For other English-language translations of this work, see Salve Regina.

This is an anonymous translation of Seidenbusch' 1687 hymn Gegrüßet seist du, Königin (better known under the Latin title Salve Regina coelitum), which is an adaptation of the 11th century Marian antiphon Salve Regina.

Johann Georg SeidenbuschJohn B. Young2001497The Roman Hymnal — Salve Regina1884Anonymous

No. 69.
Salve Regina.
<< \new Staff \relative c' { \time 4/4 \key c \major \autoBeamOff 
  \partial 4 e8[ f] | g4 g g a | g4. f8 e4 r |
  f2 e | d c4 e8[ f] | g( g) g4 g a |
  g4. f8 e4 r | f2 e | d c4 r \bar "." c' b 
  a d8[ c] | \stemUp b4 \stemNeutral a g2 | c4 b a d8[ c] |
  \stemUp b4 \stemNeutral a g2 | c4 d e c | c b c2 |
  c4( b) a2 | d4( c) b2 | c4( d) e c | d2 c4 r \bar".." }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"1. "
  Hail! ho -- ly Queen en -- thron'd a -- bove,
  O Ma -- rí -- a! Hail! Mother of mer -- cy
  and of love, O Ma -- rí -- a! Tri -- umph
  all ye Cher -- u -- bim, Sing with us, ye
  Ser -- a -- phim, Heav'n and earth re -- sound the hymn:
  Sal -- ve, sal -- ve, sal -- ve Re -- gí -- na!  }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"2. " 
  Our life, our sweet -- ness here be -- low,
  O Ma -- rí -- a! Our hope in sor -- row
  and in woe, O Ma -- rí -- a! Tri -- umph }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"3. " 
  To thee we cry, poor sons of Eve,
  O Ma -- rí -- a! To thee we sigh, we 
  mourn, we grieve, O Ma -- rí -- a! Tri -- umph }>>

Transcribed lyrics (not individually listed)

1.Hail! holy Queen enthron'd above,
O María!
Hail! Mother of mercy and of love,
O María!

Triumph all ye Cherubim,
Sing with us, ye Seraphim,
Heav'n and earth resound the hymn:
Salve, salve, salve Regína!

2.Our life, our sweetness here below,
O María!
Our hope in sorrow and in woe,
O María! Triumph, etc.

3.To thee we cry, poor sons of Eve,
O María!
To thee we sigh, we mourn, we grieve,
O María! Triumph, etc.

4.This earth is but a vale of tears,
O Maria!
A place of banishment, of fears,
O Maria! Triumph, etc.

5.Turn, then, most gracious Advocate,
O Maria!
Tow'rds us thine eyes compassionate,
O Maria! Triumph, etc.

6.When this our exile is complete,
O Maria!
Show us thy womb-born Jesus sweet,
O Maria! Triumph, etc.

7.O clement, gracious, Mother sweet,
O Maria!
O Virgin Mary, we entreat,
O Maria! Triumph, etc.