1st series, 1811-1821: 1 ─ 2 ─ 3 ─ 4 ─ 5
2nd series, 1822-1856: 1, part 1, part 2, part 3 ─ 2 ─ 3 ─ 4 ─ 5 ─ 6 ─ 7
Proceedings: 1834-1845
Quarterly Journal: 1845-1971
Sketch of the Mineralogy of Sky On the Oxyd of Uranium On the Geological Features of the North-eastern Counties of Ireland On the Dykes of the North of Ireland On the Geology of Barbadoes On the Geology of Cambridgeshire On a Bed of Trap in Birch-hill Colliery On the Geology of Glen Tilt On the Geology of the South-Western part of Somerstshire On a Clinometer On the Wolds of Lincolnshire On the Tremolite of Cornwall On the Salt Mines of Cardona Description of a new Ore of Tellurium On the Corundum of Gellivara List of Donations Index