editLatter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate
edit- Letter to Oliver Cowdery from Heber C. Kimball (Dec. 8, 1836)
editJournal of Discourses, Volume 1
edit- Believing the Bible—The Gospel—Persecution—Spirit-Rapping, etc. (July 11, 1852)
- Materials for the Temple—The Clay and the Potter (Oct. 9, 1852)
- Blessings of Faithfulness—Education of Children—President Brigham Young—The Clay and the Potter (Oct. 8, 1852)
- Funeral Address (Sept. 22, 1852)
- Going South—Building the Temple—Murmurers (Oct. 7, 1852)
- Condition of the People—Control of the Body—Individual Responsibility—Heaven and Hell—Building a Temple (Nov. 14, 1852)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 2
edit- A Prayer (April 6, 1853)
- Union of the Saints—Authority of the Priesthood—Power of God—Obedience—The Urim and Thummim, etc. (August 13, 1853)
- Obedience—The Spirit World—The Potter and the Clay (April 2, 1854)
- Contentment—Home Manufactures—The Priesthood—Tithing—Gathering—Building up Zion—Purification (Nov. 26, 1854)
- Obedience—The Priesthood—Spiritual Communication—The Saints and the World (September 17, 1854)
- The Power of the Gospel (Dec. 17, 1854)
- Privileges and Duties of the Saints (Sept. 19, 1852)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 3
edit- Exhortation to Faithfulness (Apr. 18, 1852)
- Education—The Resurrection—The World of Spirits (March 19, 1854)
- Iniquity—Saints Living Their Religion—Early Marriages (Oct. 6, 1855)
- Rebuking Iniquity—The Potter and the Clay—A Dream (Feb. 25, 1855)
- The Necessity of a Living Priesthood—The Utah Legislature (Jan. 27, 1856)
- Elders Called to go on Missions, etc. (Mar. 2, 1856)
- Wickedness Among the Saints, etc. (Feb. 24, 1856)
- The Devil to be Cast Out of the Earth, etc. (Mar. 9, 1856)
- Those Saints Who Have Not Seen the Wickedness of the World Cannot Appreciate Their Blessings, etc. (June 10, 1855)
- Men Must Save Themselves, etc. (Mar.23, 1856)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 4
edit- The Saints Should Prepare for Future Emergencies—Evil Spirits—Their Power and Organization—The Chain of the Priesthood—Angels are Ministering Spirits (June 29, 1856)
- Application of the Words of Helaman to the Condition of the Latter-day Saints (Sept. 21, 1856)
- Effects of a Murmuring Spirit, etc. (Nov. 2, 1856)
- Persons Not to be Baptized Until They Repent and make Restitution—All Sin to be Repented of Before Partaking of the Sacrament, etc. (Nov. 9, 1856)
- The Emigrant Saints—Children More Susceptible of Tuition than Adults (Nov. 9, 1856)
- Emigration—The Saints Warned to Repent or Judgements will come Upon Them (Sept. 28, 1856)
- God is our Father; Joseph Smith His Representative on the Earth; Brigham Young Joseph’s Legal Successor—Call for Teams to Meet Emigrants (Oct. 6, 1856)
- Remarks at the Funeral of President Jedediah M. Grant (Dec. 4, 1856)
- Reformation—A Test at Hand to Prove the Saints (Dec. 21, 1856)
- The Body of Christ—Parable of the Vine—A Wild Enthusiastic Spirit Not of God—The Saints Should Not Unwisely Expose Each Others’ Follies (Jan. 11, 1857)
- The Presidency—The Continuance of the Head with the body Depends on the Faithfulness of the Members—Men when They Die Cannot Take Their Earthly Possessions with Them—Elders Going on Missions with Hand-carts—The Vineyard, A Parable (Feb. 1, 1857)
- The Ax That Is Laid at the Root of the Tree—Regeneration—Products of Polygamy, a Numerous Offspring, etc. (Feb. 8, 1857)
- Obedience Produces Confidence—Consecration—Concentration of Interests, etc. (Mar. 1, 1857)
- Departed Spirits Continue with the Dispositions they Possessed on Earth—The Order and Necessary Unity of the Priesthood Illustrated—Counsel to the Married (Jan. 25, 1857)
- The “Deseret News,” Its Value—Worth and Virtue of Sacred Relics—Resurrection—Confidence in Our Leaders (Mar. 15, 1857)
- Journey to the North—Folly of Expecting to Sit at Ease in Zion—Progression—The Nations Under God’s Control—Prosperity of the Saints—Power of Brigham Young—The Gospel Alphabet (May 31, 1857)
- Utility of Correction—Necessity of Living Our Religion—Our Own Character Affecting Posterity—The Saints Blessed Above all Other People—Result of Rebellion Against Authority, etc. (June 7, 1857)
- The Fountain of Truth and the Fountain of Lies—The Work of God Cannot be Impeded—Oneness in the Priesthood—Election—Self-Justification—Spirit of Humility (Apr. 19, 1857)
- Opposition to the Priesthood, etc. (June 21, 1857)
- Limits of Forbearance—Apostates—Economy—Giving Endowments (Aug. 16, 1857)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 5
edit- Divine Mission of Joseph Smith—Stability of Mormonism—The Saints’ Enemies yet to Come to them for Succor—Home Manufacture—Distress of Nations (July 5, 1857)
- Temple and Endowments—Raising Grain and Building Storehouses—Dedication (April 6, 1857)
- The Latter-day Kingdom—Men not to be Governed by their Wives—Love to God Manifested by Love to His Servants (July 12, 1857)
- Oneness of the Priesthood—Impossibility of Obliterating Mormonism—Gospel Ordinances—Depopulation of the Human Species—The Coming Famine, etc. (July 2, 1857)
- Organization—Destruction of Zion’s Enemies—Oneness of Spirit in the Priesthood, etc. (August 2, 1857)
- Correction—Appointment of Governor—“Our Own Name”—The Coming Test, etc. (August 30, 1857)
- Faith in the Priesthood—Fruits of Faith—Laying up Grain—Gleaning—The Holy Ghost—Tree of Life, etc. (August 23, 1857)
- Reformation—Satisfaction Should be made to Parties Aggrieved—Practical Religion, &c. (October 12, 1856)
- Union of the Priesthood—Salvation of the American Nation—Punishment of the Saints’ Enemies, etc. (September 6, 1856)
- Possession of the One Spirit, Blessings Pertaining to the Righteous—Trial of the Saints, etc. (September 20, 1857)
- Spiritual Dissolution—Ignorance of the World (September 27, 1857)
- Divine Communications to the People Through Their Leaders—Peace the Result of Obedience—Prosperity of the Saints (October 18, 1857)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 6
edit- Truth, Life, and Light—God Acts Through Agents— Obedience Produces Knowledge, Which Supersedes Faith— The Spirit of Man—Revelation and Obedience Thereto, Etc. (November 8, 1857)
- Shedding Blood—God's Provision for His Saints (November 15, 1857)
- Faith and Works—Submission to Authority— The Lord's Provision for His Saints, Etc. (November 22, 1857)
- Unison—Light of the Spirit—Capabilities of the Saints to Provide for Their Own Wants, Etc. (November 29, 1857)
- Advancement in Gospel Principles—Order, Unity, and Authority of the Priesthood, Etc. (December 13, 1857)
- Enmity of Sectarian Priests Towards the Saints—Economy—Home Manufactures, Etc. (December 20, 1857)
- Increase in Saving Principles—Dedication—Home Produce and Manufacture, Etc. (December 27, 1857)
- Instructions and Counsel to Departing Missionaries (August 28, 1852)
- Discernment—Importance and Necessity of Being Tested—Honesty of Conduct—Faithfulness—Discipline, Etc. (April 6, 1854)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 7
edit- Sanctification (July 16, 1854)
- Adherence to “Mormonism”—Perpetual Emigration Fund (October 6, 1854)
- Inspiration—Importance of Heeding the Revelations of God, etc. (September 11, 1859)
- Greater Responsibilities of Those who Know the Truth, &c. (August 28, 1859)
- Oneness, &c. (October 7, 1859)
- Oneness of the Priesthood—Independence of Zion—Time and Eternity—Evil Habits and Practices, &c. (January 1, 1860)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 8
edit- Trials of the Saints, &c. (June 3, 1860)
- Temporal Salvation (June 7, 1860.)
- Practical Religion (June 10, 1860)
- Practical Religion (July 1, 1860)
- The Gospel Commission, &c. (September 2, 1860)
- Gospel of Salvation, &c. (September 2, 1860)
- Blessings (June 13, 1860)
- Blessings (June 12, 1860)
- Restoration of the Dead, &c. (November 25, 1860)
- Improvement, &c. (June 12, 1860)
- Principles of the Gospel— Consequences of Their Rejection (July 15, 1860)
- The Latter-day Kingdom—Connections of the Priesthood—Temporal Salvation, &c. (October 6, 1860)
- Evil Habits and Practices, &c. (December 16, 1860)
- Establishment of the Kingdom of God (June 3, 1860)
- Unity—Commandments of God, etc. (January 6, 1861)
- Gathering of the People of God in the Last Days—Return to Jackson County (February 17, 1861)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 9
edit- Spirit of Unity—Independence of Zion, &c. (April 6, 1861)
- Appreciation of Divine Gifts and Blessings—Return to Jackson County—Encouragement of Home Manufactures (April 7, 1861)
- Submission to Reproof, &c. (March 17, 1861)
- Cultivation of the Spirit of Truth—Trials of the Church, &c. (April 14, 1861)
- Salvation By Works (June 24, 1860)
- Observance of the Commandments of God (January 6, 1861)
- Living Our Religion—Obedience to Counsel (May 12, 1861)
- Obedience to the Commandments and Revelations of God (June 19, 1862)
- Early Persecutions—Certain Retribution (July 7, 1861)
- Building of the Temple—Necessity of Union (October 7, 1861)
- Necessity of the Saints Possessing the Spirit of Revelation (April 7, 1862)
- Proclamation of the Gospel to the Dead. Exhortation to Improvements (June 7, 1862)
- The Course the Saints Should Pursue and the Spirit They Should Cultivate (April 27, 1862)
- Gathering the Poor—Prosperity of the Gathered Saints—Home Manufactures (February 9, 1862)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 10
edit- Practical Religion--Instruction to Elders Going on Missions (May 4, 1862)
- Our Duties to God Paramount to All Other Obligations—Danger of Speculation (October 6, 1862)
- How to Gain Eternal Life—The Gathering of the Saints and the Agency by which it is to be Accomplished—Angels—Who and What are They (February 6, 1862)
- Building the Temple—Endowments—Counsel to Missionaries, Etc. (April 6, 1863)
- Advancement of the Saints—Unity of the Temporal and Spiritual Interests of the People—Faith and Works Inseperably Connected, Etc. (June 27, 1863)
- The Young Missionaries—Increasing Unbelief of the People of the World—Teachings of Jesus and His Disciples, Etc. (July 19, 1863)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 11
edit- Men Ought to Practise What They Teach—Necessity of Faithfulness on the Part of the Saints—The Young Ought to Live Their Religion—Blessings Received Through the Exercise of Faith (February 1, 1865)
- Eternity of the Kingdom of God—Continued Faithfulness of the Saints—Honesty to be Practised by Them (April 31, 1859)
- Others’ Sins, No Justification of Ours (October 6, 1865)
- Blessings Secured by Faithfulness (April 4, 1866)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 12
edit- Forbearance to Each Other—Necessity of Reading the Bible and Book of Mormon—Counsel to the Young Brethren (April 12, 1868)
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