Author:Frederick Wollaston Hutton
edit- Class Book of Elementary Geology (1875)
- Studies in Biology for New Zealand Students
Contributions to Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute
edit- Notes on the Birds of the Great Barrier Island (1868)
- Notes on the Birds of the Little Barrier Island (1868)
- Notes on the Basin of Te Tarata, Rotomahana (1868)
- Description of Arid Island, Hauraki Gulf (1868), co-authored with T. Kirk
- On the Geology of the Island of Pakihi (1868)
- Report on the Geology of the Great Barrier Island (1868)
- On the Mechanical Principles involved in the Flight of the Albatros (1868)
- On Sinking Funds (1868)
- Description of the Wangape Hot Springs (1868)
- Description of two Birds new to the Fauna of New Zealand (1869)
- On the introduction of the Pheasant into the Province of Auckland (1869)
- On the structure of the Leaf of Phormium tenax (1869)
- On the Geology of the North Head of Manukau Harbour (1869)
- On the Mechanical Principles involved in the Flight of the Albatros (1869)
- On Sinking Funds (1869)
- On the Nests and Eggs of some Species of New Zealand Birds not previously described (1870)
- On the Relative Ages of the Waitemata Series and the Brown Coal Series of Drury and Waikato (1870)
- On a Carbonaceous Mineral from Whangarei Harbour (1870)
- On the Artesian Wells near Napier (1870)
- On the Occurrence of Native Mercury near Pakaraka, Bay of Islands (1870)
- On Megapodius pritchardi, Gray (1871)
- On the Microscopical Structure of the Egg-shell of the Moa (1871)
- Notes on the Lizards of New Zealand, with Descriptions of Two New Species (1871)
- On some Moa Feathers (1871)
- On the New Zealand Chitonidæ (1871)
- Description of a Specimen of Mus rattus, L., in the Colonial Museum (1871)
- On the Bats of New Zealand (1871)
- On the Alluvial Deposits of the Lower Waikato, and the Formation of Islands by the River (1871)
- On the Sailing Flight of the Albatros; a Reply to Mr. J. S. Webb (1871)
- Description of New Birds and Minerals (1871)
- Note on the Southern Mutton Bird (Puffinus amaurosma) (1871)
- Critical Notes on some of the Birds of New Zealand (1871)
- Remarks on the Collection of Birds in the Otago Museum (1871)
- On the Flight of the Black-backed Gull (Larus dominicanus) (1872)
- Notes on some of the Birds brought by Mr. Henry Travers from the Chatham Islands, with Descriptions of the New Species (1872)
- Note on Colluricincla concinna, Hutton (1872)
- On the Geographical Relations of the New Zealand Fauna (1872)
- On the New Zealand Sertularians (1872)
- Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand (1872)
- On the Date of the Last Great Glacier Period in New Zealand and the Formation of Lake Wakatipu (1872)
- On the Occurrence of the Sprat and Anchovy at the Thames (1872)
- Lecture on the Formation of Mountains (1872)
- Notes on some New Zealand Fishes (1873)
- On a New Genus of Rallidæ (1873)
- Notes on the New Zealand Woodhens (Oeydromus) (1873)
- Notes by Captain Hutton on Dr. Buller's "Birds of New Zealand," with the Author's Replies thereto (1873)
- List of the Insects recorded as having been found in New Zealand previous to the Year 1870 (1873)
- On the Geological Structure of the Thames Gold Fields (1873)
- On the Formation of Mountains; a Reply to the Rev. O. Fisher (1873)
- Note on a Sea Trout caught in Otago Harbour (1873)
- Notice of the Earnscleugh Cave (1874)
- Description of some Plates of Baleen in the Otago Museum (1874)
- Description of some Moa Remains from the Knobby Ranges (1874)
- On the Dimensions of Dinornis Bones (1874)
- Description of two new Species of Aplysia (1874)
- Description of two new Species of Crustacea from New Zealand (1874)
- Observations on the different Modifications in the Capsules of Mosses, with reference to the Dispersion of their Spores (1874)
- Description of three new Tertiary Shells in the Otago Museum (1874)
- Notes on the Maori Cooking Places at the Mouth of the Shag River (1875)
- Description of the "Cow Fish," or "Bottle-nosed Dolphin" (Tursio metis) (1875)
- Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand (1875)
- On the Cause of the Former Great Extension of the Glaciers in New Zealand (1875)
- Notes on the Maori Rat (1876)
- Notes on the New Zealand Delphinide (1876)
- On the New Zealand Earth-worms (1876)
- Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand (1876)
- Contributions to the Entomology of New Zealand (1876)
- Corrections and Additions to the List of Polyzoa in the Catalogue of the Marine Mollusca of New Zealand (1873) (1876)
- Corrections and Additions to the Catalogue of the New Zealand Echinodermata (1872) (1876)
- Remarks on Dr. von Haast's Classification of the Moas (1876)
- On the Relation between the Pareroa and Ahuriri Formations (1876)
- Description of some Tertiary Mollusca, from Canterbury (1876)
- Second Note on the Maori Rat (1877)
- Notes on the New Zealand Myriopoda in the Otago Museum (1877)
- Contributions to the Conchology of New Zealand (1877)
- On Schivendener's Theory of the Nature of Lichens (1877)
- On a Fungus-penetrating Nostoc (1877)
- On Eudyptes schlegeli, Finsch (1877)
- Notes on some New Zealand Echinodermata, with Descriptions of new Species (1878)
- The Sea Anemones of New Zealand (1878)
- Catalogue of the hitherto-described Worms of New Zealand (1878)
- List of the New Zealand Cirripedia in the Otago Museum (1878)
- On a new Infusorian parasitic on Patella argentea (1878)
- Description of some new Slugs (1878)
- On Phalacrocorax carunculatus, Gmelin (1878)
- Notes on a Collection from the Auckland Islands and Campbell Island (1878)
- The Fauna of New Zealand (1878)
- Description of two new Crabs (1878)
- Notes on the New Zealand Shells in the "Voyage au Pôle Sud" (1878)
- On Anas gracilis, Buller (1879)
- Contributions to the Entomology of New Zealand (1879)
- Contributions to the Cœlenterate Fauna of New Zealand (1879)
- Additions to the List of New Zealand Worms (1879)
- The Diptera of New Zealand (1879)
- Description of a new Fish (1879)
- Contributions to New Zealand Malacology (1880)
- On Hymenoptera of New Zealand (1880)
- On the Orthoptera of New Zealand (1880)
- On the New Zealand Hydrobiinæ (1881)
- On a new Genus of Rissoinæ (1881)
- On the Fresh-water Lamellibranchs of New Zealand (1881)
- Notes on some Pulmonate Mollusca (1881)
- Notes on the Anatomy of the Bitentaculate Slugs of New Zealand (1881)
- Notes on some Branchiate Mollusca (1881)
- Exhibition of a Marine Spider and Vegetable Caterpillar (1881)
- Notes on the Structure of Struthiolaria papulosa (1882)
- Notes on some Branchiate Gastropoda (1882)
- Additions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand (1882)
- Descriptions of new Land Shells (1882)
- On the New Zealand Siphonariidæ (1882)
- Descriptions of some new Tertiary Shells from Wanganui (1882)
- Note on the Silt Deposit at Lyttelton (1882)
- On Specimens from the Weka Pass Rock Paintings, showing Stalagmite (1882)
- Notes on some New Zealand Land Shells, with Descriptions of new Species (1883)
- Revision of the Land Mollusca of New Zealand (1883)
- Notes on some Marine Mollusca, with Descriptions of new Species (1883)
- Revision of the recent Rhachiglossate Mollusca of New Zealand (1883)
- On the Lower Gorge of the Waimakariri (1883)
- The Fresh-water Shells of New Zealand belonging to the Family Limnæidæ (1884)
- On the Age of the Orakei Bay Beds near Auckland (1884)
- Descriptions of new Tertiary Shells (1884)
- On Earthquakes (1884)
- The Diamond Fields of South Africa (1884)
- Origin of the Fauna and Flora of New Zealand. Part II. (1884)
- Address by the President to the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury (1884)
- On the Geology of Scinde Island (1885)
- New Species of Tertiary Shells (1885)
- The Wanganui System (1885)
- River Terraces (1885)
- The Stone Age in Europe (1885)
- On the Geology of the Trelissick or Broken River Basin, Selwyn County (1886)
- On the so-called Gabbro of Dun Mountain (1886)
- On the Geology of the Country between Oamaru and Moeraki (1886)
- Note on the Geology of the Valley of the Waihao in South Canterbury (1886)
- The Volcanic Eruption in the North Island (1886)
- Note on the Rat that invaded Picton in March, 1884 (1887)
- Description of a new Land Shell from the Province of Nelson (1887)
- On some Railway Cuttings in the Weka Pass (1887)
- On the Greensands of the Waihao Forks (1887)
- On some Fossils lately obtained from the Cobden Limestone at Greymouth (1887)
- On some ancient Rhyolites from the Mataura District (1887)
- On a Leucophyre from the Selwyn Gorge (1887), co-authored with George Gray
- Note on two Volcanic Rocks from near Westport (1887)
- The Earthquake in the Amuri (1888)
- On the Goldfields of New Zealand (1888)
- List of the New Zealand Fishes (1889)
- On the Relatives Ages of the New Zealand Coalfields (1889)
- Note on the Geology of the Country about Lyell (1889)
- On Soils and Geological Fertilizers (1889)
- Revised List of the Marine Bryozoa of New Zealand (1890)
- Note on the Eruptive Rocks of the Bluff Peninsula, Southland (1890)
- The Moas of New Zealand (1891)
- On the Foliated Rocks of Otago (1891)
- Note on the Boulders in the Port Hills, Nelson (1891)
- Note of the Occurrence in New Zealand of the English Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa grisola) (1891)
- On New Species of Moas (1892)
- On Anomalopteryx antiqua (1892)
- On a New Plesiosaur from the Waipara River (1893)
- On Conchothyra parasitica (1893)
- Note on the supposed Fire-drill found in the Cave at Moa-bone Point, Sumner (1893)
- On the Axial Skeleton in the Dinornithidæ (1894)
- On the Occurrence of a Pneumatic Foramen in the Femur of a Moa (1894)
- On a New Species of Weta (Locustidæ) from Bounty Island (1894)
- On Majaqueus æquinoctialis, from Antipodes Island (1894)
- Notes on some New Zealand Fishes, with Description of a New Species (1895)
- On a Deposit of Moa-bones at Kapua (1895)
- On the Moa-bones from Enfield (1895)
- On the Behaviour of Two Artesian Wells at the Canterbury Museum (1895)
- Exhibit of Nests and Young of the Katipo (1895)
- The Stenopelmatidæ of New Zealand (1896)
- Note on the Mantis found in New Zealand (1896)
- The Moas of the North Island of New Zealand (1896)
- On the Leg-bones of Meionornis from Glenmark (1896)
- On Two Moa-skulls in the Canterbury Museum (1896)
- On Maori Stone Implements (1897)
- The Grasshoppers and Locusts of New Zealand and the Kermadec Islands (1897)
- Note on the Ancient Maori Dog (1897)
- On a Collection of Insects from the Chatham Islands, with Descriptions of Three New Species (1897)
- On the Phasmidæ of New Zealand (1897)
- Synopsis of the Hemiptera of New Zealand which have been described previous to 1896 (1897)
- Remarks on Palæolithic Implements from Africa (1897)
- Supplement to the Stenopelmatidæ of New Zealand (1898)
- Notes on the New Zealand Acrididæ (1898)
- Revision of the New Zealand Phasmidæ (1898)
- The Neuroptera of New Zealand (1898)
- Corrections in the Names of some New Zealand Rocks (1898)
- On a Supposed Rib of the Kumi, or Ngarara (1898)
- On the Footprint of a Kiwi-like Bird from Manaroa (1898)
- Notes on some New Zealand Orthoptera (1899)
- Note on Paryphanta lignaria (1899)
- On the Tipulidæ, or Crane-flies, of New Zealand (1899)
- The Geological History of New Zealand (1899)
- Synopsis of the Diptera brachycera of New Zealand (1900)
- Note on Chrysophanus feredayi (1900)
- Our Migratory Birds (1900)
- On a Small Collection of Diptera from the Southern pages Islands of New Zealand (1901)
- The Beetles of the Auckland Islands (1901), with T. Broun
- Additions to the Diptera Fauna of New Zealand (1901)
- On a New Fossil Pecten from the Chatham Islands (1901)
- On the Occurrence of Alepisaurus ferox on the Coast of New Zealand (1901)
- On a Marine Galaxias from the Auckland Islands (1901)
- Description of a New Fish (1903)
- On the Occurrence of Centrolophus in New Zealand (1903)
- Revision of the New Zealand Members of the Genus Phorocera (1903)
- Two New Flies (1903)
- On a New Weta from the Chatham Islands (1903)
- Description of a New Blow-fly from Campbell Island (1903)
- On the Occurrence of the Curlew-Sandpiper (Ancylochilus sub-arquatus) in New Zealand (1903)
- On the Occurrence of Graucalus melanops, Latham, in New Zealand (1904)
- The Formation of the Canterbury Plains (1904)
- Three New Tertiary Shells (1904)
- Revision of the Tertiary Brachiopoda of New Zealand (1904)
- On Crassatellites trailli (1905)
- On a Skeleton of Emeus crassus from the North Island (1905)
Works about Hutton
edit- "Hutton, Captain Frederick Wollaston," in The Dictionary of Australasian Biography, by Philip Mennell, London: Hutchinson & Co. (1892)
- In Memoriam: Captain F. W. Hutton in Transactions of the NZ Institute, Volume 38
Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1930, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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