Bahai Hymns of Peace and Praise/Softly His Voice is Calling

Softly His Voice is Calling (1927)
by Louise R. Waite
1584123Softly His Voice is Calling1927Louise R. Waite

Softly His Voice is Calling.

Words & Music
by L. R. WAITE.

  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff { \clef "treble"
      \relative c' { \key f \major \time 6/8
<f a>8^\markup { \italic Espressivo. } <f gis> <f a> <f bes>4 <f a>8 |
<f a>4 <f g>8 d4. |
<e a>8 <e g> <dis fis> <e g>4 <e gis>8 \break

<f~ a~>4. <f a>4 r8 |
<f a> <f gis> <f a> <f bes>4 <f a>8 |
<f a>4 <f g>8 d4. \break

<f a>8 <f g> d <f a>4 d8 |
<e~ g~>4. <e g>4 r8 |
<e g> <dis fis> <e g> <e a>4 <e g>8 \break

<e g>4 f8 <f a>4. |
<fis a>8 <eis gis> <fis a> <fis d'>4 <fis c'>8 |
<g~ bes~>4. <g bes>4 r8 \break

<d f>8 <d e> <d f> <d g>4 <d f>8 |
<f a>4 <f bes>8 <f a>4. |
<f a>8 <f g> f <e g>4 <e a>8 |
f4.~ f4 r8
    \addlyrics {
Soft- ly His voice is call- ing now call- ing to you and
me Hark to those tones so sweet and low
o- ver the dis- tant sea Chil- dren of mine a-
bide in love e- ver he seems to say
Ab- dul Ba- ha we turn to thee Thou art the per- fect way.
    \addlyrics {
Soft- ly His voice is call- ing now call- ing to ev- 'ry
heart Come lit- tle chil- dren un- to me
and from me ne'r de- part Oh be ye ten- der
kind and true e- ver he seems to say
Ab- dul Ba- ha we turn to thee Thou art the per- fect way.
    \new Staff { \clef "bass"
      \relative c { \key f \major
<f c'>8 <f b> <f c'> <f d'>4 <f c'>8 |
<g b>4 <g b>8 <g b>4. |
<c c,>8 <bes c,> <a c,> <bes c,>4 <c c,>8 \break

<c~ f,~>4. <c f,>4 r8 |
<c f,> <b f> <c f,> <d f,>4 <c f,>8 |
<b g>4 <b g>8 <b g>4. \break

<b g>8 <b g> <b g> <b g>4 <b g>8 |
<bes~ c,~>4. <bes c,>4 r8 |
<bes c,> <a c,> <bes c,> <c c,>4 <bes c,>8 \break

<bes f>4 <a f>8 <c f,>4. |
<c d,>8 <b d,> <c d,> <a d,>4 <d d,>8 |
<d~ g,~>4. <d g,>4 r8 \break

bes bes bes bes4 bes8 |
c4 d8 c4. |
<b g>8 <b g> <b g> <c c,>4 <b c,>8 |
<a~ f~>4. <a f>4 r8 \bar ":|"