Cicero chronologically:
85 BC | 81 BC | 80BC | 76 BC | 70 BC | 69 BC | 68 BC | 67 BC | 66 BC | 65 BC | 64 BC | 63 BC | 62 BC | 61 BC | 60 BC | 59 BC | 58 BC | 57 BC | 56 BC | 55 BC | 54 BC | 53 BC | 52 BC | 51 BC | 50 BC | 49 BC | 48 BC | 47 BC | 46 BC | 45 BC | 44 BC | 43 BC |
In this year Cicero devoted much of his time and energy to the composition of the de Oratore. He was glad to be away from Rome, for though he had resolved to give up his opposition to the triumvirs, he was never really happy in supporting or even witnessing their policy, and the first letter betrays his sentiments as to the way in which the consuls had secured their election. His fear of an autocracy, however, seems now to be directed rather to Pompey than Caesar; nor was he at all charmed by the splendour of the games given at the opening of Pompey's new theatre. The only extant speech is that against L. Calpurnius Piso (consul B.C. 58) who had been recalled from Macedonia.
edit- CXVII: To Atticus at Rome, from Tusculum
- CXVIII: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, January
- CXIX: To Quintus in the country, from Rome, February
- CXX: To Atticus at Rome, from Cumae, 20 April
- CXXI: To Atticus at Rome, from Cumae, 28 April
- CXXII: To Quintus at Rome, from Cumae, April
- CXXIII: To Atticus at Rome, from Cumae, April
- CXXIV: To Atticus at Rome, from Cumae, April
- CXXV: To M. Fadius Gallus, from Rome, May
- CXXVI: To M. Marius at Cumae, from Rome, October
- CXXVII: To Q. Philippus, proconsul in Asia, from Rome
- CXXVIII: To Q. Ancharius, proconsul in Macedonia, from Rome
- CXXIX: To Atticus at Rome, from Tusculum, 15 November