Author:Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
edit- Family Happiness (Семейное счастие, 1859)
- also translated as Katia by William S. Gottsberger, 1887
- also translated as My Husband and I
- also translated as Family Happiness by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- War and Peace (Tolstoy) (Война и мир), published in serial installments from 1865 to 1867 (separate edition 1869), translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude in 1922-23
- also translated from the French as War and Peace by Clara Bell in 1886IA
- also volumes 5–8 in Leo Wiener's collection (transcription volumes: 1, 2, 3, 4)
- also War and Peace, Simplified Names Edition (transcription project)
- The Decembrists (Декабристы), 1868 drafts of an attempt to write a sequel to War and Peace
- Anna Karenina (Анна Каренина, published in serial installments from 1875 to 1877 (separate edition 1878)),
- Anna Karenina (Dole) translated by Nathan Haskell Dole in 1887
- Anna Karenina (Garnett) translated by Constance Garnett in 1917 (copied from Project Gutenberg)
- also volumes 9–11 in Leo Wiener's collection (transcription volumes: 1, 2, 3)
- Tolstoi's Astronomy, letter to the editor disputing astronomical facts in the book
- The Resurrection (Воскресение), 1899, exposing the injustice of the judiciary and the Church
- The Awakening: The Resurrection (translated by William E. Smith, 1900)
- Resurrection (translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude, 1899)
- Resurrection (translated by Herman Bernstein)
- Resurrection (part of The Complete Works of Count Tolstoy, tr. by Leo Wiener, 1904) (transcription volumes: 1, 2)
- Resurrection (translated by Archibald John Wolfe, 1920) (transcription volumes: 1, 2)
edit- Two Hussars (Два гусара, 1856) (transcription project)
- A Morning of a Landed Proprietor (Утро помещика (1856)), from an unfinished novel Tolstoy intended to entitle A Russian Proprietor.
- Albert (Альберт, 1858), translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- Polikushka: The Lot of a Wicked Court Servant (Поликушка, 1862) (transcription project)
- The Cossacks (Казаки, 1863, unfinished) (transcription project)
- The Death of Ivan Ilych (Смерть Ивана Ильича, 1884—86)
- also translated as The Death of Ivan Il'ich
- Diary of a Lunatic (Записки сумасшедшего, 1884—1903)
- The Kreutzer Sonata (Крейцерова соната, 1891), translation by Isabel Florence Hapgood
- The Devil (Дьявол), 1911), translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude IA
- Memoirs of a Mother (Мать, 1891)
- Master and Man (Хозяин и работник, 1895)
- Father Sergius (Отец Сергий, 1912), translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- Hadji Murad (Хаджи-Мурат, 1896—04, published in 1912), fictionalised story of an actual Avar rebel commander.
Dramatic plays
edit- The Fruits of Culture
- Redemption, 1900 play in which the main character doubts his wife's love, so runs away, leading to her re-marriage, his suicide, and closes with her realisation that she loved him.
- The Live Corpse, alternate translation
- The Man who was Dead, alternate translation
- Reparation, alternate translation
- The Cause of it All, 1910.
- The Power of Darkness (Власть тьмы), translated by Arthur Hopkins
- The Overthrow of Hell and Its Restoration a "dramatic dialogue" between Beelzebub and his angels, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- The First Distiller
- The Light Shines in Darkness, published posthumously
Autobiographical writings
edit- Autobiography
- Childhood (Детство)
- Boyhood (Отрочество)
- Youth (Юность)
- Youth, translated by C. J. Hogarth
- Childhood (Детство)
- The Journal of Leo Tolstoy, trans. 1917 by Rose Strunsky
- A Confession (Исповедь ,1882), or My Confession
- A Confession, translated by Aylmer Maude
- My Confession, published 1887 IA
- First Recollections
- A History of Yesterday, 1851, diary entry wherein Tolstoy records his thoughts
- The Claim of Love
- also translated as The Demands of Love
- Early Days
- Will and Testament
Short stories
edit- The Raid (Набег, 1853)
- The Cutting of the Forest (Рубка леса, 1855)
- also translated as The Wood-Felling
- Recollections of a Billiard-marker (Записки маркера, 1855) (translated by Nathan Haskell Dole, 1899)
- Memoirs of a Marker (translated by Leo Wiener, 1904)
- A Billiard-Marker's Notes (translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude, 1933)
- The Snowstorm, 1856
- Lucerne (Люцерн, 1857) (translated by Nathan Haskell Dole, 1899)
- Three Deaths (Три смерти, 1859)
- Kholstomer: the Story of a Horse (Холстомер, 1863) (translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- The Captive in the Caucasus (Кавказский пленник, 1872)
- also translated as A Prisoner in the Caucasus
- Astonishing Creatures (Удивительные существа, 1880)
- An Old Acquaintance, 1887, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- also translated as Meeting a Moscow Acquaintance in the Detachment by Louise and Aylmer Maude 1916
- The Coffee-House of Surat (Суратская кофейная, 1887)
- Too Expensive! (Дорого стоит, 1899)
- After the Dance (После бала, 1903; published 1911)
- Posthumous notes of the hermit Fëdor Kuzmích (Посмертные записки старца Федора Кузмича, 1905)
- Croesus and Solon (1910)
- Alyosha the Pot (Алеша Горшок, 1905; published 1911)
- also translated as Alexis
- Singing in the Village, 1909
- The Poor People, 1908
- Three Days in the Village (Три дня в деревне, 1909)
- Khodynka (Ходынка, 1910; published 1912)
- An Encounter, 1856
- Sevastopol Stories, 1855-56
- The Porcelain Doll, 1863
- Walk in the Light (Ходите в свете, пока есть свет, 1888)
- Walk in the Light While There is Light, 1893, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- Work While Ye Have the Light, translation by Emile Joseph Dillon IA
- A Dialogue Among Clever People, (Беседа досужих людей), published in 1892 as a prologue in Walk in the Light
- Work, Death, and Sickness, 1903
- Three Questions (1903)
- Diary of Alexander I, 1905
- The Bear-Hunt (Охота пуще неволи)
- Desire Stronger than Necessity, 1888, translated by N. H. Dole
- What Men Live By (Чем люди живы, 1881) (transcription project)
- also translated as What People Live By by Aline Delano, 1887
- also translated as What Shall it Profit a Man?
- The Two Brothers and the Gold (Два брата и золото, 1885)
- Ilyás (Ильяс, 1885) (transcription project)
- also translated as Elias
- Where Love Is, God Is (Где любовь, там и Бог, 1885)
- Evil Allures, But Good Endures (Вражье лепко, а божье крепко, 1885)
- also translated as Hatred is Sweet, but God is Strong
- Little Girls Wiser Than Men (Девчонки умнее стариков, 1885)
- also translated as The Wisdom of Children
- also translated as The Children Wiser than the Elders
- also translated as Little Girls wiser than old people (transcription project)
- A Spark Neglected Burns the House (Упустишь огонь — не потушишь, 1885)
- also translated as A Lost Opportunity, translated by Adolphus Norraikow
- Two Old Men (Два старика, 1885) (transcription project)
- The Candle (Свечка, 1885) (transcription project)
- The Story of Ivan the Fool (Сказка об Иване-дураке, 1885)
- The Three Hermits (Три старца, 1886) (transcription project)
- The Imp and the Crust (Как чертенок краюшку выкупал, 1886)
- The Repentant Sinner (Кающийся грешник, 1886)
- also translated as The Penitent Sinner
- A Grain As Big As A Hen's Egg (Зерно с куриное яйцо, 1886)
- How Much Land Does a Man Need? (Много ли человеку земли нужно, 1886)
- also translated as How Much Land Does a Man Require?
- The Godson (Крестник, 1886)
- also translated as The Godfather
- The Empty Drum (Работник Емельян и пустой барабан, 1886)
- Three Parables (Три притчи, 1895), translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- Esarhaddon, King of Assyria, 1903
- Russian Readers (Four books of short stories, fables, and didactic stories for children, 1875)
- Stories from Botany (transcription project)
- Stories from Physics (transcription project)
- Stories from the New Speller
- Stories of my Dogs
- Scenes from Common Life, 1888
- Tales from Zoology, 1898 (transcription project)
- Yermak, the Conqueror of Siberia, 1899, about Yermak Timofeyevich
- Fables for Children, translated by Leo Wiener (transcription project)
- Fables Paraphrased from the Indian and Imitations
- God Sees the Truth, But Waits
- also translated as Exiled to Siberia
- also translated as The Long Exile [1]
- The Great Bear, translated by Rochelle S. Townsend
- A Just Judge,
- The Lion and the Puppy
Short story collections
edit- In Pursuit of Happiness (1887), translated by Aline Delano
- Where There Is Love There Is God -- How Much Land a Man Needs -- The Two Pilgrims -- Illyás
- Tales from Tolstoi (1901), translated by R. Nisbet Bain
- Master and Man -- How much land does a man require? -- How the little demon earned his stolen crust of bread -- Where love is there God is also -- The candle: or how the good Muzhik overcame the evil overseer -- Neglect a fire and 'twill overmaster thee -- Two old men -- What Men Live By -- God sees the right, though he be slow to speak -- The grain that was like an egg -- Three old men -- The Godfather
- More Tales from Tolstoi (1902), translated by R. Nisbet Bain
- Popular Stories and Legends IA
- Twenty-three Tales (1906), translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- God Sees the Truth, but Waits -- A Prisoner in the Caucasus -- The Bear-Hunt -- What Men Live By -- A Spark Neglected Burns the House -- Two Old Men -- Where Love Is, God Is -- The Story of Iván the Fool -- Evil Allures, But Good Endures -- Little Girls Wiser Than Men -- Ilyás -- The Three Hermits -- The Imp and the Crust -- How Much Land Does a Man Need? -- A Grain as Big as a Hen's Egg -- The Godson -- The Repentant Sinner -- The Empty Drum -- The Coffee-House of Surat -- Too Dear! -- Esarhaddon, King of Assyria -- Work, Death and Sickness -- Three Questions
- The Forged Coupon and Other Stories (1911), translated by Charles Theodore Hagberg Wright
- Master and Man (1911)
- My Husband and I (1916), translator not mentioned IA
Non-fiction and essays
edit- Articles in Yásnaya Polyána (1862–3)
- Who Should Learn Writing of Whom; Peasant Children of Us, or We of Peasant Children?
- A Project for a General Plan for Elementary Schools
- On Popular Education, 1862
- Education and Instruction, 1872
- Progress and the Definition of Education, 1874
- Instruction, 1875
- Yasnaya Polyana School, 1862 description of a school he ran on his estate
- What to Do?, 1887, translated by Isabel F. Hapgood IA
- Article on the Census in Moscow (О переписи в Москве, 1882)
- Thoughts Evoked by the Census of Moscow (Так что же нам делать? written 1882-5, published in 1886)
- On the Significance of Science and Art
- On Labor and Luxury
- To Women
- Church and State (Церковь и государство, 1882), translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- The Gospel in Brief (Краткое изложение Евангелия), translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- also, The Spirit of Christ's Teaching, trans. anonymously in 1887
- My Religion (В чем моя вера?, 1884), translated by Huntington Smith
- What I Believe, translated by Constantine Popoff
- What I Believe, (В чём моя вера?, 1884), translated with God's spirit by EarthlyFireFlies, 2020
- Nikolai Palkin (Николай Палкин, 1886)
- On Life (О жизни, 1888)
- Life, translated by Isabel F. Hapgood IA
- On Life, IA
- The Feast of Enlightenment of January Twenty-Four (Праздник просвещения 12 января, 1889)
- also translated as January 12 Education Day (Праздник просвещения 12 января, 1889), by EarthlyFireFlies, 2020
- Industry; or, the Farmer's Triumph, essay introducing Bondarev's Book (1889)
- Labour: The Divine Command, translated by Mary Cruger
- Why Do Men Stupefy Themselves? (Для чего люди одурманиваются? 1890), work condemning tobacco and alcohol consumption
- Why Do Men Stupefy Themselves?, translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- Why Do People Stupefy Themselves?, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- The First Step (Первая ступень, 1891), essay advocating a vegetarian diet as being in line with Christian ethics of non-violence, translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude IA
- also translated as The First Step, by Nathan Haskell Dole (1899)
- also published as The Morals of Diet
- Famine articles:
- A Terrible Question (Страшный вопрос, November 1891)
- Means of Helping the Population Suffering from Bad Harvests (О средствах помощи населению, пострадавшему от неурожая, November, 1891)
- Help for the Starving (О голоде, January 1892)
- In the Midst of the Starving (Отчет с 3 декабря 1891 г. по 12 апреля 1892 г., 1892)
- Famine or Not Famine (Голод или не голод? 1898)
- The Kingdom of God is Within You (Царство божие внутри вас, 1893)
- Religion and Morality (Религия и нравственность, 1893)
- Non-Activity (Неделание, 1893)
- Patriotism and Christianity (Христианство и патриотизм, 1894)
- The Christian Teaching (Христианское учение, 1895), translated with spirit by EarthlyFireFlies, 2020
- Shame! (Стыдно, 1895)
- Doukhobór Articles
- Persecution of Christians in Russia (1895)
- Help! (1896)
- The Emigration of the Doukhobors (1898)
- How to Read the Gospels (Как читать евангелие и в чем его сущность? 1896)
- To God or Mammon, (Богу или маммоне? 1896)
- The Beginning of the End (Приближение конца, 1896)
- Two Wars (Две войны, 1898)
- Carthago Delenda Est, 1899
- The Slavery of Our Times (Рабство нашего времени, 1900)
- Thou Shalt Not Kill (Не убий, 1900) Response to the assassination of Italy's King Humbert, written in 1900 and banned in both Russia and Germany, it lays the blame for violence on the state itself.
- Patriotism and Government (Патриотизм и правительство, 1900)
- To the Tsar and His Assistants (Царю и его помощникам , 1901)
- To The Working People (К рабочему народу, 1902)
- Demands of Love and Reason, 1902 (Extracts from published and unpublished writings)
- What is Religion? and other new articles and letters IA (tr. by V. G. Tchertkoff)
- What the Orthodox Religion Really Is, 1904 in the Revue de Paris
- Forward to article “On Revolution” (written by V. G. Tchertkoff) (Предисловие к статье В.Г.Черткова «О революции», 1904), translated by EarthlyFireFlies, 2020
- A Great Iniquity (Великий грех, 1905)
- The One Thing Needful (Единое на потребу, 1905) (external scan)
- Tolstoy on Shakespeare (О Шекспире и о драме, 1906)
- Tolstoy on Pascal, (1906)
- An Appeal to Russians: To the Government, the Revolutionists and the People (Обращение к русским людям. К правительству, революционерам и народу, 1906)
- The Meaning of the Russian Revolution (О значении русской революции, 1906), translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- What's to be Done? (Что же делать?, 1906), translated by Aylmer Maude
- Why the Christians are in such distress now (Почему христианские народы вообще и в особенности русский находятся теперь в бедственном положении, 1907)
- The Relations of the Sexes, 1908
- The Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria (О присоединении Боснии и Герцеговины к Австрии, 1908: tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- Take Me! I Will Not Cease Writing. A Challenge, published in London's Daily News, August 8, 1908[1]
- I Cannot Be Silent, a response to the 1908 hanging of twenty peasants who had assaulted their landowner, condemning capital punishment (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- also published as The Hanging Czar: An Indictment of the Russian Government
- The Law of Violence and the Law of Love (Закон насилия и закон любви, 1908)
- Tolstoy's Protest, 1908 (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)[1]
- The Teaching of Jesus. A Simple Rendering (Учение Христа, изложенное для детей, 1908; tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)[2]
- also translated as The teaching of Christ, narrated for children (Учение Христа, изложенное для детей, 1908)
- The Inevitable Revolution (Неизбежный переворот, 1909)
- It is Time to Understand (Пора понять, 1909; tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- A Talk With a Wayfarer, 1909 or 1910 (Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- A Comparison of America and Europe, 1909
- Last Message to Mankind, written for the 1909 International Peace Congress held in Stockholm., condemning military service and war.
- Flow of Water (Течение воды, 1886)
- The Blessing of Love (Благо Любви, 1908)
- Superstition of the State (Суеверие государства, 1910)
- "Must It Be So?" (1911), translated anonymously in The Masses (however, the translator was most likely Thomas Seltzer)
- "Appeal to Social Reformers," in Man or the State? (pp. 100−117), (ed.) by Waldo Ralph Browne, New York: B. W. Huebsch (1919)
edit- Our Understanding of Life
- A Primer on Popular Instruction
- A New Primer
- Children, Love One Another, a public address (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- What is Art? (1898)
- The Only Commandment
- How Shall We Escape?, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Bethink Yourselves!, on the Russo-Japanese war
- The Root of the Evil, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- The Meaning of Life, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Right and Wrong, pre-1902 by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- The Only Means (1901)
- Reason, Faith and Prayer
- An Appeal to the Clergy
- An Appeal to Social Reformers
- A Criticism of Dogmatic Theology
- A Calendar of Wisdom, 1910 collection of 365 different quotes, treatises and thoughts
- A Talk Among Leisured People, 1893, translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
- An Efficient Remedy, 1910 article that appeared in the St. Petersbeurg Rietch
- Tolstoy on Lincoln, interview from the New York World, Feb. 7, 1909
- Trust Yourself. An Appeal To Young People (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- Forty Years, a religious legend published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
vol.1 Internet Archive identifier: fourgospelsharm00tolsgoog vol.1, vol.2 Internet Archive identifier: fourgospelsharm02tolsgoog vol.2
- The Physiology of War IA
- The End of the Age and the Crisis in Russia IA
- Letters on the Personal Christian Life, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Some Social Remedies, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Thoughts on God, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Christ's Christianity (London: Kegan Paul & Co., 1885), collection of three works: "How I Came to Believe", "What I Believe", and "The Spirit of Christ’s Teaching".
Literary Criticism
edit- Introduction to Tokology by w:Alice Bunker Stockham (Предисловие к книге д-ра медицины Алисы Стокгэм «Токология, или Наука о рождении детей», 1890)
- Preface to Journal of Henri Frederic Amiel, (Предисловие к переводу «Дневника» Амиеля, 1894)
- Introduction to Semenov's Peasant Stories (Предисловие к «Крестьянским рассказам С. Т. Семенова», 1894)
- Introduction to Semenov's Peasant Stories, translated by Leo Wiener
- Introduction to the Peasant Stories of S. T. Semenof, translated by Nathan Haskell Dole
- The Works of Guy de Maupassant (Предисловие к сочинениям Ги де Мопассана, 1894)
- Introduction to Modern Science (Предисловие к статье Э. Карпентера «Современная наука», 1898)
- For a Single Word, 1908 (tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude)
- Introduction to The Farmer's Triumph, pre-1898
- Introduction to Stop and Think!, pre-1898
- Introduction to Wherein is Truth in Art?, pre-1898
- Introduction to Thoughts About God, pre-1898
- Introduction to Life of William Lloyd Garrison, pre-1903
- Letter to Tcherktoff "On the Negro Question", dealing with the writings of William Lloyd Garrison, an abolitionist.
- Preface to N. Orlov's picturebook Russian Peasants
edit- Letter to his son Ilia, between 1882-1886 when Ilia was 16-20 years old.
- Second letter to his son Ilia, between 1882-1886 when Ilia was preparing to marry.
- Third letter to his son Ilia, between 1882-1886
- Letter to L. D. Urusov, May 5, 1885. Translated by Edward Bernstein.
- Letter to Great-Aunt Alexandra about his children, 1872
- Correspondence with the Doukhobor community in Canada, 16 letters from Tolstoy to Peter Vasil'evich Verigin, written from 1895-1910, and 22 replies from Verigin.
- Reason and Religion (letter to A.G. Rozen; written 1894, published 1895)
- Letter to Morrison Davidson, about a book that Davidson mailed him, September 10, 1895.
- Letter to Ernest Crosby, 1896 letter dealing with non-resistance
- Letter requesting a Nobel Prize be awarded to the Doukhbours, "Nobel's Bequest", November 1897
- Letter on Suicide, 1898, written to a personal friend
- Letter to a Chinese Gentleman, written in 1899
- Letter to T. A. Ushakoff, 1900, June 9.
- Letter to Arvid Yarnefelt, 1900, June 20.
- Letter to Alexis C. Blakhopuloff, 1900, June 20.
- Letter to the Free Age Press, 1900
- Letter to the Persian ambassador to Russia, 1901
- Letter on the Religious Relation to Life, February 2, 1902
- Letter to Swedish scientists, writers and artists, 1902 upon being told that they regretted he had not received a Nobel Prize
- Letter to Aylmer Maude, 1903 regarding a dispute about his translations
- Letter to M. Sabatier, 7/20 Nov. 1906.
- Letter to Premanand Bharati, 16 Jan./3 Febr. 1907.
- Letter to a Peasant on Science, 1909
- Letter to a Student on Jurisprudence, 1909
- A Letter to a Student About Law, 1909
- Correspondence between Tolstoy and Gandhi, 1909 forward
- What to Teach Children, a letter published in the December 4, 1909 edition of The Nation
- Letter to V.A. Posse on the Importance of Studying Ancient Religions, 1910
- Letter to a Kind Youth, published in 1912
- Letter to a Non-Comissioned Officer
- Love letters, translated by Virginia Woolf in "Translations from the Russian"
- Letter to Isabella Grinevskaya, a letter discussing the Ba`hai faith structure
- Letter to the Czar on the Kishineff massacre of Jews
- Reason, Faith and Prayer: Three Letters, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903 (transcription project)
- Letters on War, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Reply to Critics, tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- A Reply to Criticisms, tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- Letter to Dr. Eugen Heinrich Schmitt, tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- Letter on Henry George (I), tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- Letter on Henry George (II), tr. Nathan Haskell Dole
- Letter to John Coleman Kenworthy[2]
- Patriotism, or Peace?
- Letter to the Peace Conference
- Manual Labour and Intellectual Activity
- Letter to N. N. (transcription project)
- A Letter to Russian Liberals, August 31 1896
- A Letter to a Hindu, 1908
Collected works
edit- The Complete Works of Count Tolstoy, collected works in 24 volumes translated by Leo Wiener (Boston: D. Estes, 1904)
- v. 1. Childhood, Boyhood, Youth; The incursion. (transcription project)
- v. 2. A Landed Proprietor; The Cossacks; Sevastopol. (transcription project)
- v. 3. A Moscow Acquaintance; The Snow-Storm; Domestic Happiness; Miscellanies. (transcription project)
- v. 4 Pedagogical Articles; Linen-Measurer. (transcription project)
- v. 5-8. War and Peace. (transcription volumes: 1, 2, 3, 4)
- v. 9-11. Anna Karénin. (transcription volumes: 1, 2, 3)
- v. 12. Fables for Children; Stories for Children; Natural Science Stories; Popular Education; Decembrist; Moral Tales (transcription project)
- Volume 13
- v. 14-15. The Four Gospels Harmonized and Translated. (transcription volumes: 1, 2)
- v. 16. My Religion; On Life; Thoughts on God; On the Meaning of Life. (transcription project)
- v. 17. What shall we do then? On the Moscow Census; Collected Articles (transcription project)
- Volume 18
- v. 19. Walk in the Light while ye have Light; Thoughts and Aphorisims; Letters; Miscellanies. (transcription project)
- v. 20. The Kingdom of God is within you; Christianity and Patriotism; Miscellanies. (transcription project)
- v. 21. Resurrection, v. 1 (transcription project)
- v. 22. Resurrection, v. 2.; What is art? The Christian teaching. (transcription project)
- v. 23. Miscellaneous Letters and Essays. (transcription project)
- v. 24. Latest Works; Life; General Index; Bibliography (transcription project)
- v. 25. Hadji Murad. (transcription project)
- v. 26. The Light that Shines in the Darkness; The Man Who Was Dead; The Cause of It All. (transcription project)
- v. 27. The Forged Coupon; After the Dance; Alyosha the Pot; Miscellaneous Stories. (transcription project)
- v. 28. Father Sergius; The Wisdom of Children; Miscellaneous Stories. (transcription project)
- The Complete Works of Lyof N. Tolstoï, Collected works in 20 original volumes in set of 11 double physical volumes. With one additional volume (resurrection) edited and translated by Nathan Haskell Dole, with additional translations by Aylmer Maude and Isabel Hapgood (Crowell: 1899) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - other volumes? Scans are of disparate quality.
- The Novels and Other Works of Lyof N. Tolstoï (22 volumes, 1902 ed., tr. Aylmer Maude, New York, Charles Scribners Sons; the 1904 ed. has 24 volumes) A reprint of the above in single volumes, also containing a mix of scan qualities.
- v. 1-6 War and Peace. (transcription volumes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
- v. 7-9. Anna Karenina. (transcription volumes: 1, 2, 3)
- v. 10. Childhood, Boyhood, Youth. (transcription project)
- v. 11. The Cossacks; Sevastopol. (transcription project)
- v. 12. The Invaders, and Other Stories. (transcription project)
- v. 13. A Russian Proprietor, and Other Stories. (transcription project)
- v. 14. The Death of Ivan Ilyitch, and Other Stories. (transcription project)
- v. 15. The Long Exile, and Other Stories. (transcription project)
- v. 16. Master and Man. Kreutzer Sonata. Dramas. (transcription project)
- v. 17. My Confession. My Religion. The Gospel in Brief. (transcription project)
- v. 18. What is to be done? Life. (transcription project)
- v. 19. The Kingdom of God is Within You. What is Art? (transcription project)
- v. 20. Essays, Letters, Miscellanies. (transcription project)
- v. 21-22. Resurrection. (transcription volumes: 1, 2)
- The Works of Leo Tolstoy (Tolstoy Centenary Edition), ed. and translated by Aylmer Maude and Louise Maude (OUP: 1928-37)
Works about Tolstoy
edit- About Tolstoy's Last Days, 1910 by Vladimir G. Tchertkoff
- Article on Leo Tolstoy in London's Vegetarian newsletter, December 21 1889
- "Biography" in More Tales from Tolstoi (1902) by R. Nisbet Bain
- Count Tolstoi and the Public Censor, by Isabel Hapgood
- Count Tolstoy in Thought and Action, by Robert Edward Crozier Long
- Decree of Excommunication of Leo Tolstoy, 1901
- L. N. Tolstoy and the Modern Labour Movement, November 1910 by Vladimir Lenin
- Leo Tolstoy: Childhood and Early Manhood, by Paul Birukoff[3]
- Leo Tolstoy: His Life and Work, 1911 by Paul Birukoff
- The Life of Tolstoy, 1911 by Paul Birukoff (transcription project)
- Life of Tolstoy, by Romain Rolland (La Vie de Tolstoï, 1911)
- Leo Tolstoy, 1908 by Arthur Stanley TurbervilleIA
- Recollections of Tolstoy by C. A. Behrs IA
- Reminiscences of Leo Nicolayevitch Tolstoi, 1920 by Maxim Gorky
- Reminiscences of Tolstoy, by his son Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy (transcription project)
- The Revivalism of Leo Tolstoy in Prophets of Dissent: Essays on Maeterlinck, Strindberg, Nietzsche and Tolstoy, 1918 by Otto Heller
- A Run through Russia: the Story of a Visit to Count Tolstoi, 1894 by William Wilberforce NewtonIA
- Tolstoy and Shakespeare (1941) by George Orwell
- Leo Tolstoy. Prophet of Europe, 1902 by John C. Kenworthy
- Tolstoy the Teacher, 1921 by Charles Baudouin
- "Tolstoy, Leo," by Charles Theodore Hagberg Wright in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- The Tragedy of Tolstoy, 1933 by Leo's daughter Aleksandra[4]
- Tolstoi by William Lyon Phelps as part of Essays on Russian Novelists
- The Teaching of Tolstoy, published by The Free Age Press pre-1903
- Tolstoy and the Cult of Simplicity, by G.K. Chesterton
- Tolstoi and Christianity as it appeared in the 1920 The Principles of Revolution by Cecil Delisle Burns
- Tolstoy Is Dead; Long Fight Over, 1910 obituary in the New York Times
- Tolstoy's Newly Published Diary and Letters, 1922 in the New York Times
- The Social Significance of the Modern Drama/Tolstoy in The Social Significance of the Modern Drama, by Emma Goldman (1914)
- Tolstoy (1918) by George Rapall Noyes (transcription project)
- The Life of Count Lyof N. Tolstoï (1911) by Nathan Haskell Dole (transcription project)
- Tolstoy the Man (1904) by Edward Alfred Steiner (transcription project)
On his works
edit- "Anna Karenina," in The New International Encyclopædia, New York: Dodd, Mead and Co. (1905)
edit- ↑ 1.0 1.1 International Institute of Social History. "Archives Charles William Daniel Company: Manuscripts of 'Tolstoy'-translations".
'Tolstoy's Protest' by Leo Tolstoy. Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude. With a clipping of the same article, entitled: 'Take Me! I Will Not Cease Writing, A Challenge, By Count Leo Tolstoy', published in The Daily News , August 8, 1908. 2 English and 1 Russian copy. 1908. 1 cover
- ↑ IISG.
The Teaching of Jesus. A Simple Rendering' by Leo N. Tolstoy. Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude. 3 copies. 1908. 1 cover
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Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1930, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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