efficient Spending 70863
13590 Nov. 20 Authorizing the Imposition of Certain Sanctions with Respect to the Provision of Goods, Services, Technology, or Support for Iran's Energy and Petrochemical Sectors 72609
13591 Nov. 23 Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees 74623
13592 Dec. 02 Improving American Indian and Alaska Native Educational Opportunities and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities 76603
13593 Dec. 13 2011 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States 78451
13594 Dec. 19 Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay 80191
13595 Dec. 19 Instituting a National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security 80205
13596 Dec. 19 Amendments to Executive Orders 12131 and 13539 80725
( 34 Executive Orders issued total )


WS:USEO [ 3 CFR, 2012 Comp. ] 2012 · E.O. 13597 → 13635
E.O. No. Signature Date Subject 77 FR Page
13597 Jan. 19 Establishing Visa and Foreign Visitor Processing Goals and the Task Force on Travel and Competitiveness 3373
13598 Jan. 27 Assignment of Functions Relating to Certain Promotion and Appointment Actions in the Armed Forces 5371
13599 Feb. 05 Blocking Property of the Government of Iran and Iranian Financial Institutions 6659
13600 Feb. 09 Establishing the President's Global Development Council 8713
13601 Feb. 28 Establishment of the Interagency Trade Enforcement Center 12981
13602 Mar. 15 Establishing a White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities 16131
13603 Mar. 16 National Defense Resources Preparedness 16651
13604 Mar. 22 Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects 18887
13605 Apr. 13 Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas Resources 23107
13606 Apr. 23 Blocking the Property and Suspending Entry into the United States of Certain Persons with Respect to Grave Human Rights Abuses by the Governments of Iran and Syria via Information Technology 24571
13607 Apr. 27 Establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses, and Other Family Members 25861
13608 May 01 Prohibiting Certain Transactions with and Suspending Entry into the United States of Foreign Sanctions Evaders with Respect to Iran and Syria 26409
13609 May 01 Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation 26413
13610 May 10 Identifying and Reducing Regulatory Burdens 28469
13611 May 16 Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen 29533
13612 May 21 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Agriculture 31153
13613 May 21 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Commerce 31155
13614 May 21 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Environmental Protection Agency 31157
13615 May 21 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Office of Management and Budget 31159
13616 June 14 Accelerating Broadband Infrastructure Deployment 36903
13617 June 25 Blocking Property of the Government of the Russian Federation Relating to the Disposition of Highly Enriched Uranium Extracted From Nuclear Weapons 38459
13618 July 06 Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions 40779
13619 July 11 Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Burma 41243
13620 July 20 Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to Somalia 43483
13621 July 26 White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans 45471
13622 July 30 Authorizing Additional Sanctions With Respect to Iran 45897
13623 Aug. 10 Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women and Girls Globally 49345
13624 Aug. 30 Accelerating Investment in Industrial Energy Efficiency 54779
13625 Aug. 31 Improving Access to Mental Health Services for Veterans, Service Members, and Military Families 54783
13626 Sept. 10 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration 56749
13627 Sept. 25 Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking In Persons In Federal Contracts 60029
13628 Oct. 09 Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 and Additional Sanctions with respect to Iran 62139
13629 Oct. 26 Establishing the White House Homeland Security Partnership Council 66353
13630 Dec. 06 Establishment of an Interagency Task Force on Commercial Advocacy 73893
13631 Dec. 07 Reestablishment of Advisory Group 74101
13632 Dec. 07 Establishing the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force 74341
13633 Dec. 21 Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Monday, December 24, 2012 76339
13634 Dec. 21 Reestablishment of Advisory Commission 77249

E.O. No. Signature Date Subject 78 FR Page
13635 Dec. 27 Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay 649
( 39 Executive Orders issued total )


WS:USEO [ 3 CFR, 2013 Comp. ] 2013 · E.O. 13636 → 13655
E.O. No. Signature Date Subject 78 FR Page
13636 Feb. 12 Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity 11739
13637 Mar. 08 Administration of Reformed Export Controls 16129
13638 Mar. 15 Amendments to Executive Order 12777 17589
13639 Mar. 28 Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration 19979
13640 Apr. 05 Continuance of Advisory Council 21211
13641 Apr. 05 Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay 21503
13642 May 09 Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information 28111
13643 May 15 2013 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States 29559
13644 May 21 Amendment to Executive Order 13639 31813
13645 Jun. 03 Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012 and Additional Sanctions with Respect to Iran 33945
13646 Jun. 25 Establishing the President's Advisory Council on Financial Capability for Young Americans 39159
13647 Jun. 26 Establishing the White House Council on Native American Affairs 39539
13648 Jul. 01 Combating Wildlife Trafficking 40621
13649 Jul. 15 Accelerating Improvements in HIV Prevention and Care in the United States Through the HIV Care Continuum Initiative 43057
13650 Aug. 01 Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security 48029
13651 Aug. 07 Prohibiting Certain Imports of Burmese Jadeite and Rubies 48793
13652 Sept. 30 Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees 61817
13653 Nov. 01 Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change 66819
13654 Nov. 21 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Long Island Rail Road Company and Certain of its Employees Represented by Certain Labor Organizations 70843
13655 Dec. 23 Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay 80451

( 20 Executive Orders issued total )


WS:USEO [ 3 CFR, 2014 Comp. ] 2014 · E.O. 13656 → 13686
E.O. No. Signature Date Subject 79 FR Page
13656 Jan. 17 Establishment of Afghanistan and Pakistan Strategic Partnership Office and Amendment to Executive Order 12163 4263
13657 Feb. 10 Changing the Name of the National Security Staff to the National Security Council Staff 8823
13658 Feb. 12 Establishing a Minimum Wage for Contractors 9851
13659 Feb. 19 Streamlining the Export/Import Process for America's Businesses 10657
13660 Mar. 06 Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine 13493
13661 Mar. 16 Blocking Property of Additional Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine 15535
13662 Mar. 20 Blocking Property of Additional Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine 16169
13663 Mar. 20 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Long Island Rail Road Company and Certain of its Employees Represented by Certain Labor Organizations 16647
13664 Apr. 03 Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to South Sudan 19283
13665 Apr. 08 Non-Retaliation for Disclosure of Compensation Information 20749
13666 Apr. 18 Expanding Eligibility for the Defense Meritorious Service Medal 22591
13667 May 12 Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Central African Republic 28387
13668 May 27 Ending Immunities Granted to the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Other Iraqi Property and Interests in Property Pursuant to Executive Order 13303, as Amended 31019
13669 June 13 2014 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States 34999
13670 June 14 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and Certain of Its Employees Represented by Certain Labor Organizations 35029
13671 July 08 Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to the Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 39947
13672 July 21 Further Amendments to Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government, and Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity 42971
13673 July 31 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces 45309
13674 July 31 Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases 45671
13675 Aug. 05 Establishing the President's Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa 46661
13676 Sept. 18 Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria 56931
13677 Sept. 23 Climate-Resilient International Development 58231
13678 Oct. 03 Conversion Authority for Criminal Investigators (Special Agents) of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives 60949
13679 Oct. 10 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority and Its Locomotive Engineers Represented by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen 62323
13680 Oct. 16 Ordering the Selected Reserve and Certain Individual Ready Reserve Members of the Armed Forces to Active Duty 63287
13681 Oct. 17 Improving the Security of Consumer Financial Transactions 63491
13682 Dec. 05 Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Friday, December 26, 2014 73459
13683 Dec. 11 Further Amendments to Executive Order 11030, Executive Order 13653, and Executive Order 13673 75041
13684 Dec. 18 Establishment of the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing 76865
13685 Dec. 19 Blocking Property of Certain Persons and Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to the Crimea Region of Ukraine 77357
13686 Dec. 19 Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay 77361

( 31 Executive Orders issued total )


WS:USEO [ 3 CFR, 2015 Comp. ] 2015 · E.O. 13687 → E.O. 13715
E.O. No. Signature Date Subject 80 FR Page
13687 Jan. 02 Imposing Additional Sanctions with Respect to North Korea 819
13688 Jan. 16 Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Equipment Acquisition 3451
13689 Jan. 21 Enhancing Coordination of National Efforts in the Arctic 4191
13690 Jan. 30 Establishing a Federal Flood Risk Management Standard and a Process for Further Soliciting and Considering Stakeholder Input 6425
13691 Feb. 13 Promoting Private Sector Cybersecurity Information Sharing 9347
13692 Mar. 8 Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Venezuela 12747
13693 Mar. 19 Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade 15871
13694 Apr. 1 Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities 18077
13695 May 26 Termination of Emergency With Respect to the Risk of Nuclear Proliferation Created by the Accumulation of a Large Volume of Weapons-Usable Fissile Material in the Territory of the Russian Federation 30331
13696 June 17 2015 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States 12473
13697 June 22 Amendment to Executive Order 11155, Awards for Special Capability in Career and Technical Education 36691
13698 June 24 Hostage Recovery Activities 37131
13699 June 26 Establishing the Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health 37529
13700 July 15 Establishing an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between New Jersey Transit Rail and Certain of Its Employees Represented by Certain Labor Organizations 43003
13701 July 17 Delegation of Certain Authorities and Assignment of Certain Functions Under the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 43903
13702 July 29 Creating a National Strategic Computing Initiative 46177
13703 July 30 Implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States for 2015–2020 46181
13704 Aug. 17 Presidential Innovation Fellows Program 50751
13705 Sep. 3 Designating the International Renewable Energy Agency as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities 54403
13706 Sep. 7 Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors 54697
13707 Sep. 15 Using Behavioral Science Insights To Better Serve the American People 56365
13708 Sep. 30 Continuance or Reestablishment of Certain Federal Advisory Committees 60271
13709 Oct. 2 National Security Medal 60793
13710 Nov. 12 Termination of Emergency With Respect to the Actions and Policies of Former Liberian President Charles Taylor 71677
13711 Nov. 12 Establishing an Emergency Board To Investigate Disputes Between New Jersey Transit Rail and Certain of Its Employees Represented by Certain Labor Organizations 71921
13712 Nov. 22 Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Burundi 73633
13713 Dec. 11 Half-Day Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Thursday, December 24, 2015 78117
13714 Dec. 15 Strengthening the Senior Executive Service 79223
13715 Dec. 18 Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay 80193

( 29 Executive Orders issued total )


WS:USEO [ 3 CFR, 2009 Comp. ] 2009 · E.O. 13489 → E.O. 13527
E.O. No. Signature Date Subject 74 FR Page
13722 Mar. 15 Blocking Property of the Government of North Korea and the Workers' Party of Korea, and Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to North Korea
13738 Aug. 15 Amendment to Executive Order 13673
13747 Nov. 4 Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda To Achieve a World Safe and Secure From Infectious Disease Threats 78701-78706


WS:USEO [ 3 CFR, 2017 Comp. ] 2017 · E.O. 13757 → E.O. 13764
E.O. No. Signature Date Subject 82 FR Page
13757 Jan. 03 Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities 1
13758 Jan. 12 Amending Executive Order 11016 To Update Eligibility Criteria for Award of the Purple Heart 5321
13759 Jan. 12 Designating the World Organisation for Animal Health as a Public International Organization Entitled To Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities 5323
13760 Jan. 12 Exclusions From the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program 5325
13761 Jan. 13 Recognizing Positive Actions by the Government of Sudan and Providing for the Revocation of Certain Sudan-Related Sanctions 5331
13762 Jan. 13 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Justice 7619
13763 Jan. 13 Providing an Order of Succession Within the Environmental Protection Agency 7621
13764 Jan. 17 Amending the Civil Service Rules, Executive Order 13488, and Executive Order 13467 To Modernize the Executive Branch-Wide Governance Structure and Processes for Security Clearances, Suitability and Fitness for Employment, and Credentialing, and Related Matters 8115

( 8 Executive Orders issued total )

