
  • ah1068645
  • To forcibly escort; to guard; to convoy.
ah nîe;
to convoy the grain belonging to government.
ah cāi;
guard a cargo.
ah hùe-mûeh;
to convoy goods.
ah hŭam-jîn;
act as escort to a criminal.
to escort.
kam-ah i khṳ̀ cò̤;
compel him to go and do it.
ah i tŏ̤ che-kẃn;
watch him while detained in the lockup.
kẃn-ah i m̄ cŭ;
cannot keep him in custody.
a duck.
a drake.
a duckling.
ducks' eggs.
chī ah;
to rear ducks, jīo ah; tend ducks.
ún ah-kíaⁿ;
to hatch ducks' eggs artificially.
cúi ah;
wild ducks.
sie ah;
roast duck.
ah khûn;
flocks of ducks.
kîam ah-n̆ng;
salt ducks' eggs.
cíⁿ ah;
a young duck.
lău ah-bó̤;
an old duck.
dried ducks.
ah ûang;
the mandarin duck.
hwn ah;
the muscovy duck.
chài ah;
the common duck.
pùaⁿ chài hwn ah;
a half-breed.
ah bĭ;
a toy duck.
pêh tŭn ah;
a sodden duck.
sîeⁿ sien ah;
a whole boiled duck.
ah cíeⁿ;
a conserve made of the flesh of ducks' feet.
kîam ah kṳ̆n;
salt duck gizzards.
ah ăm;
a certain sort of confectionery.
ló ah;
pickled duck.
khàm ah;
minced duck.
a duck stew.
ah keⁿ;
a pottage made of meats and vegetables.
hō̤ pau ah;
a duck filled with stuffing.
ah tôi;
a duck's foot.
ah tôi kha;
a duck's bill.
ngṳ̂n ah-cîh;
a silver clasp shaped like a duck's bill.
ah-cîh ăm-nía;
a long collar with tabs.
ah-cîh chieⁿ;
a bayonet.
ah-cîh cháu;
a weed with leaves shaped like a duck's bill.
ah sái lêk;
a dark mottled green.
ah mô̤ⁿ sìⁿ;
a ducks' feather fan.
ah-kíaⁿ thiaⁿ lûi;
a duckling listening to thunder; one who hears what he cannot understand.
jû kúaⁿ ah cêk puaⁿ;
like driven ducks.
ah-kíaⁿ chut sì bô̤ pĕ-bô̤;
ducklings are born orphans.
ah-bó̤ seⁿ cin-cu;
the duck that lays pearls.
ah-kuaⁿ thâh pûaⁿ-thâu;
the duck's liver is put on the top of the dish.
gô̤ kîaⁿ, ah pō;
waddles like a duck.
lêh pêh ah;
to slay a dead duck; i.e. to kill a man for the sake of imputing his murder to another.
lîah khṳ̀ théng ah-pó;
to crucify, the allusion being to the manner of stretching ducks upon splints in drying them.
koi heng ah ka-ciah, mín thàn cĭu ŭ cîah;
one with a breast like a hen's and a back like a duck's, has food without earning it.
ah-n̆ng pū kú ŏi ih chùi;
a long covered duck's egg will hatch out.
cúi ah ŏi cíoⁿ keⁿ;
the wild ducks station a sentinel.
ah chùi àⁿ cò̤ îⁿ, koi chùi àⁿ cò̤ píⁿ;
make it appear by argument that a duck's bill is round and a hen's bill is flat.
ah ku;
a stunted duck; a runt.
ah-kíaⁿ thiu huang;
the duckling has the pip.