It isn't just because some ships were lost,
And children drowned, and women, and strong men.
That's bad enough, God knows!
But the Prussians were our foes
Long before their cruel wolf-pack left its den.
It isn't just because their hunting pack
Tore at Belgium's throat to reach the throat of France.
No, by Heaven! It's because
They are traitors to all laws
Made by God to curb the Devil's arrogance.
They are traitors to humanity, no less!
They acknowledge nothing nobler than their will
To conquer and subject
All peoples who respect
The Holy Vow man struggles to fulfil.
For man has dreamed a dream and sealed a Vow,
Yea, man has sealed a Vow before the Lord
Of Righteousness and Peace:
He has sworn that war shall cease
And the reign of Reason triumph o'er the Sword!
He has sealed a Holy Vow that privilege
Shall perish from an Earth where all are free;
That his children shall not fight,
As he must, the Huns of Night,
But be brothers in the Light of Liberty.
God save us from all traitors to that Dream;
God shield us from all traitors to that Vow!
God give us strength to smite
All traitors to that Light—
Lord God of Man United, aid us now!
Lee Wilson Dodd.