SANTA FÉ, a city of the Argentine Republic, capital of the province of Santa Fé (38,600 square miles; 189,000 inhabitants), occupies an area of 400 acres, 90 miles north of Rosario, on the north-east or left bank of the Rio Salado at its junction with the Paraná, in a district subject to periodical inundations. It is the seat of the governor, the bishop, and the legislature, and contains a cathedral, a Jesuits' church (1654) and college (the latter an important institution with 400 boarders), a new bishop's palace, a town-hall (with a fine tower), extensive infantry barracks, and a large market. A foundry, a macaroni-factory, oil-factories, and tile-works are the chief industrial establishments. The population in 1881 was 10,400, a decrease since 1869. Santa Fé was founded in 1573 by Juan de Garay.