Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Dove, Henry

1246368Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 15 — Dove, Henry1888Gordon Goodwin

DOVE, HENRY (1640–1695), archdeacon of Richmond, son of a clergyman, was born in 1640, and elected from Westminster to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1658. He graduated B.A. in 1661, M.A. in 1665, was incorporated M.A. at Oxford 6 May 1669, and proceeded D.D. in 1677. A specimen of his Latin elegiacs will be found in the ‘Threni Cantabrigienses in Funere duorum Principum, Henrici Glocestrensis & Mariæ Arausionensis,’ 4to, Cambridge, 1661. On 12 Jan. 1672–3 he became vicar of St. Bride's, Fleet Street, and was collated to the archdeaconry of Richmond, 3 Dec. 1678. He was also chaplain successively to Charles II, James II, and William and Mary. In 1683 Pearson, bishop of Chester, whose nephew and chaplain he was, recommended him to the king for the mastership of Trinity College, Cambridge. An able preacher, he published several single sermons, among which may be mentioned: 1. ‘A Sermon [on Psalm lxiv. 9–10] preached before the House of Commons … Nov. 5, 1680,’ 4to, London, 1680. 2. ‘A Sermon [on Titus iii. l] preached at Bow Church on the Feast of S. Michael, the day for the election of a Lord Mayor,’ 4to, London, 1682. This immediately evoked ‘A Modest Answer’ from some sturdy high churchman, who roundly takes Dove to task for asserting (p. 14) that ‘there is no such phrase throughout the Bible as liberty of conscience,’ and that ‘the government has a right to tye the consciences of men by the firmest bonds it can’ (p. 23). 3. ‘A Sermon [on Jude iii.] preached at the anniversary meeting of the Sons of Clergy-men … Dec. 2, 1686,’ 4to, London, 1687. 4. ‘A Sermon [on Psalm xviii. 23] preached before the Queen at Whitehall,’ 4to, London, 1691. Evelyn twice alludes to his preaching (Diary, ed. 1850–2, ii. 135, 203). Dove died on 11 March 1694–5. His will, signed only the day before, was proved on the following 1 April (registered in P. C. C. 46, Irby). He was twice married. By his first wife, who brought him copyhold lands, situate in Sutton Bourne, Lincolnshire, he left a daughter Susan. His second wife, Rebecca Holworthy, is described in the marriage license, bearing date 2 July 1680, as ‘of St. Margaret, Westminster, spinster, aged 23’ (Chester, London Marriage Licenses, ed. Foster, p. 414). She survived him.

[Welch's Alumni Westmon. 1852, pp. 149, 150; Wood's Fasti Oxon. (Bliss), ii. 310; Newcourt's Repertorium, i. 317; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy), iii. 267; Ormerod's Cheshire, i. 90; Luttrell's Relation of State Affairs, 1857, i. 205–207, 225, iii. 450.]