1858058History of the Municipalities of Hudson County, New Jersey, 1630-1923, Volume 3 — Arthur Oscar FreudenbergDaniel Van Winkle


Insurance, Real Estate Operator.

Taking a prominent part in the present day advance of Hudson county, New Jersey, as a dealer and operator in real estate and insurance, Mr. Arthur O. Freudenberg is carrying into his business principles of honesty and fair dealing which bear so important a relation to the public welfare. Still a young man, and always in close touch with the movement of the times, Mr. Freudenberg is counted among the influences for progress which are carrying Hudson county to ever larger prosperity. He is a son of Maximillian and Eloise (Lindauer) Freudenberg, the father a native of Germany, the mother of New York State. Of the sons of these parents Louis J. Freudenberg was killed in action in the World War. He served as a runner or messenger with Company M., 309th Infantry, 78th Division, and was shot in the Argonne, October 16, 1918. Richard, another brother, served at Camp Meade, Maryland, but was not sent overseas. Maximillian Freudenberg was active in the insurance business in New York City for many years, in the capacity of actuary in the German department of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.

Arthur O. Freudenberg was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, August 9, 1891. His education was begun in the local public schools. Later attending the public schools of Jersey City, as the residence of the family changed, he continued his studies at the Jersey City public and high schools, and also attended evening school for two years. Mr. Freudenberg's first business experience was with the famous publishing house of the Street & Smith Company, of New York City, where he continued for a full decade, then for about two years he conducted a typewriter exchange in Jersey City and also in New York City. In the year 1918 Mr. Freudenberg identified himself with the Travelers Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut, as a field representative, and is still active in this capacity. He also handles a very extensive real estate and insurance business, and with offices at No. 109 Paterson Plank Road, West Hoboken, and is taking a definite part in the local advance. Mr. Freudenberg acts as notary public, is a Democrat by political affiliation, and is a member of Waverly Congregational Church. His brother, Eugene Freudenberg, fraternally holds membership in the Junior Order United American Mechanics, of Jersey City, Summit Council, No. 87. He is also a member of the Waverly Congregational Church.

Arthur O. Freudenberg married, February 28, 1914, Marie E. Wimblad, daughter of John and Salmine (Petersen) Wimblad, both now deceased, her father during his lifetime being identified with an ocean steamship line. Mr. and Mrs. Freudenberg are the parents of two daughters: Naida Muriel; and Selma Louise.