Index:English translation of the Surya Siddhanta and the Siddhanta Siromani by Sastri, 1861.djvu

Title Surya Siddhanta, Siddhanta Siromani
Author Bhaskaracarya
Translator Bapudeva Sastri, Lancelot Wilkinson
Year 1861
Publisher C. B. Lewis
Location Calcutta
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed


Chapter I.—Called Madhya-gati which treats of the Rules for finding the mean places of the planets, 1
Chapter II.—Called Sphuṭa-gati which treats of the Rules for finding the true places of the planets, 13
Chapter III.—Called the Tripas'na, which treats of the Rules for resolving the questions on time, the position of places, and directions, 26
Chapter IV.—On the Eclipses of the Moon, 41
Chapter V.—On the Eclipses of the Sun, 48
Chapter VI.—On the projection of Solar and Lunar Eclipses, 52
Chapter VII.—On the conjunction of the planets, 56
Chapter VIII.—On the conjunction of the planets with the stars, 61
Chapter IX.—On the heliacal rising and setting of the planets and stars, 65
Chapter X.—On the phases of the Moon and the position of the Moon's cusps, 69
Chapter XI.—Called Pátádhikára, which treats of the Rules for finding the time at which the declination of the Sun and Moon become equal, 72
Chapter XII.—On Cosmographical matters, 76
Chapter XIII.—On the construction of the armillary sphere and other astronomical instruments, 87
Chapter XIV.—On kinds of time, 91
Postscript by the Translator, 96


Chapter I.—In praise of the advantages of the study of the Spheric, 106
Chapter II.—Questions on the general view of the Sphere, 107
Chapter III.—Called Bhuvana-kos'a or Cosmography, 112
Chapter IV.—Called Madhya-gati-vásaná; on the principles of the Rules for finding the mean places of the Planets, 127
Chapter V.—On the principles on which the Rules for finding the true places of the Planets are grounded, 135
Chapter VI.—Called Golabandha; on the construction of an Armillary Sphere, 151
Chapter VII.—Called Tripras'na-vásaná; on the principles of the Rules resolving the questions on time, space, and directions, 160
Chapter VIII.—Called Grahana-vásaná; in explanation of the cause of Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, 176
Chapter IX.—Called Drikkarama-vásaná; on the principles of the Rules for finding the times of the rising and setting of the heavenly bodies, 196
Chapter X.—Called S'ringonnati-vásaná; in explanation of the cause of the Phases of the Moon, 206
Chapter XI.—Called Yantrádhyáya; on the use of astronomical instruments, 209
Chapter XII.—Description of the Seasons, 228
Chapter XIII.—Containing useful questions called Pras'nádhyáya, 231