O did you ne'er hear of Kate Kearney?
She lives on the banks of Killarney;
From the glance of her eye,
Shun danger and fly,
For fatal's the glance of Kate Kearney.
For that eye is so modestly beaming,
You'd ne'er think of mischief she's dreaming;
Yet oh! I can tell,
How fatal the spell
That lurks in the eye of Kate Kearney.

O should you e'er meet this Kate Kearney,
Who lives on the banks of Killarney,

Beware of her smile,
For many a wile
Lies hid in the smile of Kate Kearney.
Tho' she looks so bewitchingly simple,
There's mischief in every dimple;
And who dares inhale
Her mouth's spicy gale,
Must die by the breath of Kate Kearney.


Oh yes, I have seen this Kate Kearney,
Who lives near the of Killarney;
From her love-beaming eye,
What mortal can fly,
Unsubdued by the glance of Kate Kearney?
For that eye, so seducingly beaming,
Assures me of mischief she's dreaming,
And I feel 'tis in vain
To fly from the chain
That binds me to lovely Kate Kearley.

At eve when I've met this Kate Kearney,
On the flow'r-mantled banks of Killarney,
Her smile would impart
Thrilling joy to my heart,

As I gaz'd on the charming Kate Kearney.
On the banks of Killarney reclining,
My bosom to rapture resigning,
I've felt the keen smart
Of love's fatal dart,
And inhal‘d the warm sigh of Kate