Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Boyle, Richard (1612-1697)

1904 Errata appended.

265984Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 06 — Boyle, Richard (1612-1697)1886Thomas Finlayson Henderson

BOYLE, RICHARD, first Earl of Burlington and second Earl of Cork (1612–1697), was the second son of Richard Boyle [q. v.], first earl of Cork, by Catherine, daughter of Sir Geoffrey Fenton, and was born at the college of Youghal on 20 Oct. 1612 (Earl of Cork, True Remembrances). On 13 Aug. 1624 he was knighted at Youghal by Falkland, lord deputy of Ireland. In his twentieth year he was sent under a tutor to 'begin his travels into foreign kingdoms,' his father allowing him a grant of a thousand pounds a year (ib.) On the continent he spent over two years, visiting France, Flanders, and Italy. Shortly after his return he made the acquaintance of the Earl of Strafford, and commended himself so much to his good graces that he arranged a match between him and Elizabeth, daughter and sole heiress of Henry Lord Clifford, afterwards Earl of

CumCumberland. The marriage was solemnised in the chapel of Skipton Castle, Craven, on 5 July 1635. This was the Countess of Burlington referred to by Pepys as 'a very fine speaking lady and a good woman' (Diary, 28 Sept., 1668). Through the marriage he acquired an influential position at court, which he greatly improved by his devotion to the interests of the king. When Charles in 1639 resolved on an expedition to Scotland, he raised a troop of horse, at the head of which he proposed to serve under the Earl of Cumberland. On the outbreak of the rebellion in Ireland in 1642, he went to his father's assistance at Munster, distinguishing himself at the battle of Liscarrol. He was member for Appleby in the Long parliament, but was disabled in 1643 (list in Carlyle's Cromwell). After the cessation of arms in September 1643 he joined the king at Oxford with his regiment. Some months previously he had succeeded his father as Earl of Cork, but the king as a special mark of favour raised him also to the dignity of Baron Clifford of Lanesborough, Yorkshire. Throughout the war he strenuously supported the cause of the king until that of the parliament was completely triumphant, after which he was forced to compound for his estate for 1,631l. (Lloyd, Memoirs, 678). During the protectorate he retired to his Irish estates, but in 1651 his affairs were in such a desperate condition that his countess was obliged to supplicate Cromwell for redress. Through the mediation of his brother Roger, lord Broghill [q. v.], he then obtained a certain amount of relief from his grievances. After this matters improved with him so considerably that at the Restoration he was able to assist Charles II with large sums of money, in consequence of which he was, in 1663, raised to the dignity of Earl Burlington or Bridlington in the county of York. Subsequently he was appointed lord-lieutenant of the West Riding of Yorkshire and custos rotulorum. These offices he retained under James II, until he could no longer support him in his unconstitutional designs. Although he took an active part in promoting the cause of William and Mary, he accepted no office under the new regime. It was the Earl of Burlington who was the first occupant of Burlington House, Piccadilly. He died 15 Jan. 1697-8. His son Charles, lord Clifford, was father of Charles, third earl of Cork, and of Henry, lord Carleton [q. v.]

[Budgell's Memoirs of the Family of the Boyles, pp. 32-3; Lodge's Irish Peerage, ed. 1789, i. 169-174; Biog. Brit. (Kippis), ii. 471-4.]

T. F. H.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.34
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
117 36 Boyle, Richard, 1st Earl of Burlington: after designs insert He was lord treasurer of Ireland 1660-95