Author:Sylvia Plath
edit- "Admonitions"
- "Aerialist"
- "Aftermath" (1959)
- "Alicante Lullaby" (1956, published 1971)
- "All the Dead Dears" (1957)
- "Amnesiac" (1962)
- "Among the Narcissi" (1962)
- "Apotheosis" (1956)
- "An Appearance" (1962, published 1965)
- "The Applicant" (1962)
- "Apprehensions" (1962, published 1971)
- "April"
- "Aquatic Nocturne"
- "Ariel" (1962)
- "The Arrival of the Bee Box" (1962, published 1971)
- "The Babysitters" (1961)
- "Balloons" (1963)
- "Barren Woman" (1961)
- "Battle-Scene from the Comic Operatic Fantasy The Seafarer" (1958)
- "The Bee Meeting" (1962)
- "The Beekeeper's Daughter" (1959)
- "The Beggars" (1956)
- "Berck-Plage" (1962)
- "A Birthday Present" (1962)
- "Bitter Strawberries"
- "Black Pine Tree in an Orange Light"
- "Black Rook in Rainy Weather" (1956)
- "Blackberrying" (1961)
- "Blue Moles" (1959)
- "Bluebeard"
- "Brasilia" (1962)
- "Bucolics" (1956)
- "The Bull of Bendylaw" (1959)
- "Burning the Letters" (1962)
- "The Burnt-out Spa" (1959)
- "By Candlelight" (1962)
- "Candles" (1960)
- "Channel Crossing" (1956)
- "Child" (1963)
- "Child's Park Stones" (1958)
- "Childless Woman" (1962)
- "Cinderella"
- "Circus in Three Rings"
- "The Colossus" (1959)
- "The Companionable Ills" (1958)
- "Contusion" (1963)
- "Conversation Among the Ruins" (1956)
- "The Courage of Shutting-Up" (1962)
- "The Couriers" (1962)
- "Crossing the Water" (1962)
- "Crystal Gazer" (1956)
- "Cut" (1962)
- "Daddy" (1962)
- "Danse macabre"
- "Dark Wood, Dark Water" (1959)
- "The Dead"
- "Death & Co." (1962)
- "The Death of Myth-Making" (1958)
- "Denouement"
- "Departure" (1956)
- "The Detective" (1962)
- "Dialogue Between Ghost and Priest" (1956)
- "Dialogue En Route"
- "The Disquieting Muses" (1957)
- "Dirge for a Joker"
- "The Dispossessed"
- "Doom of Exiles"
- "Doomsday"
- "The Dream"
- "Dream with Clam-Diggers" (1956)
- "Eavesdropper" (1962)
- "Edge" (1963)
- "Electra on Azalea Path" (1959)
- "Ella Mason and Her Eleven Cats" (1956)
- "Elm" (1962)
- "Epitaph for Fire and Flower" (1956)
- "Epitaph in Three Parts"
- "Event" (1962)
- "The Everlasting Monday" (1957)
- "The Eye-mote" (1959)
- "Fable of the Rhododendron Stealers" (1958)
- "Face Lift" (1961)
- "Family Reunion"
- "Faun" (1956)
- "The Fearful" (1962)
- "Female Author"
- "Fever 103°" (1962)
- "Fiesta Melons" (1956)
- "Finisterre" (1961)
- "Firesong" (1956)
- "For a Fatherless Son" (1962)
- "Frog Autumn" (1958)
- "Full Fathom Five" (1958)
- "Getting There" (1962)
- "The Ghost's Leavetaking" (1958)
- "Gigolo" (1963)
- "The Glutton" (1956)
- "Go get the goodly squab"
- "Goatsucker" (1959)
- "Gold mouths cry"
- "The Goring" (1956)
- "The Great Carbuncle" (1957)
- "Green Rock, Winthrop Bay" (1958)
- "Gulliver" (1962)
- "The Hanging Man" (1960)
- "Hardcastle Crags" (1957)
- "Heavy Women" (1961)
- "The Hermit at Outermost House" (1959)
- "I Am Vertical" (1961)
- "I Want, I Want" (1958)
- "In Midas' Country" (1958)
- "In Plaster" (1961)
- "Incommunicado" (1958)
- "Insolent storm strikes at the skull"
- "Insomniac" (1961)
- "The Jailer" (1962)
- "Jilted"
- "Kindness" (1963)
- "The Lady and the Earthenware Head" (1957)
- "Lady Lazarus" (1962)
- "Lament"
- "Landowners" (1956)
- "Last Words" (1961)
- "Lesbos" (1962)
- "A Lesson in Vengeance" (1957)
- "Letter in November" (1962)
- "Leaving Early" (1960)
- "Letter to a Purist" (1956)
- "A Life" (1960)
- "Little Fugue" (1962)
- "Lorelei" (1958)
- "Love Letter" (1960)
- "Love Is a Parallax"
- "Lyonnesse" (1962)
- "Magi" (1960)
- "Maudlin" (1956)
- "Magnolia Shoals" (1959)
- "Man in Black" (1959)
- "The Manor Garden" (1959)
- "Mary's Song" (1962)
- "Mayflower" (1957)
- "Medallion" (1959)
- "Medusa" (1962)
- "Memoirs of a Spinach-Picker" (1958)
- "Metamorphoses of the Moon"
- "Metaphors" (1959)
- "Midsummer Mobile"
- "Million Dollar Month" (1950)
- "Mirror" (1961)
- "Miss Drake Proceeds to Supper" (1956)
- "Monologue at 3 a.m." (1956)
- "The Moon and the Yew Tree" (1961)
- "Moonrise" (1958)
- "Moonsong at Morning"
- "Morning in the Hospital Solarium"
- "Morning Song" (1961)
- "The Munich Mannequins" (1963)
- "Mushrooms" (1959)
- "Mussel Hunter at Rock Harbor" (1958)
- "Mystic" (1963)
- "Natural History" (1957)
- "The Net-Menders" (1959)
- "Never try to trick me with a kiss"
- "New Year on Dartmoor (1962)
- "Nick and the Candlestick" (1962)
- "The Night Dances" (1962)
- "Night Shift" (1957)
- "Notes to a Neophyte"
- "November Graveyard" (1956)
- "Ode for Ted" (1956)
- "Old Ladies' Home" (1959)
- "On Deck" (1960)
- "On Looking into the Eyes of a Demon Lover"
- "On the Decline of Oracles" (1957)
- "On the Difficulty of Conjuring Up a Dryad" (1957)
- "On the Plethora of Dryads" (1957)
- "The Other" (1962)
- "The Other Two" (1957)
- "Ouija" (1957)
- "Owl" (1958)
- "Paralytic" (1963)
- "Parliament Hill Fields" (1961)
- "Perseus: The Triumph of Wit Over Suffering" (1958)
- "Pheasant" (1962)
- "Poem for a Birthday" (1959)
- "Poems, Potatoes" (1958)
- "Point Shirley" (1959)
- "Polly's Tree" (1959)
- "Poppies in July" (1962)
- "Poppies in October" (1962)
- "The Princess and the Goblins"
- "Private Ground" (1959)
- "Prologue to Spring"
- "Prospect" (1956)
- "Purdah" (1962)
- "Pursuit" (1956)
- "The Queen's Complaint" (1956)
- "The Rabbit Catcher" (1962)
- "The Ravaged Face" (1959)
- "Recantation" (1956)
- "Resolve" (1956)
- "Rhyme" (1956)
- "The Rival" (1961)
- "Sculptor" (1958)
- "A Secret" (1962)
- "Sheep in Fog" (1963)
- "The Shrike" (1956)
- "Sleep in the Mojave Desert" (1960)
- "The Sleepers" (1959)
- "Snakecharmer" (1957)
- "The Snowman on the Moor" (1957)
- "Soliloquy of the Solipsist" (1956)
- "Song for a Revolutionary Love"
- "Song for a Summer's Day" (1956)
- "Sonnet to Satan"
- "Sonnet: To Eva"
- "Sonnet: To Time page"
- "A Sorcerer Bids Farewell to Seem"
- "Southern Sunrise" (1956)
- "Sow" (1957)
- "Spider" (1956)
- "Spinster" (1956)
- "Stars Over the Dordogne" (1961)
- "Stillborn" (1960)
- "Stings" (1962)
- "Stopped Dead" (1962)
- "Street Song" (1956)
- "Strumpet Song" (1956)
- "Suicide off Egg Rock" (1959)
- "Thalidomide" (1962)
- "The Swarm" (1962)
- "The Surgeon at 2 a.m." (1961)
- "Tale of a Tub" (1956)
- "Temper of Time"
- "Terminal"
- "The Thin People" (1957)
- "The Times Are Tidy" (1958)
- "Tinker Jack and the Tidy Wives" (1956)
- "To a Jilted Lover"
- "To Eva Descending the Stair"
- "Totem" (1963)
- "Touch-and-Go"
- "The Tour" (1962)
- "The Trial of Man"
- "Trio of Love Songs"
- "Tulips" (1961)
- "Two Campers in Cloud Country" (1960)
- "Two Lovers and a Beachcomber by the Real Sea" (1955)
- "Two Sisters of Persephone" (1956)
- "Two Views of a Cadaver Room" (1959)
- "Two Views of Withens" (1957)
- "Vanity Fair" (1956)
- "Virgin in a Tree" (1958)
- "Waking in Winter" (1960)
- "Watercolor of Grantchester Meadows" (1959)
- "Whiteness I Remember" (1958)
- "Whitsun" (1961)
- "Widow" (1961)
- "Winter Landscape, with Rooks" (1956)
- "A Winter Ship" (1959)
- "A Winter's Tale" (1958)
- "Winter Trees" (1962)
- "Wintering" (1962)
- "Words" (1963)
- "Words for a Nursery" (1957)
- "Words heard, by accident, over the phone" (1962)
- "Wreath for a Bridal" (1956)
- "Wuthering Heights" (1961)
- "Yaddo: The Grand Manor" (1959)
- "Yadwigha, on a Red Couch, Among Lilies" (1958)
- "Years" (1962)
- "You're" (1960)
- "Zoo Keeper's Wife" (1961)
Children's books
edit- The Bed Book (1976)
- The It-Doesn't-Matter-Suit (1996)
- Collected Children's Stories (2001)
- Mrs. Cherry's Kitchen (2001)
edit- "A Day in June" (1952)
- "Above the Oxbow" (1958)
- "All the Dead Dears" (1957–58)
- "Among the Bumblebees" (early 1950s)
- "The Daughters of Blossom Street" (1959)
- "The Day Mr. Prescott Died" (1956)
- "Day of Success" (1960)
- "The Fifteen-Dollar Eagle" (1959)
- "The Fifty-Ninth Bear" (1959)
- "The Green Rock" (1949)
- "In the Mountains" (1954)
- "Initiation" (1952)
- "Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams" (1958)
- "Mothers" (1962)
- "The Shadow" (1959)
- "Stone Boy with Dolphin" (1957–58)
- "Sunday at the Mintons'" (1952)
- "Superman and Paula Brown's New Snowsuit" (1955)
- "Sweet Pie and the Gutter Men" (1959)
- "That Widow Mangada" (1956)
- "Tongues of Stone" (1956)
- "The Wishing Box" (1956)
edit- The Bell Jar (1963), under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas
Collected editions
editPlath has several limited edition collections, with her significant compilations being:
- The Colossus and Other Poems (TC) (1960 – American and British editions are different)
- Ariel (A) (1965 – American and British editions are different)
- Uncollected Poems (UC) (1965)
- Fiesta Melons (FM) (1971)
- Crossing the Water (CtW) (1971 – American and British editions are different)
- Winter Trees (WT) (1972 – American and British editions are different)
- Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams (JP) (short stories and prose, 1977)
- The Collected Poems (TCP) (1981)
- Selected Poems (SP) (1985)
- Plath: Poems (PP) (1998)
edit- Book review of The Stones of Troy by C. A. Trypanis (1957)
- Three Women: A Monologue for Three Voices (1957) play published in 1962
- Letters Home: Correspondence 1950–1963 (1975)
- The Journals of Sylvia Plath (1982)
- "The Magic Mirror" (1989), Plath's Smith College senior thesis
- The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, edited by Karen V. Kukil (2000)
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