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CLOYNE (in Irish Cluain-Uamha, or the Meadow of the Cave), a market town and formerly an episcopal see of Ireland, in the county of Cork, and about four miles from the east side of Cork harbour. It is now a small place of 1200 inhabitants, but it still gives its name to a Roman Catholic diocese. The cathedral, which was founded in the 6th century by Colman, a disciple of Fin-Bane of Cork, is still in existence. It contains a few handsome monuments to its former bishops, but, singular to say, nothing to pre serve the memory of the illustrious Dr George Berkeley, who filled the see frcm 1734 to 1753. Opposite the cathedral is a very fine round tower still 96 feet in height, though the conical roof was destroyed by lightning in 1748, The Roman Catholic church is a spacious building with a highly decorated front. The town was several times plun dered by the Danes in the 9th century ; it was laid waste by Dermot O Brien in 1071, and was burned in 1137. In 1430 the bishopric was united to that of Cork; in 1638 it again became independent, and in 1660 it was again united to Cork and Ross. In 1678 it was once more de clared independent, and so continued till 1835, when it was again joined to Cork and Ross. The Pipe Roll of Cloyne, compiled by Bishop Swafi ham in 1364, is a very remarkable record, embracing a full account of the feudal tenures of the see, the nature of the impositions, and the duties the puri homines Sancti Colmani were bound to per form at a very early period. The roll is now in the Record Office, Dublin. It was edited by Richard Caulfield in 1 859.