Distribution of Ages on Arrival.

Ages. Number of Ages stated from 1820 to 1860. Proportions.
Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total.
Under 5, . . 218,417 200,676 419,093 4·143 3·806 7·949
5 and under 10, 199,704 180,606 380,310 3·788 3·425 7·213
10 and under 15, 194,580 166,833 361,413 3·691 3·164 6·855
15 and under 20, 404,388 349,755 754,093 7·669 6·633 14·302
20 and under 25, 669,853 428,974 1,098,827 12·706 8·136 20·842
25 and under 30, 576,822 269,554 846,376 10·940 5·112 16·052
30 and under 35, 352,619 163,778 516,397 6·688 3·106 9·794
35 and under 40, 239,468 114,165 353,633 4·542 2·165 6·707
40 and upwards, 342,022 200,322 542,344 6·487 3·799 10·286
Total, 3,197,823 2,074,663 5,272,486 60·654 39·346 100·000

Total Proportions for Different Periods.

Ages. 1820 to 1830. 1830 to 1840. 1840 to 1850. 1850 to 1860. 1820 to 1860.
Under 5, . . . 6·904 8·511 8·284 7·674 7·949
5 and under 10, . 5·763 7·552 7·434 7·077 7·213
10 and under 15, . 4·568 7·817 7·564 6·328 6·855
15 and under 20, . 11·052 11·830 13·059 15·762 14·302
20 and under 25, . 22·070 19·705 21·518 20·617 20·842
25 and under 30, . 19·574 16·661 15·722 15·944 16·052
30 and under 35, . 10·194 10·215 9·914 9·609 9·794
35 and under 40, . 8·171 7·875 6·563 6·466 6·707
40 and upwards, . 11·704 9·834 9·942 10·523 10·286
Total, . . . 100·000 100·000 100·000 100·000 100·000