Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Campbell, Daniel (1671?-1753)

1904 Errata appended.

573027Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 08 — Campbell, Daniel (1671?-1753)1886Thomas Finlayson Henderson

CAMPBELL, DANIEL or DONALD (1671?–1753), of Shawfield and Islay, Glasgow merchant and member of parliament, was the eldest son of Walter Campbell of Skipnish, and was born about 1671. In many books of reference he is stated to have been born in 1696 and to have died in 1777, the former date being that of his son John Campbell's birth, and the latter that of his grandson Daniel Campbell's death. He was very successful as a merchant, and in 1707 purchased the estate of Shawfield or Schawfield from Sir James Hamilton. He also became possessed of the valuable estate of Woodhall. He represented Inverary in the Scottish parliament from 1702 till the union, and was one of the commissioners who signed the treaty. He also sat in the first parliament of Great Britain, 1707–8, and represented the Glasgow burghs from 1716 to 1734. In 1711 he built, for his town residence in Glasgow, Shawfield mansion, which became famous in connection with the Shawfield riots in 1725. Campbell had voted for the imposition of the malt tax in Scotland, and on this account the mob, after taking possession of the city and preventing the officers of excise from collecting it, proceeded to the Shawfield mansion and completely demolished the interior. The provost and magistrates were arrested on the ground of having favoured the mob, and Campbell received 9,000l. from the city as compensation for the damages caused by the riot. Soon afterwards he purchased the island of Islay. He died 8 June 1753, aged 82. By his first marriage to Margaret Leckie he had three sons and three daughters, and by his second to Catherine, daughter of Henry, third lord Cardross, and relict of Sir William Denham, bart., of West Shields, one daughter.

[Glasgow Past and Present, iii. 473–85; Old Country Houses of the Old Glasgow Gentry, 2nd edit. (1878), p. 233; Foster's Members of the Scottish Parliament, p. 50.]

T. F. H.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.50
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
355 ii 1, 2 Campbell, Daniel (1671?-1753): for Catherine Denham read Catherine, daughter of Henry, third Lord Cardross, and relict of Sir William Denham, bart., of West Shields