Conspectus of the History of Political Parties and the Federal Government
by Walter Raleigh Houghton
Whig Party Platform of 1844
3049013Conspectus of the History of Political Parties and the Federal Government — Whig Party Platform of 1844Walter Raleigh Houghton

Whig Platform, Baltimore, May 1.

1. Resolved, That these principles may be summed as comprising a well-regulated national currency: a tariff for revenue to defray the necessary expenses of the government, and discriminating with special reference to the protection of the domestic labor of the country; the distribution of the proceeds from the sales of the public lands; a single term for the presidency; a reform of executive usurpations; and generally such an administration of the affairs of the country as shall impart to every branch of the public service the greatest practical efficiency, controlled by a well-regulated and wise economy.