
Title The Guide for the Perplexed (1904)
Author Maimonides
Translator Michael Friedländer
Year 1904
Publisher George Routledge & Sons
Location London
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
Pages (key to Page Status)
- - - - i ii Front matter iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxx xxxi xxxii xxxiii xxxiv xxxv xxxvi xxxvii xxxviii xxxix xl xli xlii xliii xliv xlv xlvi xlvii xlviii xlix l li lii liii liv lv lvi lvii lviii lix lx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - 12 - 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 - 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 - 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 - - - -
Life of Maimonides xv
Moreh Nebuchim Literature. Analysis of the Guide for the Perplexed xxvii

Part I.
Dedicatory Letter 1
The Object of the Guide 2
On Similes 4
Directions for the Study of this Work 8
Introductory Remarks 9
I The homonymity of Ẓelem 13
II On Genesis iii. 5 14
III On tabnit and temunah 16
IV On raah, hibbit and ḥazah 17
V On Exod. xxiv. 10 18
VI On ish and ishshah, aḅ and aḅot 19
VII On yalad 19
VIII On maḳom 20
IX On kisse 21
X On ʾalah, yarad 22
XI On yashab 23
XII On kam 24
XIII On ʿamad 25
XIV On adam 25
XV On naẓab, yaẓab 25
XVI On Ẓur 26
XVII On Mishnah Ḥagigah ii. 1 27
XVIII On ḳarab, nagaʿ, niggash 27
XIX On male 28
XX On ram, nissa 29
XXI On ʿabar 30
XXII On ba 32
XXIII On Yaẓa, shub 32
XXIV On halak 33
XXV On shaken 34
XXVI On “The Torah speaketh the language of man” 34
XXVII On Targum of Gen. xlvi. 4 35
XXVIII On regel 37
XXIX On ʿaẓeb 39
XXX On akal 39
XXXI, XXXII On the Limit of Man’s Intellect 4042
XXXIII to XXXVI On the Study and the Teaching of Metaphysics 4352
XXXVII On panim 52
XXXVIII On aḥor 53
XXXIX On leb 54
XL On ruaḥ 55
XLI On nefesh 56
XLII On ḥayyim-mavet 56
XLIII On kanaf 57
XLIV On ʿayin 58
XLV On sbamaʿ 58
XLVI, XLVII On the Attribution of Senses and Sensations to God 5963
XLVIII The Targum of sbama’ and raah 64
XLIX Figurative Expressions applied to Angels 65
L On Faith 67
LI–LX On Attributes 6889
LI On the Necessity of Proving the Inadmissibility of Attributes in reference to God 68
LII Classification of Attributes 69
LIII The Arguments of the Attributes 72
LIV On Exod. xxxiii. 13; xxxiv. 7 75
LV On Attributes implying Corporeality, Emotion, Non-existence and Comparison 78
LVI On Attributes denoting Existence, Life, Power, Wisdom and Will 79
LVII On the Identity of the Essence of God and His Attributes 80
LVIII On the Negative Sense of the True Attributes of God 81
LIX On the Character of the Knowledge of God Consisting of Negations 83
LX On the Difference between Positive and Negative Attributes 87
LXI On the Names of God 89
LXII On the Divine Names composed of Four, Twelve and Forty-Two Letters 91
LXIII On Ehyeh, Yah and Shaddai 93
LXIV On “The Name of the Lord,” and “The Glory of God” 95
LXV On the phrase “God spake” 96
LXVI On Exod. xxxii. 16 98
LXVII On shahat and nah 99
LXVIII On the Terms: The Intellectus, the Intelligens and the Intelligible 100
LXIX On the Primal Cause 102
LXX On the attribute rokeb baʿarabot 105
LXXI The Origin of the Kalâm 107
LXXII A Parallel between the Universe and Man 113
LXXIII Twelve Propositions of the Kalâm 120
LXXIV Proofs of the Kalâm for the creatio ex nihilo 133
LXXV Proofs of the Kalâm for the Unity of God 138
LXXVI Proofs of the Kalâm for the Incorporeality of God 141

|- class="__toc_row_first-c wst-toc-row-c wst-toc-row-3c " |colspan=3|
Part II. |- class="__toc_row_m-1 __toc_row_2dot-1 wst-toc-row-2dot-1 " style=""

The Author's Introduction. The Twenty-Six Propositions employed by the Philosophers to prove the Existence of God
.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .

|style="text-align:right; width:2.0em;" | 145 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-1-1 wst-toc-row-1-1-1 " style="" |Chapter. | | |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |I |Philosophical proofs for the Existence, Incorporeality, and Unity of the First Cause |149 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |II |On the Existence of Intelligences or purely Spiritual Beings |154 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |III |The Author adopts the Theory of Aristotle as least open to Objections |156 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |IV |The Spheres and the Causes of their Motion |156 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |V |Agreement of the Aristotelian Theory with the Teaching of Scripture |159 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |VI |What is meant by the Scriptural Term “Angels” |160 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |VII |The Homonymity of the term “Angel” |162 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |VIII |On the Music of the Spheres |163 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |IX |On the Number of the Heavenly Spheres |163 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |X |The Influence of the Spheres upon the Earth manifests itself in four different ways |164 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XI |The Theory of Eccentricity Preferable to that of Epicycles |166 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XII |On the Nature of the Divine Influence and that of the Spheres |168 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XIII |Three Different Theories about the Beginning of the Universe |171 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XIV |Seven Methods by which the Philosophers sought to prove the Eternity of the Universe |174 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XV |Aristotle does not scientifically demonstrate his Theory |176 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XVI |The Author refutes all Objections to Creatio ex nihilo |178 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XVII |The Laws of Nature apply to Things Created, but do not regulate the Creative Act which produces them |178 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XVIII |Examinations of the Proofs of Philosophers for the Eternity of the Universe |181 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XIX |Design in Nature |184 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XX |The Opinion of Aristotle as regards Design in Nature |189 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXI |Explanation of the Aristotelian Theory that the Universe is the necessary Result of the First Cause |190 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXII |Objections to the Theory of the Eternity of the Universe |192 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXIII |The Theory of Creatio ex nihilo is preferable to that of the Eternity of the Universe |195 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXIV |Difficulty of Comprehending the Nature and the Motion of the Spheres according to the Theory of Aristotle |196 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXV |The Theory of Creation is adopted because of its own Superiority, the Proofs based on Scripture being Inconclusive |199 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXVI |Examination of a passage from Pirḳe di-Rabbi Eliezer in reference to Creation |200 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXVII |The Theory of a Future Destruction of the Universe is not part of the Religious Belief taught in the Bible |201 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXVIII |Scriptural Teaching is in favour of the Indestructibility of the Universe |202 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXIX |Explanation of Scriptural Phrases implying the Destruction of Heaven and Earth |204 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXX |Philosophical Interpretation of Genesis i.–iv. |212 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXI |The Institution of the Sabbath serves (1) to Teach the Theory of Creation, and (2) to promote Man's Welfare |218 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXII |Three Theories concerning Prophecy |219 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXIII |The Difference between Moses and the other Israelites as regards the Revelation on Mount Sinai |221 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXIV |Explanation of Exodus xxiii. 20 |223 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXV |The Difference between Moses and the other Prophets as regards the Miracles wrought by them |223 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXVI |On the Mental, Physical and Moral Faculties of the Prophets |225 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXVII |On the Divine Infleunce upon Man's Imaginative and Mental Faculties through the Active Intellect |227 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXVIII |Courage and Intuition reach the highest degree of Perfection in Prophets |229 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXIX |Moses was the fittest Prophet to Receive and Promulgate the Immutable Law, which succeeding Prophets merely Taught and Expounded |231 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XL |The Test of True Prophecy |232 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLI |What is Meant by “Vision” |234 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLII |Prophets Received Direct Communication only in Dreams or Visions |236 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLIII |On the Allegories of the Prophets |238 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLIV |On the Different Modes in which Prophets Receive Divine Messages |240 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLV |The Various Classes of Prophets |241 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLVI |The Allegorical Acts of Prophets formed Parts of Prophetic Visions |245 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLVII |On the Figurative Style of Prophetic Writings |247 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLVIII |Scripture ascribes Phenomena directly produced by Natural Causes to God as the First Cause of all things |249 |- class="__toc_row_first-c wst-toc-row-c wst-toc-row-3c " |colspan=3|
Part III. |- class="__toc_row_m-1 __toc_row_2out-1 wst-toc-row-2out-1 " | colspan=2 |The Author's Introduction and Apology for Publishing, contrary to the Teaching of the Mishnah, an Interpretation of Ezek. i. |251 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |I |The “Four Faces” are Human Faces with four different peculiarities |252 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |II |The Ḥayyot and the Ofannim |252 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |III |Further Explanation of the Ḥayyot and the Ofannim derived from Ezek. x. |255 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |IV |The rendering of Ofan by Gilgal in the Targum of Jonathan |256 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |V |The Vision of Ezekiel is divided into three stages: (1) Ḥayyot (=the Spheres); (2) Ofannim (=Earthly elements); and (3) the man above the Ḥayyot (=Intelligences) |257 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |VI |On the Difference between the Vision of Ezekiel and that of Isaiah (vi.) |258 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |VII |The Different Ways in which the Prophet perceived the Three Parts of the Mercabah (Chariot) |259 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |VIII |Man has the Power to Control his Bodily Wants and Earthly Desires |261 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |IX |The Material Element in Man Prevents him from Attaining Perfection |264 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |X |God is not the Creator of Evil |265 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XI |Man is the Cause of his own Misfortunes |267 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XII |Three Kinds of Evil: (1) That caused by the Nature of Man; (2) Caused by Man to Man; (3) Caused by Man to himself |267 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XIII |The Universe has No other Purpose than its own Existence |272 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XIV |It is the Will of the Creator that the Spheres regulate the Affairs of Mankind |277 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XV |Impossible Things are not ascribed to the Creator, but it is difficult to Prove the Impossibility in each Individual Case |279 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XVI |On God's Omniscience |280 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XVII |Five Theories concerning Providence |282 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XVIII |Every Individual Member of Mankind enjoys the Influence of Divine Providence in proportion to his Intellectual Perfection |289 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XIX |It is an ancient Error to Assume that God takes no Notice of Man |290 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XX |God's Knowledge is Different from Man's Knowledge |292 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXI |The Creator's knowledge of His Production is Perfect |295 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXII |Object of the Book of Job, and Explanation of the First Two Chapters |296 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXIII |Job and his Friends Discuss the various Theories concerning Providence |299 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXIV |On Trials and Temptations |304 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXV |The Actions of God are Not Purposeless |307 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXVI |The Divine Precepts Serve a certain Purpose |310 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXVII |The Object of the Divine Precepts is to Secure the Well-being of Man's Soul and Body |312 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXVIII |This Object is easily seen in some Precepts, whilst in others it is only known after due Reflection |313 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXIX |On the Sabeans or Star-worshippers |315 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXX |It is one of the Objects of the Law of Moses to Oppose Idolatry |320 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXI |The Law Promotes the Well-being of Man by teaching Truth, Morality and Social Conduct |321 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXII |Why did God give Laws to Oppose Idolatry instead of Uprooting it directly? |322 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXIII |Another chief Object of the Law is to Train Man in Mastering his Appetites and Desires |327 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXIV |The Law is based on the ordinary conditions of man |328 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXV |Division of the Precepts into Fourteen Classes |329 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXVI |First Class of Precepts, to Know, Love and Fear God |331 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXVII |Second Class, Laws concerning Idolatry |332 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXVIII |Third Class, Moral Precepts |338 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XXXIX |Fourth Class, Laws relating to Charity |339 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XL |Fifth Class, Compensation for Injury and the Duty of Preventing Sin |342 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLI |Sixth Class, Punishment of the Sinner |344 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLII |Seventh Class, Equity and Honesty |350 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLIII |Eighth Class, Sabbath and Festivals |352 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLIV |Ninth Class, Prayer, Tefillin, Ẓiẓit and Mezuzah |354 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLV |Tenth Class, The Temple, its Vessels and its Ministers |355 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLVI |Eleventh Class, Sacrifices |359 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLVII |Twelfth Class, Distinctions between Clean and Unclean; and on Purification |366 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLVIII |Thirteenth Class, Dietary Laws |370 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |XLIX |Fourteenth Class, Marriage Laws |372 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |L |On Scriptural Passages with seemingly Purposeless Contents |380 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |LI |How God is worshipped by a Perfect Man |384 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |LII |On the Fear of God |391 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |LIII |Explanation of Ḥesed (Love), Mishpat (Judgment), and Ẓedakah (Righteousness) |392 |- class="__toc_row_1-m-1 __toc_row_1-out-1 wst-toc-row-1-out-1 " |LIV |On True Wisdom |393 |- class="__toc_row_m-1 __toc_row_2out-1 wst-toc-row-2out-1 " | colspan=2 |Index of Scriptural Passages |399 |- class="__toc_row_m-1 __toc_row_2out-1 wst-toc-row-2out-1 " | colspan=2 |Index of Quotations from the Targumim |409 |- class="__toc_row_m-1 __toc_row_2out-1 wst-toc-row-2out-1 " | colspan=2 |Index of Quotations from the Midrashim |409 |- class="__toc_row_m-1 __toc_row_2out-1 wst-toc-row-2out-1 " | colspan=2 |Index of Quotations from the Talmud |410 |- class="__toc_row_m-1 __toc_row_2out-1 wst-toc-row-2out-1 " | colspan=2 |Index of References to Other Works of Maimonides |411 |- class="__toc_row_m-1 __toc_row_2out-1 wst-toc-row-2out-1 " | colspan=2 |Index of References to Works of Science and Philosophy |412 |- class="__toc_row_m-1 __toc_row_2out-1 wst-toc-row-2out-1 " | colspan=2 |Alphabetical Index |412
