Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 13

Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 13
3890104Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 131910


1. On þām dæge þām Hǣlende ūt gangendum of hūse, hē sæt wiþ ðā sǣ.[1]

2. And mycle mænigeo wǣron gesamnode tō hym, swā þæt hē ēode on scyp, and þǣr sæt; and eall sēo mænigeo stōd on þām waroþe.[2]

3. And hē spræc tō hym fela on bigspellum, cweþende, Sōþlīce ūt ēode sē sǣdere hys sǣd tō sāwenne.[3]

4. And þā þā hē sēow, sume hig fēollon wiþ weg; and fuglas cōmun, and ǣton þā.[4]

5. Sōþlīce sume fēollon on stǣnihte, þǣr hyt næfde mycle eorþan; and hrædlīce ūp sprungon, for þām þe hig næfdon þǣre eorþan dȳpan.[5]

6. Sōþlīce ūp sprungenre sunnan, hig ādrūwudon; and forscruncon, for þām þe hig næfdon wyrtrum.[6]

7. Sōþlīce sume fēollon on þornas; and þā þornas wēoxon, and forþrysmudon þā.[7]

8. Sume sōþlīce fēollon on gōde eorþan, and sealdon wæstm, sum hundfealdne, sum sixtigfealdne, sum þrīttigfealdne.[8]

9. Sē þe hæbbe ēaran tō gehȳrenne, gehȳre.[9]

10. And þā genēalǣhton his leorningcnihtas, and cwǣdon tō hym, For hwig spycst þū tō hym mid bigspellum?[10]

11. Đā andswarode hē hym, For þām þe ēow is geseald tō witanne heofena rīces gerȳnu, and him nys nā geseald.

12. Sōþlīce þām þe hæfþ, him byþ geseald, and hē hæfð; sōþlīce sē þe næfð, and þæt þe hē hæfð him bið ætbrōden.[11]

13. For ðām ic spece tō him mid bigspellum; for þām þe lōciende hig ne gesēoþ, and gehȳrende hig ne gehȳraþ nē ne ongytaþ:[12]

14. þæt on him sī gefylled Esaias wītegung, Of gehȳrnysse gē gehȳraþ, and gē ne ongytaþ; and lōciende gē gesēoþ, and [] ne gesēoð.[13]

15. Sōþlīce þises folces heorte is āhyrd, and hig hefelīce mid ēarum gehȳrdon, and hyra ēagan beclȳsdon; þē lǣs hig ǣfre mid ēagum gesēon, and mid ēarum gehȳron, and mid heortan ongyton, and sīn gecyrrede, and ic hig gehǣle.[14]

16. Sōþlīce ēadige synt ēowre ēagan, for þām þe hig gesēoþ; and ēowre ēaran, for þām þe hig gehȳraþ.[15]

17. Sōþlīce on eornust ic ēow secge þæt manega wītegan and rihtwīse gewilnudon[16] þā þing tō gesēonne þe gē gesēoþ, and hig ne gesāwon; and gehȳran þā þing þe gē gehȳrað, and hig ne gehȳrdon.[17]

18. Gehȳre gē sōþlīce þæs sāwendan bigspell.

19. Ǣlc þǣra þe Godes word gehȳrð and ne ongyt, þonne cymþ dēoful and berēafað þæt on hys heortan āsawen is; þæt is sē þe wiþ ðone weg āsawen is.[18]

20. Sōþlīce sē þe ofer þone stān āsawen is, þæt is sē þe þæt Godes word gehȳrð, and hrædlīce þæt mid blisse onfēhþ;[19]

21. sōþlīce hyt næfþ þone wyrtrum on him, ac is hwīlwendlīc; gewordenre gedrēfednesse and ēhtnesse for þām worde, hrædlīce big bēoð geuntrēowsode.[20]

22. Sōþlīce þæt þe āsawen is on þornum, þæt is sē þe þæt word gehȳrþ; and þonne geornfullnes þisse worulde and lēasung þissa woruldwelena forþrysmiaþ þæt word, and hit is būtan wæstme geworden.[21]

23. Sōþlīce þæt þe āsawen[22] wæs on þæt gōde land, þæt is sē þe þæt word gehȳrþ and ongyt; and þone wæstm bringð, and þonne dēþ sum hundfealdne, sum sixtigfealdne, sum þrīttigfealdne.[23]

24. Hē rehte him þā ōþer bigspel and þus cwæð, Heofona rīce is geworden þām men gelīc þe sēow gōd sǣd on his æcyre.[24]

25. Sōþlīce þā þā men slēpon, þā cōm his fēonda sum, and ofersēow hit mid coccele on middan þām hwǣte, and fērde þanon.

26. Sōþlīce þā sēo wyrt wēox, and þone wæstm brōhte, þā ætēowde sē coccel hine.[25]

27. Þā ēodon þæs hlāfordes þēowas, and cwǣdon, Hlāford, hū ne sēow þū gōd sǣd on þīnum æcere? hwanon hæfde hē coccel?[26]

28. Þā cwæþ hē, Þæt dyde unhold mann. Þā cwǣdon þā þēowas, Wylt þū wē gāð and gadriað hig?[27]

29. Þā cwæð hē, Nese, þē lǣs gē þone hwǣte āwurtwalion, þonne gē þone coccel gadriað.[28]

30. Lǣtað ǣgþer weaxan oð riptīman; and on þām riptīman ic secge þām rīperum, Gadriaþ ǣrest þone coccel, and bindaþ scēafmǣlum to forbærnenne; and gadriaþ ðone hwǣte intō mīnum berne.[29]

31. Hē rehte him þā gȳt ōþer bigspel þus cweþende, Heofena rīce is geworden gelīc senepes corne þæt sēow sē man on hys æcre.[30]

32. Þæt is ealra sǣda lǣst; sōþlīce þonne hit wyxþ, hit is ealra wyrta mǣst, and hit wyrþ trēow, swā þæt heofnan fuhlas cumaþ and eardiaþ on his bōgum.[31]

33. Hē spræc tō him ōþer bigspel and þus cwæð, Heofena rīce is gelīc þām beorman þone þæt wīf onfēng and behȳdde on þrīm gemetum melwes, oð hē wæs eall āhafen.[32]

34. Ealle þās þing sē Hǣlend spræc mid bigspellum tō þām weredum, and nān þing ne spræc hē būtan bigspellum:[33]

35. þæt wǣre gefylled þæs wītegan cwyde, Ic ātȳne mīnne mūþ mid bigspellum; ic bodige dīgelnesse fram middaneardes gesetednesse.[34]

36. Hē forlēt þā ðā mænegeo, and cōm tō his inne; and þā genēalǣhton tō him his leorningcnihtas, and cwǣdon, Ārece ūs þæt bigspell þæs hwǣtes and þæs coccles.[35]

37. Þā andswarude hē him, Sē þe sēow þæt gōde sǣd sē is mannes Sunu.[36]

38. Sōþlīce sē æcyr is þēs middangeard; þæt gōde sǣd, þæt synt þæs heofonlīcan rices bearn; sē coccel synt sōþlīce þā mānfullan bearn.[37]

39. Sē unholda man sē þe þone coccel sēow, þæt is dēoful; sōðlīce þæt rip is worulde endung; þā rīperas synt englas.[38]

40. Eornustlīce swā swā sē coccel byþ gegaderud and mid fȳre forbærned, swā byð on worulde endunge.[39]

41. Mannes Sunu sent his englas, and hī gadriað of his rīce ealle gedrēfednesse, and þā þe unrihtwīsnesse wyrceað,[40]

42. and āsendað hig on fȳres ofen; þǣr byþ wōp and tōþa grīstbitung.[41]

43. Þonne scīnað ðā rihtwīsan swā swā sunne on hyra Fæder rice. [Gehȳre, sē ðe ēaran to gehȳranne hæfð.][42]

Đys godspel sceal tō sancta Agnan mæssan.

44. Heofona rīce is gelīc gehȳddum goldhorde on þām æcere; þone behȳt sē man þe hyne fint; and for his blysse gǣð and sylþ eall þæt hē āh, and gebigþ þone æcer.[43]

45. Eft is heofena[44] rīce gelīc þām mangere þe sōhte þæt gōde meregrot;

46. þā hē funde þæt ān dēorwyrðe meregrot, þā ēode hē and sealde eall þæt hē āhte, and bohte þæt meregrot.

47. Eft is heofena rīce gelīc āsendum nette on þā sǣ, and of ǣlcum fisccynne gadrigendum;[45]

48. þā hī þā þæt nett ūpp ātugon, and sǣton be þām strande, þā gecuron hig þā gōdan on hyra fatu; þā yflan hig āwurpon ūt.[46]

49. Swā byþ on þisse worulde endunge; þā englas farað and āsyndriað þā yfelan of þǣra gōdra midlene,[47]

50. and āworpað hig on þæs fȳres ofen; þǣr byð wōþ and tōða grīstbitung.[48]

51. Ongyte gē ealle þās þing? Þā cwǣdon hig, Witodlīce wē hit ongytað.[49]

52. Þā sǣde hē him, For þām is ǣlc gelǣred bōcere on heofenan rīce gelīc þām hīredes ealdre þe forð bringð of his goldhorde nīwe þing and ealde.[50]

53. And hit wæs geworden, þā sē Hǣlend geendode þās bigspel, þā fērde hē þanone.[51]

54. And þā hē cōm tō his earde, hē lǣrde hig on hyra gesamnungum, swā þæt hig wundredon and cwǣdon, Hwanon ys þysum þēs wisdōm and þis mægen?[52]

55. Witodlīce þēs ys smiþes sunu; hū ne hātte hys mōdor Maria, and hys brōþru Iacob, and Ioseph, and Simon, and Iudas?[53]

56. And hū ne synt ealle hys swustra mid ūs? Hwanon synt þisum ealle þās þing?[54]

57. And hig wǣron geuntrȳwsode on him. Đā sōþlīce sǣde sē Hǣlend hym, Nys nān wītega būtan wurþscype, būton on hys earde and on hys hūse.[55]

58. And hē ne worhte þǣr manega mægena, for hyra ungelēafulnysse.[56]

  1. B, hælynde.
  2. A, mycele; A, mænio (twice); A, gesomnode.
  3. Corp., him to (marked for transposition); A, fæla; A, sawere (for sædere).
  4. B, feollun; A, fugelas comon.
  5. B, feollun; A, mycele.
  6. A, adruwedon, B, adruwodun; A, wyrtruman.
  7. B, feollun; A, forþrysmodon, B, forþrysmodun.
  8. B, feollun; A, godre; Corp., weastm, A, B, wæstm; Corp., sum (above the line; last two times); A, þrytig-.
  9. Corp., earan hæbbe (marked for transposition); A, gehyranne.
  10. A, sprycst.
  11. A, seald.
  12. A, sprece; A, locigende.
  13. B, -nesse; A, B, locigende; Corp., om. ge, A, B, ge.
  14. A, hefilice; A, þy læs; A, oððe (for third and).
  15. A, synd.
  16. A, eornost; A, gewylnedon, B, gewilnodun.
  17. B, gesawun; A, and to gehyranne (for and gehyran).
  18. Corp., wurd, A, B, word; A, ongitt; A, deofol; A, om. þæt is se þe . . . asawen is (homœoteleuton).
  19. Corp., wurd, A, B, word.
  20. A, wyrtruman; A, -nysse (twice); Corp., wurde, A, B, worde.
  21. Corp., wurd, A, B, word; Corp., eornfullness, A, eornfulnys, B, geornfullnes; A, weorulde; B, -welona; Corp., wurd, A, B, word; B, buton; Corp., weastme, A, B, wæstme.
  22. A, þæt asawen (om. þe).
  23. Corp., wurd, A, B, word; A, ongitt; Corp., weastm, A, B, wæstm; Corp., B, sixti-, A, syxtig-; Corp., þritti-, A, þryttig-, B, þriti-.
  24. A, heofena; A, B, æcere.
  25. Corp., weastm, A, B, wæstm; A, ætywde; B, cocel.
  26. A, seowe.
  27. A, B, man; A, gaderiað.
  28. A, þy læs; A, awyrtwalion; A, gaderiað.
  29. A, wexan; A, gaderiað (twice); A, B, forbærnanne; A, minon.
  30. A, bigspell; B, heofona; A, æcere.
  31. A, wyxt; A, heofenfugelas.
  32. A, bigspell; B, heofona; A, melewes.
  33. Corp., ne spræc (repeated; repetition dotted for deletion).
  34. A, ontyne; A, digolnyssa (altered from deagolnysse); A, gesetednysse.
  35. A, mænio, B, menegeo.
  36. A, andswarode; B, seow (o above the line).
  37. A, B, æcer; A, synd (twice); A, heofenlican.
  38. B, sew; A, ryp ys þysre worulde; A, synd.
  39. A, Eornostlice; A, gegaderod; A, geendunge.
  40. A, hig gaderiað; A, gedrefednysse; A, unryhtwysnysse.
  41. A, þar.
  42. A, heora; A, Corp., om. Gehyre . . . hæfð, A, Gehyre se ðe earan to gehyranne hæfð, B, Gehyre . . . hæfð (by the same hand that has inserted the rubrics from A).
  43. A, Heofena, B, Hefona.
  44. B, hefona
  45. B, heofona; A, gaderiendum.
  46. A, heora; A, B, yfelan.
  47. B, worolde.
  48. B, awurpað; A, þar.
  49. A, hig (for hit).
  50. A, om. he; A, for þam ælc gelæred bocere on heofena rice byð gelyc (changed order); B, heofonan; Corp., of his (repeated; repetition dotted for deletion).
  51. B, færde.
  52. A, gesomnungum; A, þyssum.
  53. A, witegere (for witodlice); A, moder; A, broðra; A, iosep.
  54. A, synd; A, hwanen synd þyssum; A, þing geseald.
  55. A, geuntreowsode; A, weorðscype.
  56. A, þar; A, heora; A, B, ungeleaffulnysse.