The Duke of Gordon’s Daughters.
The Duke of Gordon had three daughters,
Elisabeth, Margaret, and Jean.
And they would not ſtay at bonny Caſtle Gordon,
but they went away to bonny Aberdeen.
They had not been in bonny Aberdeen,
a twelve month and and a day,
’Till Lady Jean fell in love with Captain Ogilvie,
and away with him went ſhe.
Word came to the Duke of Gordon,
in the chamber where he lay,
How Lady Jean fell in love with a Captain,
and from him ſhe would not ſtay.
So ſaddle to me the black horſe, he cried,
my ſervant ſhall ride on the gray,
And I will go to bonny Aberdeen,
forthwith to bring her away.
They were not a mile from bonny Aberdeen,
a mile but only one,
Till he met with his two daughters,
but away was Lady Jean.
O where is your ſiſter maidens;
where is your ſiſter now?
O where is your ſiſter maidens,
that ſhe’s not walking with you,
O pardon us honoured father,
O pardon us they did ſay.
Lady Jean is with Captain Ogilvie,
and from ſhe will not ſtay.
When he came to bonny Aberdeen,
and lighted down on the green,
There he ſaw Captain Ogilvie
a training of his men.
O woe be to thee Captain Ogilvie,
and an ill death thou ſhalt die,
For taking to thee my daughter,
high hanged thou ſhalt be.
Duke of Gordon has wrote a broad letter,
and ſent it to the King,
To cauſe him hang the brave Captain Ogilvie,
if e’er he caus’d hang any man.
No, I will not hang Captain Ogilvie,
for any offence that I ſee,
But I’ll cauſe him put off the gold lace and ſcarlet,
and put on the ſingle livery.
Now ward came to brave Captain Ogilvie,
in his chamber where he lay,
To ſtrip off the broad lace and ſcarlet,
and put on the ſingle livery.
If this be for bonny Jenny Gordon,
this pennance I’ll take wi’;
If this be for bonny Jeany Gordon,
all this and more I’ll dree,
Lady Jean had not been married,
not a year but only three,
Till ſhe had a babe in every arm,
and another upon her knee.
O but I’m weary wandering,
O but my fortune is bad,
It ſets not thee Duke of Gordon’s daughter,
to follow a ſingle lad.
O hold thy tongue my bonny Jeany Gordon,
O hold your tongue my lamb,
For once I was a noble Captain,
For thy ſake now a ſingle man.
O high were the hills and the mountains,
cold was the froſt and the ſnow,
Lady Jean’s ſhoes were all rent and torn,
no further could ſhe go,
O if I were in the glens of Foudlen,
where hunting I have been,
I could find the road to bonny Caſtle Gordon,
without either ſtockings or ſhoon.
O hold your tongue bonny Jeany Gordon,
hold your tongue my dow,
I have but one ha’f crown in the world,
I’ll buy hoſe and ſhoon to you.
When ſhe came to bonny Caſtle Gordon,
and coming over the green,
The porter cried out with a loud cry,
yonder comes Lady Jean.
You’re welcome bonny Jeany Gordon,
you are dearly welcome to me,
Thou art welcome dear Jeany Gordon,
⟨But⟩ away with your Oglive,
⟨Now⟩ over the ſeas went the Captain,
With ſoldiers under command,
⟨But a⟩ meſſenger ſoon followed after,
which cauſed a countermand.
Come home now pretty Captain Ogilvie,
come enjoy your mother’s land;
Come home now pretty Captain Ogilvie,
your heir of Northumberland.
O what does this mean? ſays the Captain,
Where’s my brother’s children three?
O they are all dead and buried,
and the lands they are ready for thee.
Then hoiſt up your ſails brave Captain,
and let’s be jovial and free,
I’ll go home and have my eſtate,
and then my dear Jeany I’ll ſee.
He ſoon came to bonny Caſtle Gordon,
and then at the gate ſtood he,
The porter cries out with a loud ſhout,
here comes the Captain Ogilvie.
You are welcome pretty Captain Ogilvie,
your fortune’s advanced we hear,
No ſtranger can come to my gate,
that I do love ſo dear.
I am come for my wife and children,
no friendſhip elſe give me.
Then ſhe came tripping down the ſtair,
with the ſalt tear in her eye,
One babe ſhe had at every foot,
another uopn her knee.
You’re welcome bonny Jeany Gordon,
Northumberland Counteſs ye be.
New the Captain came off with his Lade,
but and his ſweet babies three;
Saying I am as good blood by deſcent
though the Duke of Gordon you be.