Author:Tom Van Flandern
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edit- U.S. Naval Observatory Circular 96 (May 15, 1964): R. L. Duncombe, W. J. Klepczynski, T. van Flandern, Geocentric distance and velocity of Venus 1961-1970
- U.S. Naval Observatory Circular 153 (October 27, 1975): James A. Hughes, Peter Espenschied, Dennis McCarthy, David K. Scott, Thomas C. van Flandern, Coordinates of U.S. Naval Observatory installations
Unpublished papers
edit- Only articles cited in academic works should be listed here
- Alley, CO and T. Van Flandern, Absolute GPS to better than one meter (1998)[1]
Journal articles
edit- Bibcode: 1966JRASC..60...72V 04/1966 van Flandern, Thomas C. R.A.S.C. Papers- The Observation of Extreme Grazing Occultations
- Bibcode: 1967AJ.....72..373S 04/1967 Szebehely, Victor; van Flandern, T. A family of retrograde orbits around the triangular equilibrium points
- Bibcode: 1967AJ.....72Q.834V 00/1967 van Flandern, Thomas C. Preliminary Report on a Lunar Latitude Fluctuation.
- Bibcode: 1968AJS....73Q.207V 00/1968 van Flandern, T. C. Analytical Partial Derivatives for the Moon's Mean Elements.
- Bibcode: 1969AJ.....74.1220B 12/1969 Bixby, Joan E.; van Flandern, Thomas C. The Diameter of Neptune
- Bibcode: 1969BAAS....1Q.367V 09/1969 van Flandern, Thomas C. A Discussion of 1950-1968 Occultations of Stars by the Moon
- Bibcode: 1969CeMec...1..163V 00/1969 van Flandern, Thomas C. Corrections to the Improved Lunar Ephemeris
- Bibcode: 1969MNRAS.146..473E 00/1969 Eckert, W. J.; van Flandern, T. C.; Wilkins, G. A. A note on the evaluation of the latitude of the Moon
- Bibcode: 1969PhDT.........3V 00/1969 van Flandern, Thomas Charles A Discussion of 1950-1968 Occultations of Stars by the Moon.
- Bibcode: 1970AJ.....75..657V 06/1970 van Flandern, Thomas C. The Secular Acceleration of the Moon
- Bibcode: 1970AJ.....75..744V 08/1970 van Flandern, Thomas C. Some Notes on the Use of the Watts Limb-Correction Charts
- Bibcode: 1970BAAS....2R.351V 09/1970 van Flandern, Thomas C.; Dunham, David E.; Bixby, Joan E. Observations of a Solar Eclipse from near the Path Edge.
- Bibcode: 1971AJ.....76...81V 02/1971 van Flandern, Thomas C. Lunar Ephemeris and Astrometric Corrections from Occultations
- Bibcode: 1971BAAS....3..373V 06/1971 van Flandern, T. C. Astrometric Results from the Beta Scorpii Occultation.
- Bibcode: 1971BAAS....3..443V 09/1971 van Flandern, Thomas C. The Beta Scorpii System.
- Bibcode: 1971CeMec...4..182V 00/1971 van Flandern, T. C. Notes on Eqninox Motion and Corrections to Precession
- Bibcode: 1972AJ.....77...65H 02/1972 Hubbard, W. B.; van Flandern, T. C. The Occultation of Beta Scorpii by Jupiter and Io. III. Astrometry
- Bibcode: 1972Icar...17..209O 08/1972 O'Leary, Brian; van Flandern, Thomas C. Io's triaxial figure
- Bibcode: 00/1974 van Flandern, T. C. Total Asteroid Mass from Comet Perturbations
- Bibcode: 1974BAAS....6..307V 06/1974 van Flandern, T. C. The Rate of Change of G as Determined from Lunar Occultations.
- Bibcode: 1974BAAS....6..431V 09/1974 van Flandern, T. C. An Investigation of Possible Systematic Error in the Observed Rate of Change of G.
- Bibcode: 1974BAAS....6..433H 09/1974 Harrington, R. S.; van Flandern, T. C.
- Bibcode: 1975ApJ...200...61V 08/1975 van Flandern, T. C.; Espenschied, P. Lunar occultations of beta Scorpii in 1975 and 1976
- Bibcode: 1975ApJ...202..494P 12/1975 Palmieri, T. M.; Seward, F. D.; Toor, A.; van Flandern, T. C. Spatial distribution of X-rays in the Crab Nebula
- Bibcode: 1975BAAS....7..467V 06/1975 van Flandern, T. C. The Asteroidal Planet as the Origin of Comets.
- Bibcode: 1975MNRAS.170..333V 02/1975 van Flandern, T. C. A determination of the rate of change of G
- Bibcode: 1975rcse.proc..223D 00/1975 Duncombe, R. L.; Seidelmann, P. K.; van Flandern, T. C. Celestial reference systems derivable from solar system dynamics
- Bibcode: 1976AJ.....81..281D 04/1976 Duncombe, R. L.; van Flandern, T. C. Secular variation of the obliquity of the ecliptic
- Bibcode: 1976BAAS....8..433V 06/1976 van Flandern, T. C. A Former Major Planet of the Solar System
- Bibcode: 1976CeMec..13..511V 06/1976 van Flandern, T. C. Note on the earth-figure perturbations in the lunar theory
- Bibcode: 1976Icar...28..435V 08/1976 van Flandern, T. C.; Harrington, R. S. A dynamical investigation of the conjecture that Mercury is an escaped satellite of Venus
- Bibcode: 1977AJ.....82...84W 01/1977 Winkler, G. M. R.; van Flandern, T. C. Ephemeris Time, relativity, and the problem of uniform time in astronomy
- Bibcode: 1977BAAS....9..546V 09/1977 van Flandern, T. C. A Former Major Planet of the Solar System.
- Bibcode: 1977BAAS....9..621H 09/1977 Harrington, R. S.; van Flandern, T. C. A Dynamical Study of Escaped Satellites of Neptune.
- Bibcode: 1977BAAS....9..621P 09/1977 Pulkkinen, K. F.; van Flandern, T. C. Planetary Positions and Lunar Elements Using an Algebraic Manipulator.
- Bibcode: 1977cami.coll..475V 00/1977 van Flandern, T. C. A former major planet of the solar system
- Bibcode: 1977IAUC.3040....1T 02/1977 Taylor, G. E.; Seidelmann, P. K.; van Flandern, T. C.; Marsden, B. G. Occultation of SAO 158687 by Uranus on 1977 March 10
- Bibcode: 1978BAAS...10..599V 06/1978 van Flandern, T. C. Dynamical Features of Minor Planet Satellites.
- Bibcode: 1978BAAS...10..660V 09/1978 van Flandern, T. C. Insights into the Nature of Comets from the Discovery of Minor lanet Satellites
- Bibcode: 1978dpst.proc...89V 00/1978 van Flandern, T. C. The asteroidal planet as the origin of comets
- Bibcode: 1978Icar...36...51V 10/1978 van Flandern, T. C. A former asteroidal planet as the origin of comets
- Bibcode: 1979IAUS...81..257V 00/1979 van Flandern, T. C. A Review of Dynamical Evidence Concerning a Former Asteroidal Planet
- Bibcode: 1979Icar...39..131H 07/1979 Harrington, R. S.; van Flandern, T. C. The satellites of Neptune and the origin of Pluto
- Bibcode: 1979nasm.conf..231V 00/1979 van Flandern, T. C. On the Origin of the Satellites of Mars
- Bibcode: 1979Obs....99....8V 02/1979 van Flandern, T. C. New Saturnian satellites?
- Bibcode: 1979Sci...203..903B 03/1979 Binzel, R. P.; van Flandern, T. C. Minor planets - The discovery of minor satellites
- Bibcode: 1979Sci...204.1076V 06/1979 van Flandern, T. C. Rings of Uranus - Invisible and impossible
- Bibcode: 1980ApJS...41..391V Van Flandern T. C., Pulkkinen, K. F. (1979): "Low-Precision Formulae for Planetary Positions", 1979, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Vol. 41, pp. 391-411.
- Bibcode: 1980BAAS...12..830V 09/1980 van Flandern, T. C.; Kaplan, G. H.; Pulkkinen, K. F.; Santoro, E. J.; Seidelmann, P. K. The Renewal of the Trans-Neptunian Planet Search
- Bibcode: 1980CeMec..22...79V 07/1980 van Flandern, T. C. Satellites of Minor Planets: a New Frontier for Celestial Mechanics
- Bibcode: 1980IAUS...78..117M 00/1980 McCarthy, D. D.; Seidelmann, P. K.; van Flandern, T. C. On the Adoption of Empirical Corrections to Woolard's Nutation Theory
- Bibcode: 1980Icar...44...19S 10/1980 Seidelmann, P. K.; Kaplan, G. H.; Pulkkiner, K. F.; Santoro, E. J.; van Flandern, T. C. Ephemeris of Pluto
- Bibcode: 1980S&T....59..381V 05/1980 van Flandern, T. C.; Pulkkinen, K. F. Book-Review - Low-Precision Formulae for Planetary Positions
- Bibcode: 1981ApJ...248..813V 09/1981 van Flandern, T. C. Is the Gravitational Constant Changing
- Bibcode: 1981BAAS...13..573V 03/1981 van Flandern, T. C.; Pulkkinen, K. F.; Ries, J.; Duncombe, R. L. The Period of Charon, Derived from the Observed Barycentric Motion of Pluto
- Bibcode: 1981BAAS...13..705V 06/1981 van Flandern, T. Do Comets have Satellites?
- Bibcode: 1981BAAS...13..875V 03/1981 van Flandern, T. C. Do Comets Have Satellites?
- Bibcode: 1981BAAS...13R.568V 03/1981 van Flandern, T. C.; Pulkkinen, K. F.; Santoro, E. J.; Seidelmann, P. K.; Harrington, R. S. Perturbations of a Trans-Neptunian Planet
- Bibcode: 1981Icar...47..480V 09/1981 van Flandern, T. C. Do comets have satellites
- Bibcode: 1981rcse.conf..305S 00/1981 Seidelmann, P. K.; Kaplan, G. H.; van Flandern, T. C. New celestial reference system
- Bibcode: 1981Sci...211..297V 00/1981 Vanflandern, T. C. Minor Planet Satellites
- Bibcode: 1982CeMec..26..197V 02/1982 van Flandern, T. C. Application of a New Algebraic Manipulator Theory
- Bibcode: 1982hper.coll..207V 00/1982 van Flandern, T. C. Is the Gravitational Constant Changing
- Bibcode: 1982Mercu..11..189V 00/1982 van Flandern, T. Where do Comets Come from
- Bibcode: 1982NewsW..99...83A 00/1982 Anderson, J.; van Flandern, T. Does the Sun have a Dark Companion
- Bibcode: 1983ApJ...273..716K 10/1983 Kondo, Y.; Wolff, C. L.; van Flandern, T. C. On the clock mechanism and the implausibility of the 35 day precessing disk in HZ Herculis/Hercules X-1
- Bibcode: 1983BAAS...15..803D 06/1983 Dunham, D. W.; van Flandern, T. C.; Millis, R. L.; Chapman, C. R.; Maley, P. D.; Povenmire, H. The Size and Shape of (2) Pallas from its Occultation of 1 Vulpeculae on 1983 May 29
- Bibcode: 1987CeMec..40..367W 00/1987 Williams, Carol A.; Wright, Edward A.; van Flandern, Thomas First order planetary perturbations with elliptic functions
- Bibcode: 1990BAAS...22.1058V 06/1990 van Flandern, T. The Origin of the Black Material on Solar System Moons
- Bibcode: 1990BAAS...22.1262V 09/1990 van Flandern, T. A Solution to the Galactic Rotation Riddle
- Bibcode: 1990MNSSA..49...97V 00/1990 van Flandern, T. C.; Pulkkinen, K. F. Low Precision Formulae for Planetary Positions
- Bibcode: 00/1990 Vanflandern, Tom C. An alternative to the dirty snowball model of comets
- Bibcode: 1991BAAS...23.1163V 06/1991 van Flandern, T. The "Little Bang" as the Origin of Comets
- Bibcode: 1991BAAS...23R1395V 09/1991 van Flandern, T. The Case Against the Big Bang
- Bibcode: 1991LPICo.765..222V 00/1991 van Flandern, T. C. Minor Satellites and the Gaspra Encounter
- Bibcode: 1991S&T....82..341V 10/1991 van Flandern, T. Planet-X
- Bibcode: 1992acm..proc..609V 12/1992 Vanflandern, Thomas C. Minor satellites and the Gaspra encounter
- Bibcode: 1992BAAS...24.1062V 06/1992 van Flandern, T. Status of the Planetary breakup theory for the origin of comets
- Bibcode: 1993AAS...183.6707V 12/1993 van Flandern, T. Quasars: Near versus Far
- Bibcode: 1993pnc..conf..177V 00/1993 van Flandern, T. The Meta Model: A New Deductive Cosmology from First Principles
- Bibcode: 1996Ap&SS.244..249V 00/1996 van Flandern, Tom Possible new properties of gravity
- Bibcode: 1996DDA....27.0403V 06/1996 van Flandern, T. Possible New Properties of Gravity
- Bibcode: 1996yCat.1163....0V 02/1996 van Flandern, T. C. US Naval Observatory Pleiades Catalog (Van Flandern 1969)
- Bibcode: 1997AAS...191.2704V 12/1997 van Flandern, T. New Evidence of an Artificial Origin for Cydonia on Mars
- Bibcode: 1998DDA....30.1004V 09/1998 van Flandern, Tom The Speed of Gravity -- What the Experiments Say
- Bibcode: 1998DPS....30.5531V 12/1998 van Flandern, T. The "Face on Mars" at Cydonia: Natural or Artificial?
- Bibcode: 1998oqrp.conf...81V 00/1998 van Flandern, Tom What the Global Positioning System Tells Us about Relativity
- Bibcode: 2000EM&P...82..149L 00/2000 Lyytinen, Esko J.; Van Flandern, Tom Predicting the Strength of Leonid Outbursts
- Bibcode: 2000S&T...100d..86V 10/2000 van Flandern, T. Book Review: Dark matter, missing planets & new comets : paradoxes resolved, origins illuminated / North Atlantic Books, 1999
- Bibcode: 2001JIMO...29..110L 08/2001 Lyytinen, E.; Nissinen, M.; van Flandern, T. Improved 2001 Leonid Storm Predictions from a Refined Model
- Bibcode: 2002AAS...200.6606V 05/2002 Van Flandern, T. The nature of near-Earth meteor streams from comets
- Bibcode: 2002AAS...200.8204V 05/2002 Van Flandern, T. Artificial structures on Mars
- Bibcode: 2003PhRvD..67b2002V 01/2003 van Flandern, T.; Yang, X. S., Allais gravity and pendulum effects during solar eclipses explained
- Bibcode: 2004JIMO...32...51L 05/2004 Lyytinen, E.; van Flandern, T., Perseid one-revolution outburst in 2004
Book chapters
edit- Bibcode: 00/1979 van Flandern, T. C.; Tedesco, E. F.; Binzel, R. P. Satellites of asteroids, in Asteroids. (A80-24551 08-91) Tucson, Ariz., University of Arizona Press, 1979, p. 443-465.
- Bibcode: 00/2001 van Flandern, Tom Physics Has its Principles, in Asteroids. (A80-24551 08-91) Tucson, Ariz., University of Arizona Press, 1979 ISBN 0968368964
- van Flandern, Global Positioning System and the twins' paradox, in Einstein, relativity and absolute simultaneity, William Lane Craig, Quentin Smith (eds.) Taylor & Francis, 2008. ISBN 0415701740
edit- 1993, Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets: Paradoxes Resolved, Origins Illuminated. North Atlantic Books ISBN 1556432682
Works about Van Flandern
edit- U.S. Naval Observatory Report, 1963 [2]
- U.S. Naval Observatory Report, 1967 [3]
- U.S. Naval Observatory Report, 1969 Bibcode: 1969BAAS....1..116S
- U.S. Naval Observatory Report, 1970 Bibcode: 1970BAAS....2..144S
- U.S. Naval Observatory Report, 1972 Bibcode: 1972BAAS....4..179S
- U.S. Naval Observatory Report, 1975 Bibcode: 1975BAAS....7..211S
- U.S. Naval Observatory Report, 1976 Bibcode: 1976BAAS....8..257S
- U.S. Naval Observatory Report, 1980 Bibcode: 1980BAAS...12..401W
- U.S. Naval Observatory Report, 1981 Bibcode: 1982BAAS...14..527W
- U.S. Naval Observatory Report, 1982 Bibcode: 1983BAAS...15..459.
- U.S. Naval Observatory Report, 1983 Bibcode: 1984BAAS...16..361.
- Alan Boyle, First test of gravity’s speed upholds Einstein (2003)
- Halton Arp, Obituary, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Volume 23, Issue 4, pp. 517-9, 2009
Some or all works by this author are in the public domain in the United States because they are works of the United States federal government (see 17 U.S.C. 105).
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