Title Armistice Day
Editor Anne Putnam Sanford and Robert Haven Schauffler
Year 1927
Publisher Dodd, Mead and Company
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in December 2016
Pages (key to Page Status)
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Introduction ix
Patriotism Lyman Abbott 3
America the Beautiful Katharine Lee Bates 4
What Americans Believe In Charles W. Eliot 6
The Trail Percy MacKaye 7
Soldiers of Freedom Woodrow Wilson 9
Relinquishing Theda Kenyon 10
What Is Patriotism? Agnes Repplier 11
To My Country Marguerite Wilkinson 15
Self-Sacrifice Woodrow Wilson 16
Stanzas on Freedom James Russell Lowell 16
The President's War Message Woodrow Wilson 21
Rheims Cathedral Grace Hazard Conkling 25
Draw the Sword, O Republic Edgar Lee Masters 26
From President Wilson's War Proclamation 28
Marching Song Dana Burnet 31
America Goes in Singing (From the Philadelphia Public Ledger) 33
I Have a Rendezvous with Death Alan Seeger 36
The Man of the Marne Bliss Carman 37
Letter by an American Officer Anonymous 39
The Hero of Vimy Brent Dow Allinson 40
The Look in Their Eyes Robert Haven Schauffler 42
Comrades in a Common Cause Bishop Brent 43
The Nightingales of Flanders Grace Hazard Conkling 45
Paris Again (From "Punch") 46
At Gallipoli John Masefield 48
Captain Guynemer Florence Earle Coates 50
From Letters and Diary Alan Seeger 52
Five Souls W. H. Ewer 56
April on the Battlefields Lenora Speyer 57
Front Line William Rose Benét 59
Eagle Youth Karle Wilson Baker 61
Prayer in the Trenches Brent Dow Allinson 62
De Profundis Brent Dow Allinson 63
V. A. D. (From "Punch") 64
Christmas 1917 Brent Dow Allinson 65
The Red Country William Rose Benét 67
The White Comrade Robert Haven Schauffler 70
Every One Sang Siegfried Sassoon 77
The Signing of the Armistice (From The Independent) 77
Armistice Day Angelo Patri 80
Armistice Day, 1918-1928 Nancy Byrd Turner 82
The Armistice (Full Text as Signed on November 11,1918) 83
Earth Song David McKee Wright 94
The Day of Glory Dorothy Canfield 96
Armistice Day, 1926 Lucia Trent 104
The Last Shot (From The Independent) 105
Peace at Morning Dana Burnet 110
Armistice Day (From New York Herald Tribune) 126
How America Finished Gregory Mason 128
The Great Armistice Robert Haven Schauffler 145
"A Green Hill Far Away" John Galsworthy 150
Suggested Address for Use by Legion Speaker on Armistice Day The American Legion 159
A Non-Denominational Prayer for Armistice Day Jewish Welfare Board 160
When Poppies Bloom Again Henry Albert Phillips 161
Armistice Day Mary Carolyn Davies 178
The War Thus Comes to an End Woodrow Wilson 179
Armistice Day: Lest We Forget Alma Lundman 184
Two Silences Robert Haven Schauffler 186
Message of Marshal Ferdinand Foch to the American Legion, November 11, 1921 187
Lest We Forget Curtis Wheeler 188
Marshal Foch's Armistice Day Message to America, 1926 Reported by Stephane Lauzanne 190
Saecla Ferarum William Ellery Leonard 198
Victory Bells Grace Howard Conkling 209
Psalm XLVI 210
Clean Hands Austin Dobson 211
Brest Left Behind John Chipman Farrar 212
Stacking the Needles Theda Kenyon 215
America's Welcome Home Henry Van Dyke 216
The Fruits of Victory William Howard Taft 218
The New Victory Margaret Widdemer 221
From a Song of Victory Edwin Markham 223
A Dead Warrior Laurence Housman 229
Unknown Bruce Barton 230
May Night William Ellery Leonard 233
To the Dead Doughboys William Ellery Leonard 234
Armistice Charles Buxton Going 234
The Unknown E. O. Laughlin 237
All This Is Ended Rupert Brooke 238
Our Honored Dead Henry Ward Beecher 239
The Unknown Harry Kemp 240
The Land Maxwell Struthers Burt 241
To the Canadian Mothers Duncan Campbell Scott 242
The Unknown Soldier Honored by England Sir Philip Gibbs 245
Soldier, Rest Sir Walter Scott 259
The Fallen Duncan Campbell Scott 260
The Old Soldier Katherine Tynan 261
The Dead Rupert Brooke 262
Flanders Poppies Ian Colvin 262
In Flanders Fields John McCrae 265
The Bivouac of the Dead Theodore O'Hara 266
Aes Triplex Robert Louis Stevenson 268
After Battle Duncan Campbell Scott 270
The Young Dead Maxwell Struthers Burt 270
Hymn for the Victorious Dead Hermann Hagedorn 272
A Monument for the Soldiers James Whitcomb Riley 273
The Soldier Rupert Brooke 275
For Thee They Died John Drinkwater 275
Address of Major General Fox Conner 276
The Young Dead Edith Wharton 278
The Unknown Soldier Angelo Patri 279
Before Marching, and After Thomas Hardy 281
Peace George Washington 285
Peace Rupert Brooke 285
I Would that Wars Would Cease Alfred Tennyson 286
Peace Woodrow Wilson 287
Peace at Too Great a Price Woodrow Wilson 287
Love Honor Only Better Then Peace Woodrow Wilson 288
The Spirit of America Is Peace Woodrow Wilson 288
Activities in Peace Woodrow Wilson 289
The Basis of Peace Woodrow Wilson 289
Friendship Breeds Peace Woodrow Wilson 290
Universal Peace Movement Woodrow Wilson 290
"Fixed Desire of the Human Heart" Woodrow Wilson 291
League of Nations Nancy Byrd Turner 292
Vale—Atque Salve M. A. De Wolfe Howe 293
The Known Soldier M. A. De Wolfe Howe 294
Disarmament John Greenleaf Whittier 295
To Peace Katharine Lee Bates 296
Re-Armament M. A. De Wolfe Howe 297
The Path to Peace Sidney S. Robins 299
To Italy Corinne Roosevelt Robinson 300
Prayer for the Spiritual Union of Mankind Harry Emerson Fosdick 301
Peace Harold Trowbridge Pulsifer 302
Aftermath Siegfried Sassoon 304
The United States of Europe: An Interview with Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler Edward Marshall 306
To Peace, With Victory Corinne Roosevelt Robinson 326
The Thousand Years of Peace Alfred Tennyson 327
"When There Is Peace" Austin Dobson 327
From Nocturne in a Library Arthur Davison Ficke 328
Love, Give Me the Feel of To-morrow Ralph Cheyney 330
Pacifists M. A. De Wolfe Howe 331
These Ten Years Since We Went to War (From The New York Evening Post) 332
Quotations for Peace Day From the Scriptures 336
After Florence Earle Coates 337
Sew the Flags Together Vachel Lindsay 338
The Christ of the Andes Edwin Markham 340
The Christ of the Andes Anna P. Hannum 342
The Universal Peace Alfred Tennyson 348
The Call O. W. Firkins 353
The Contract of Corporal Twing Solon K. Stewart 364
The Image Edward H. Sothern 392
The Unseen Host Percival Wilde 407
They Just Won't Talk Mary Katharine Reely 420
The Crowning of Peace Nora Archibald Smith 434
Program Arranged by National Americanism Commission, American Legion, Indianapolis, Indiana 447
Programs Arranged by Someple and Others 448
Programs Suggested by Mary E. Hazeltine, Library School of the University of Wisconsin 453
Program for the Celebration of Armistice Day Suggested by The American Legion National Americanism Commission 455