A Book of Nursery Songs and Rhymes/Chit, Chat


Pretty little damsels, how they chat,
Chit, chat, tittle-tattle,
All about their sweethearts and all that,
Chit, chat, tittle-tattle-tat.
Up and down the City, how they walk,
And of the beaus and the fashions, how the damsels talk,
And now and then a little bit of slander is no balk
To their chit, chat, tittle-tattle,
Chit, chat, tittle-tattle-tat.

Pretty little damsels, go to cheapen in the shops,
Chit, chat, tittle-tattle,
Pretty little bonnets, and pretty little caps,
Chit, chat, tittle-tattle-tat.
A little bit of rouge, and a nice little fan,
A nice little picture of a nice little man,
Or any silly thing at all of which they can
Chit, chat, tittle-tattle,
Chit-chat, tittle-tattle-tat.

Pretty little damsels, how prettily they run,
Chit, chat, tittle-tattle,
For a little bit of flattery, and a little bit of fun,
Chit, chat, tittle-tattle-tat.
The pretty little nose, and the pretty little chin,
And the pretty little mouth, and the pretty little grin,
And the nimble little tongue to keep others in,
Chit, chat, tittle-tattle,
Chit, chat, tittle-tattle-tat.