Author:James Hector
edit- Expedition to the West Coast of Otago, New Zealand; with an Account of the Discovery of a Low Pass from Martin's Bay to Lake Wakatipu in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, volume 34 (1864)
- "Note to Mr. H. Woodward's Paper on a new Fossil Crab from the Tertiary of New Zealand" in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London volume 32, pages 53–56 (1876)
Contributions to Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute
edit- On recent Earthquakes and Wave Phenomena (1868)
- On the recent Earthquakes and Wave Phenomena observed in New Zealand (1868)
- On the Geographical Botany of New Zealand (1868)
- Account of Analyses made by Geological Survey Department (1868)
- Notice of a Sword-fish presented to the Museum by Dr. Knox (1868)
- On the Mineralogy of Gold in New Zealand (1868)
- On the Analysis of Auriferous Rocks from the Thames Gold Fields (1868)
- On New Zealand Mean Time (1868)
- Analyses of Waters from Hot Springs at Waiwera, near Mahurangi, Auckland (1868)
- On a species of Ophisurus, found on the Coast of New Zealand (1869)
- Notes on the Geology of the Outlying Islands of New Zealand; with extracts from Official Reports (1869)
- On Mining in New Zealand (1869)
- Comparative review of the way in which gold occurs in the North and South Islands of New Zealand (1869)
- On the Mud Fish (Neochanna apoda, Günther), from Hokitika (1869)
- Preliminary Notes on the bones of a fossil Penguin (1869)
- Geological Structure of the Kaimanawa Range (1870)
- Notes on Specimens of Adipocere (1870)
- On the Salmonidæ of New Zealand (1870)
- On a New Species of Fish, Coryphænoides Novæ Zelandiæ; Native name, Okarari (1870)
- Notes on the Geology of White Island (1870)
- On Recent Moa Remains in New Zealand (1871)
- Notes on the Fur Seal of New Zealand (Arctocephalus cinereus, Gray?) (1871)
- On the Remains of a Gigantic Penguin (Palæudyptes antarcticus, Huxley), from the Tertiary Rocks on the West Coast of Nelson (1871)
- Notice of a Meteor observed all over New Zealand (1871)
- Description of Additions to the Collections in Colonial Museum (1871)
- On the Wreck of a Vessel found inland on the West Coast (1871)
- Introduction of English Trout into Wellington, and mention of New Fishes (1871)
- On the Whales and Dolphins of the New Zealand Seas (1872)
- Anniversary Address of the President of the Wellington Philosophical Society (1872)
- List of Human, Moa, and other Bones found on Miramar Peninsula (1872)
- Account of the Turner Reef, Marlborough (1872)
- On Cnemiornis calcitrans, Owen, showing its Affinity to the Lamellirostrate Natatores (1873)
- Notes on Delphinus forsteri (1873)
- Notes of a Variation in the Dentition of Mesoplodon hectori, Gray (1873)
- Notice of Motella novæ-zealandiæ, n.s. (1873)
- On the Fossil Reptilia of New Zealand (1873)
- Anniversary Address of the President of the Wellington Philosophical Society (1873)
- Report on Samples of Stone from the Tokatea Tunnel (1873)
- Notes on New Zealand Ichthyology (1874)
- Notes on New Zealand Whales (1874)
- On Ergot in Rye Grass (1874)
- Notice of Ceratodus fosteri, Krefft, or Barramunda, of the Queensland Rivers (1874)
- Account of Soundings taken by the "Challenger" Expedition (1874)
- Notice of the New Zealand Avocet and Procellaria lessoni (1874)
- Notes on Birds observed during a voyage to England (1875)
- The Remains of a Dog found by Captain Rowan near White Cliffs, Taranaki (1876)
- Notes on the Antarctic Petrel (Priocella antarctica) (1876)
- Notes on New Zealand Ichthyology (1876)
- Notes on New Zealand Crustacea (1876)
- Notes on New Zealand Cetaceæ (1876)
- On a New Tribolite (Homalonotus expansus) (1876)
- Account of his recent travels (1876)
- Notes on the Whales of the New Zealand Seas (1877)
- On the Belemnites found in New Zealand (1877)
- Notice of an Albino of the New Zealand Crow (Glaucopis wilsoni) (1877)
- On the relative Ages of the Australian, Tasmanian, and New Zealand Coal-fields (abstract) (1877)
- On Regalecus gladius, and other additions to the Colonial Museum (1877)
- On the Mercurial Springs of the Bay of Islands (abstract) (1877)
- Notice of a new Species of Pomaderris (P. tainui) (1878)
- On the Fossil Flora of New Zealand (1878)
- On the Fossil Brachiopoda of New Zealand (1878)
- Remarks on Hæmatite and Spathic Iron Ores (1879)
- Account of the Sydney Exhibition (1879)
- On Neobalæna marginata and Kogia breviceps (1879)
- On a Deposit of Chalk recently discovered near Oxford in Canterbury (1879)
- On Moa Feathers
- Notice of a new Fish (1880)
- On the Distribution of the Auriferous Cements in New Zealand (1880)
- Explanation of Geological Map of New Zealand, prepared for Melbourne Exhibition (1880)
- Notes on New Zealand Cetacea, Recent and Fossil. Neobalæna marginata, Kogia breviceps, Orca gladiator, Balænoptera and Kekenodon onamata (1880)
- Notes on New Zealand Fishes (1880)
- Exhibition of Gold Quartz from Te Aroha and Terawhiti; Coal from Wairarapa; Galena and Zinc Blende from Tararua Mountains, and Description of Locality in which the Terawhiti Specimen was found (1880)
- On the Occurrence of the Salmon Trout in Nelson Harbour (1881)
- Address by the President of the Wellington Philosophical Society (1881)
- Description of Additions to the Museum (1881)
- Mention of Tin Ore in New Zealand (1881)
- Address by the President of the Wellington Philosophical Society (1881)
- Reported Capture of a Californian Salmon at Riverton (1881)
- Fossil Cetaceans (1881)
- New System of Telegraphic Weather Reports (1881)
- Remarks on New Zealand Sponges (1881)
- Remarks on Sphenodon güntheri (1881)
- Remarks on some Bones lately discovered by Mr. H. T. Wharton in Caves at Highfield, Canterbury (1882)
- Remarks on the Great Comet of 1882 (1882)
- Remarks on Cork grown at the Hutt (1882)
- Remarks on the Rev. Mr. Green's Ascent of Mount Cook (1882)
- Notes on New Zealand Ichthyology (1883)
- Remarks on Gold-bearing Quartz from Port Nicholson (1883)
- Note on a Calf of Kogia breviceps (1883)
- On Earthquake Disturbances in the Ocean (1883)
- Remarks on Tidal Waves (1883)
- On the Lower Miocene Formation in New Zealand (1883)
- On Oscillations of the Barograph and Celestial Glows, and their connection with recent Tidal Disturbances (1883)
- On Sunset Glows (1883)
- Notes on the Dolphins of the New Zealand Seas (1884)
- Note on Geological Structure of the Canterbury Mountains (1884)
- On the Geology of Kawhia Harbour and the Mokau Country (1884)
- On the Suitability of New Zealand White Pine when creosoted for Railway Sleepers (1884)
- On a Peculiar Form of Gold in Quartz (1884)
- Notes on Identity of Minerals from the Wade and Makara (1884)
- Address to the Wellington Philosophical Society (1886)
- Note on the Occultation of Jupiter and its Satellites, 16th April, 1886, as observed at Petone, N.Z. (1886)
- Additional Information concerning the Eruption at Rotomahana (1886)
- On the Occurrence of Black Sulphur in the Native State (1887)
- On the Importance of Tide-gauges, and Description of a simple Tide-gauge invented by the Author (1887)
- Remarks on a Collection of Rocks from the Kermadec Islands, made by Captain Fairchild (1887)
- On a small-sized Specimen of the Hapuka, Hectoria (Oligorus) gigas, Castelneau, caught in Wellington Harbour (1887)
- On Earthquakes in New Zealand (1887)
- On Bladder Fluke in Rabbits (1887)
- Remarks on Alumite from Australia (1888)
- Remarks on Fossil Plants of New Zealand (1889)
- On Patent Fuel (1890)
- Further Notes on New Zealand Fishes (1890)
- Notice of Salmon caught in Aparima River (1891)
- On the Coalfields of New Zealand (1891)
- Geology of the Kaikouras (1891)
- Notes on a Land Planarian (sent by F. V. Knapp, Hampden State School, Nelson) (1892)
- Notes on the Southern Seals (1892)
- On Acclimatised Salmon and Trout (1892)
- Notes on Guano from the Islands (1892)
- Notes on Supersulphate of Soda (1892)
- Remarks on a Fiji Snake imported with Bananas (1893)
- On Peripatus nova-zealandiæ (1893)
- Exhibit of Minerals from Cheviot (1893)
- On the Anatomy of Flight of Certain Birds (1894)
- On a New Shell (Anomia walteri) (1894)
- On a Discovery of Bones of Dinornis giganteus on the surface (1894)
- On Baryte: a Rare Form (1894)
- Pélé's Hair (Volcanic Glass-fibre) (1894)
- On the Occurrence of a Mineral Belt in the Heart of the great Schist-formation of Otago (1894)
- On Oyster-culture in New Zealand (1894)
- Remarks on Drawings of New Zealand Veronicas (1895)
- Note on the Geology of the Outlying Islands of New Zealand (1895)
- On a New Species of Luminous Fish (Polyipnus kirkii) (1895)
- On the Brunner Mine Disaster (1896)
- Notes on Moa-bones in Gold-drift (1896)
- Remarks on the Preservation of Ancient Maori Records (1896)
- Remarks on a Specimen of Osmium-iridium from Parapara (1896)
- Note on a Rain of Blood in Australia (1896)
- On a Specimen of Xiphias gladius, the Northern Swordfish (1897)
- Description of Recent Earthquakes, especially that of 21st September (1897)
- Remarks on a Skeleton of a Sea-leopardess (1897)
- Remarks on Scorpio afer (1897)
- Remarks on Parmophorus unguis (1897)
- Remarks on a Tooth of Pseudoscarus sp (1897)
- Remarks on a Skeleton of a Sea-lioness (1897)
- Notes on New Zealand Fishes (1901)
- Notes on the New Zealand Whitebait (1902)
Works about Hector
edit- "Hector, Sir James," in The Dictionary of Australasian Biography, by Philip Mennell, London: Hutchinson & Co. (1892)
- "Hector, James," in Dictionary of National Biography, 1912 supplement, London: Smith, Elder, & Co. (1912) in 3 vols.
Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1930, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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