Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Bowdler, Thomas (1782-1856)

474471Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 06 — Bowdler, Thomas (1782-1856)1886Sidney Lee

BOWDLER, THOMAS, the younger (1782–1856), divine, the eldest son of John Bowdler the elder [q. v.], born 13 March 1782, was educated at a private school, and at St. John's College, Cambridge, where he proceeded B. A. in 1803, and M.A. in 1806. He was appointed curate of Leyton, Essex, in 1803, and after holding the livings of Ash and Ridley, and of Addington, Kent, became incumbent of the church at Sydenham in 1834. He took an active part in opposing the tractarian movement of 1840. In 1846 he became secretary of the Church Building Society, which his father had been instrumental in founding. On 7 Dec. 1849 he received a prebend in St. Paul's Cathedral. He died on 12 Nov. 1856. He married about 1804 Phœbe, the daughter of Joseph Cotton, who died in December 1854. Of nine children, four died in infancy, and three in succession between 1833 and 1839. Bowdler was the author of a large number of published sermons. Collected editions were issued in 1820, 1834, and 1846 respectively. He wrote a memoir of his father in 1824, and edited with Launcelot Sharpe the Greek version of Bishop Andrewes's 'Devotions.' He was the editor of the edition of Gibbon prepared by his uncle, Thomas Bowdler the elder [q. v.]

[Gent. Mag. 1857, pt. i. 241-2; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

S. L.