Index:Far from the Madding Crowd Vol 1.djvu

Title Far from the Madding Crowd, Volume 1
Author Thomas Hardy
Illustrator H. Paterson
Year 1874
Publisher Smith Elder and Co
Location London
Source djvu
Progress Source file must be fixed before proofreading
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
Volumes 12

I. Description of Farmer Oak — An Incident 1

II. Night — The Flock — An Interior — Another Interior 11

III. A Girl on Horseback — Conversation 24

IV. Gabriel's Resolve — The Visit — The Mistake 38

V. Departure of Bathsheba — A Pastoral Tragedy 54

VI. The Fair — The Journey — The Fire 62

VII. Recognition — A Timid Girl 79

VIII. The Malthouse — The Chat — News 85

IX. The Homestead — A Visitor — Half Confidences 118

X. Mistress and Men 128

XI. Melchester Moor — Snow — A Meeting 139

XII. Farmers — A Rule — An Exception 148

XIII. Sortes Sanctorum — The Valentine 157

XIV. Effect op the Letter — Sunrise 164

XV. A Morning Meeting — The Letter Again 171

XVI. All Saints' and All Souls' 189

XVII. In the Market-place 194

XVIII. Boldwood in Meditation — A Visit 199

XIX. The Sheep-washing — The Offer 207

XX. Peeplexity — Grinding the Shears — A Quarrel 217

XXI. Troubles in the Fold — A Message 227

XXII. The Great Barn and the Sheep-shearers 238

XXIII. Eventide — A Second Declaration 256

XXIV. The Same Night— The Fir Plantation 267

XXV. The New Acquaintance Described 278

XXVI. Scene on the Verge of the Hay-mead 284

XXVII. Hiving the Bees 299

XXVIII. The Hollow Amid the Ferns 305

XXIX. Particulars of a Twilight Walk 314

XXX. Hot Cheeks and Tearful Eyes 326


"Do you happen to want a Shepherd, Ma'am?" Frontispiece.

Hands were Loosening his Neckerchief To face page 32

"Get the Front Door Key." Liddy fetched it 158

"I feel—almost too much—to think," he said 211

She stood up in the Window-opening, facing the Men 262

She took up her Position as directed 308