Declaration of Henry Every to English ship commanders

Declaration of Henry Every to English ship commanders (c. 1694)
by Henry Every

as quoted in Baer, Joel H. (2005). Pirates of the British Isles. London: Tempus Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7524-2304-3.

1850575Declaration of Henry Every to English ship commandersc/1694Henry Every
To all English Commanders lett this Satisfye that I was Riding here att this Instant in ye Ship fancy man of Warr formerly the Charles of ye Spanish Expedition who departed from Croniae ye 7th of May. 94: Being and am now in A Ship of 46 guns 150 Men & bound to Seek our fortunes I have Never as Yett Wronged any English or Dutch nor never Intend while I am Commander. Wherefore as I Commonly Speake wth all Ships I Desire who ever Comes to ye perusal of this to take this Signall that if you or aney whome you may informe are desirous to know wt wee are att a Distance then make your Antient Vp in a Ball or Bundle and hoyst him att ye Mizon Peek ye Mizon Being furled I shall answere wth ye same & Never Molest you: for my Men are hungry Stout and Resolute: & should they Exceed my Desire I cannott help my selfe.
as Yett
An Englishman's friend,
At Johanna February 28th, 1694/5
Henry Every
Here is 160 od french Armed men now att Mohilla who waits for Opportunity of getting aney ship, take Care of your Selves.

This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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