Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Eata

EATA (d. 686), bishop of Hexham and Lindisfarne, an early English disciple of St. Aidan (Symeon), was abbot of Melrose in 651. When, in 678, Archbishop Theodore divided the Northumbrian diocese into three parts, he consecrated Eata to the bishopric of the Bernicians, and assigned him Hexham and Lindisfarne as the places of his see. In 681 Theodore divided the Bernician bishopric into two dioceses, and Eata still remained bishop of Lindisfarne, but was succeeded at Hexham by Trumberht. Cuthberht [q. v.] became in 684 bishop of Hexham, and next year was transferred to Lindisfarne, when Eata again became bishop of Hexham. Eata died 26 Oct. 686.

[Eddius, Vita Wilfridi, c. 24; Historians of York, i. (Rolls Ser.); Bædæ Hist. Eccl. iii. 26, iv. 12, 27, 28, Opera Min. pp. 60, 79 (Engl. Hist. Soc.); Anglo-Saxon Chron. sub an. 678; William of Malmesbury, Gesta Pontiff. pp. 211, 244, 255, 266 (Rolls Ser.); Twysden's Richard of Hexham, ii. 4; Vita S. Eatæ, Biog. Miscell. 125 (Surtees Soc.)]