Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Goode, William (1801-1868)

1904 Errata appended.

1199691Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 22 — Goode, William (1801-1868)1890Ronald Bayne

GOODE, WILLIAM, D.D., the younger (1801–1868), divine, son of the Rev. William Goode, the elder [q. v.], was born 10 Nov. 1801, and educated at St. Paul's School, London, and Trinity College, Cambridge. He graduated B.A. in 1825, with a first class in classics, and was ordained deacon and priest in 1825, becoming curate to his father's friend, Crowther, incumbent of Christ Church, Newgate Street. In 1835 he was appointed rector of St. Antholin, Watling Street, which he held till 1849, when the Archbishop of Canterbury presented him to the rectory of Allhallows the Great, Thames Street. In 1856 the lord chancellor presented him to the rectory of St. Margaret, Lothbury, which he held till 1860, when Lord Palmerston advanced him to the deanery of Ripon. He was Warburtonian lecturer from 1853 to 1857. He died very suddenly 13 Aug. 1868. For some years Goode was editor of the ‘Christian Observer,’ and became the recognised champion of the so-called evangelical party in the Anglican church. He was the author of a large number of tracts, pamphlets, letters, and speeches upon the church-rate question, the Gorham case, and the whole tractarian movement.

His chief works are: 1. ‘Memoir of the Rev. W. Goode, M.A.,’ 2nd edition, 1828, 8vo. 2. ‘The Modern Claims to the Possession of the extraordinary Gifts of the Spirit, stated and examined,’ &c., 2nd edition, 1834, 8vo. 3. ‘A Brief History of Church Rates, proving the Liability of a Parish to them to be a Common-Law Liability,’ &c., 2nd edition, 1838, 8vo. 4. ‘The Divine Rule of Faith and Practice,’ 2 vols. 1842, 8vo, and again revised and enlarged in 3 vols. 1853, 8vo. This is an ‘expansion of Chillingworth's doctrine that the Bible alone is the religion of protestants,’ supported by a systematic collection of church authorities, and is perhaps the most learned exposition of distinctively evangelical theology. 5. ‘Tract XC. historically refuted; or a Reply to a Work by the Rev. F. Oakeley, entituled “The subject of Tract XC. historically examined,”’ 1845, 8vo, 2nd edition, 1866. 6. ‘The Doctrine of the Church of England as to the effects of Baptism in the case of Infants. With an Appendix containing the Baptismal Services of Luther and the Nuremberg and Cologne Liturgies,’ 1849, 8vo; 2nd edition, 1850. 7. ‘A Vindication of the Doctrine of the Church of England on the Validity of the Orders of the Scotch and Foreign Non-Episcopal Churches,’ in three pamphlets, &c., 1852, 8vo. 8. ‘The Nature of Christ's Presence in the Eucharist, or the Doctrine of the Real Presence vindicated in opposition to the fictitious Real Presence asserted by Archdeacon Denison, Mr. (late Archdeacon) Wilberforce, and Dr. Pusey,’ 2 vols., 1856, 8vo. A supplement to this appeared in 1858. 9. ‘Fulfilled Prophecy. A Proof of the Truth of Revealed Religion, being the Warburtonian Lectures for 1854–8,’ 1863, 8vo.

[Men of the Time, 1865; Record, 14 Aug. 1868; Guardian, 19 Aug. 1868; obituary reprinted from Clerical Journal, 1883. See Brit. Mus. Cat. and Crockford's Directory for his works.]

R. B.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.137
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
120 ii 47-48 Goode, William (1801-1868): omit was first in classics in 1832