Index:Bierce - Collected Works - Volume 04.djvu
A Naval Method 99 Another Aspirant 102 A Learner 103 To Bridget 104 After Tennyson 105 To My Bird 106 Business 108 A Possibility 109 To a Censor 110 "The Whole World Kin" 113 A Future Conversation 113 The Hesitating Veteran 115 A Year's "Casualties" 118 To-Day 118 An Alibi 120 A Meeting 127 J. F. B 129 The Dying Statesman 129 The Death of Grant 131 The Fountain Refilled 132 Laus Lucis 138 Nanine 139 Technology 140 A Reply to a Letter 142 To Oscar Wilde 144 Born Leaders of Men 145 The Crime of 1903 146 For Expulsion 148 Judex Jocosus 150 "Graft" 151 The Tale of a Crime 151 To the Bartholdi Statue 153 An Unmerry Christmas 155 From Virginia to Paris 157 A "Mute Inglorious Milton" 158 The Free Trader's Lament 159 Subterranean Phantasies 160 In Memoriam 163 The Statesman 165 Brothers 168 The Cynic's Bequest 169 Corrected News 177 Mr. Fink's Debating Donkey 178 To My Laundress 183 Fame 184 Omnes Vanitas 186 Consolation 186 Fate 187 Philosopher Bimm 187 Reminded 189 Salvini in America 190 Another Way 193 Art 193
To A Debtor Abroad... 195 Genesis 195 Liberty 196 The Passing of Shep- herd 197 To Maude 2cx3 The Birth of Virtue.. 201 The Scurril Press 201 Stanley 204 One of the Unfair Sex. 205 The Lord's Prayer on a Coin 206 Ad Absurdum 206 Saith the Czar 208 The Royal Jester 209 A Career in Letters.. .213 The Following Pair... 214 Political Economy 215 The Unpardonable S1N..216 Industrial Disco ntent..2 18 Tempora Mutantur ...219 A False Alarm 220 Contentment 221 Constancy 223 The New Enoch ARDEN.224 Disavowal 226 An Average 227 Incurable 228 The Pun 228 page To Nanine 230 Vice Versa 230 A Blacklist 232 Authority 232 The Psoriad 233 Peace 237 Thanksgiving 237 L'Audace 240 The God's View-Point. . 24X The .Esthetes 245 With Mine Own Pe- tard 246 Restored 247 Sires and Sons 249 A Challenge 249 Two Shows 251 A Poet's Hope 252 The Woman and the Devil 254 Two Rogues 255 The Pied Piper of Brooklyn 257 Not Guilty 257 Presentiment 258 A Study in Gray 259 For Merit ..261 A Bit of Science 261 The Tables Turned... 262 To A Dejected Poet... 263 The Humorist 264 Montefiore 265
An Exile 266 The Division Superintendent 267 To A Professional Eulogist 268 Election Day 270 The Militiaman 271 A Welcome 272 A Serenade 273 The Wise and Good 274 The Lost Colonel 275 For Tat 278 A Dilemma 279 Metempsychosis 281 The Saint and the Monk 281 In High Life 283 A Whipper-In 284 Judgment 286 A Bubble 286 Francine 288 An Example 289 Revenge -289 The Genesis of Embarrassment 291 In Contumaciam 292 From the Minutes 292 A Woman in Politics 294 A Ballad of Pikeville 295 An Augury 298 Lusus PoLiTicus 299 Bereavement 301 A Pickbrain 302 The Naval Constructor 302 Detected 304 Bimetalism 304 Two Methods 306 Foundations of the State 306 An Impostor 308 France 309 A Guest 310 A False Prophecy 311 A Song of the Many 312 One Morning 313 The King of Bores 313 History 314 The Hermit 315 The Yearly Lie 317 An Apologue 318 Diagnosis 319 Fallen 319 Dies Irm 320 One Mood's Expression 326 Something in the Papers 327 The Binnacle 328 One President 329 The Bride 329 The Man Born Blind 330
A Wet Season 333 The Confederate FLAGS.335 Hæc Fabula Docet 337 Again 338 Homo Podunkensis 340 A Social Call 341 My Day of Life 342
A King of Craft 347 Stephen Dorsey 348 Mr. Justice Field 349 General B. F. Butler. 349 Reparation 350 Disincorporated 3 50 A Kit 351 Disjunctus 351 A Trencher-Knight 351 A Vice-President 352 A Wasted Life. 353
Poesy 357 Hospitality 357 Magnanimity 357 Understated 358 An Attorney-General..358 Financial News 358 Aspiration 359 Democracy 359 An Enemy to Law and Order 359 Foresight 360 A Fair Division 360 A Lacking Factor 360 The Politician 361 Elihu Root 361 An Error 361 Vanished at Cock-crow 362 Woman 362 A Partisan's Protest ..362 A Bequest to Music... 3 63 Oneiromancy 363 July Fourth 363 A Paradox 364 Reedified 364 A Bulletin 364 An Inscription 365 An Erroneous Assumption 365 A Constructor 365 God Complies 366 In Articulo Mortis 366 The Discoverers 366 Unexpounded 366 The Eastern Question 367 Two Types 367 To a Critic of Tennyson 367
Humility 368 Strained Relations 368 Exoneration 369 After Portsmouth 369 A Voice from PEKIN...369 A Pious Rite 370 Justice 370 At the Beach 370 An Infraction of the Rules 371 Conversely 371 A Warning 371 Psychographs 37a PAGE For Wounds 372 A Literary Method 372 Back to Nature 373 Rudolph Block 373 Boycott 373 To Her 374 Creation 374 Rebuke 374 Prayer 375 The Long Fear 375 An Inspired Perform- ance 375 Sepulture 376 |