Author:Carl Schurz/The New York Times editorials on Carl Schurz

The New York Times editorials on Carl Schurz

Below is a selection of editorials from The New York Times in which Carl Schurz is mentioned. See also New York Times articles on Carl Schurz and New York Times articles by Carl Schurz.

New York Times editorials on Carl Schurz

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Date Title
1892-11-12November 12, 1892 Carl Schurz for Senator
1898-01-21January 21, 1898 “Buying a Lawsuit”
1898-07-03July 3, 1898 The German Press on the War
1898-08-20August 20, 1898 Mr. Schurz on Our Foreign Policy
1898-09-25September 25, 1898 “Our Future Policy”
1898-10-03October 3, 1898 England and America
1898-10-23October 23, 1898 Carl Schurz on Roosevelt
1899-03-03March 3, 1899 Carl Schurz
1899-03-10March 10, 1899 The German-American
1899-04-09April 9, 1899 Militarism
1899-04-11April 11, 1899 Mr. Schurz and Militarism (The Times)
1899-10-20October 20, 1899 Mr. Schurz's Policy
1899-10-30October 30, 1899 Free Silver and Annexation
1900-07-17July 17, 1900 Mr. Schurz's Idea of “Infamy”
1900-07-26July 26, 1900 Mr. Schurz's Position
1900-09-05September 5, 1900 Mr. Schurz's Reckless Letter
1900-09-13September 13, 1900 Mr. Schurz's Surrejoinder
1900-09-29September 29, 1900 Mr. Schurz's Plea for Aguinaldo
1900-10-03October 3, 1900 An Alarm by Mr. Schurz
1902-07-28July 28, 1902 In the Last Ditch
1902-09-25September 25, 1902 The Case of “Father Augustine”
1906-05-15May 15, 1906 Carl Schurz (obituary comment)