Last Will of James Squire of Kissing Point

Last Will of James Squire of Kissing Point (1822)
by James Squire

Dated 6 April 1822.

500909Last Will of James Squire of Kissing Point1822James Squire

This is the last will and testament of James Squire of Kissing Point in the territory of New South Wales, Brewer.

First I direct the payment of my just debt, funeral and testament any expenses by my Executor and Executrix herein after named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease. I give and devise unto James Mason otherwise Squire, a natural son of mine by Elizabeth Mason deceased the messuage and premises in which I now live together with the piece or parcel of Land on which the same stand containing twenty five acres and called by the name of Pollards farm / also I give and devise unto the said James Mason otherwise Squire my farm containing one hundred and sixteen acres granted to Nicholas Bayley Esquire also my farm containing fifty acres granted to John Callaghan also my farm containing thirty acres granted to John Bayley to hold the said four several farms or pieces or parcels of Land unto the said James Mason otherwise Squire

and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten for ever / I give and devise unto Priscilla the wife of Thomas Small ( a natural daughter of mine by the said Elizabeth Mason deceased) all that my farm containing thirty acres formerly granted to William Careless to hold the same unto the said Priscilla Small until her son James Devlin shall attain the age of twenty one years and when he shall attain that age I give and devise farm unto the said James Devlin to hold the same to him his heirs and assigns for ever / I give and devise unto Elizabeth the wife of John O'Donnell / also a natural daughter of mine by the said Elizabeth Mason deceased / all that my farm containing thirty acres formerly granted to John Laurel / also my farm containing thirty acres granted to Thomas Chaddock also my farm containing fifty acres granted to Joseph Hatton also my farm containing sixty acres granted to William Tirrell also my cottage or dwelling house situate in Castlereigh Street Sydney to hold the said four several last mentioned farms or pieces of Land and also the said cottage or Tenement until the said Elizabeth O'Donnell and to the heirs of her body lawfully begotten for ever / I give and devise unto Mary Mason otherwise Squire ( also a natural daughter of mine by the said Elizabeth Mason deceased) all that my farm containing thirty acres granted to William Johnson also my farm containing sixty acres granted to Sarah Fielder also my farm containing five hundred and eighty five acres granted to William Raven also my farm containing thirty acres granted to……..Everell also my farm containing thirty acres granted to……… Jones also my farm containing fifty five acres granted to Archibald Morrison also my farm containing sixty acres granted to William House to hold the said seven and several last mentioned farms or pieces or parcels of Land unto the said Mary Mason otherwise Squire and to the heirs of her body - lawfully begotten for ever / I give and bequeath unto my wife Martha Squire now residing in London Great Britain the sum of fifty pounds also I give and bequeath unto my son John Squire also residing in Great Britain the sum of Thirty pounds also I give and bequeath unto my son James Squire also residing in Great Britain the sum of Thirty pounds also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Squire also residing in Great Britain the sum of thirty pounds which said legacies I do hereby direct my Executor and Executrix to transmit to England as soon as they conveniently can after my decease.

Also I give and bequeath unto James Spencer the son of Francis Spencer of Sydney aforesaid who is a natural born child of mine by Mary Spencer deceased the sum of - thirty pounds also I give and bequeath unto John Bray son of Martha the wife of Thomas Bray formerly Martha Mason otherwise Squire now deceased the sum of Thirty pounds also I give and bequeath unto Sarah the wife of William Lucas (formerly Sarah Mason otherwise Squire spinster) the sum of One hundred pounds also I give and bequeath unto George Lucas a son of the said Sarah Lucas the sum of thirty pounds Also I give and bequeath unto Lucy Harding my housekeeper as a reward for her long and faithful services to myself and my family the sum of nine hundred pounds also the boat called Lucy the press bed and bedstead and any other articles of household furniture she may chose amounting in value with those already mentioned to the sum of one hundred pounds so as to make up the whole sum bequeathed to her amount to One thousand pounds also I give and bequeath unto Mrs Mary Studling as a reward for her services in my family the sum of one hundred pounds also suit of mourning also I give and bequeath unto my servants John Bray, John Robins, Thomas Gale, John Carney, John Cureton And Thomas Dwyer the sum of ten pounds each to purchase their mourning.

I give and devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my real and personal estate and Effects of every description which I shall be professed of or entitled unto at the time of my decease unto and equally between the said James Squire otherwise Mason, Priscilla Small, Elizabeth O'Donnell and Mary Mason otherwise Squire share and share alike as tenants in common and to their several and respective heirs and assigns I nominate constitute and appoint the said James Mason otherwise Squire and Lucy Harding Executor and Executrix of this my will and hereby revoking all former and other wills by me at any time hereafter made declare this only to be and contain my last will and testament contained in two sheets of paper to the first sheet set my hand and seal this sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty two - James Squire (J.S.)_______ Signed sealed published and declared by the said James Squire the Testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who with presence at his request and in the presence of each other have pursuant subscribed our names as witnesses - James Norton - Thomas Fox - John Small -

Probate granted to James Mason otherwise Squire and Lucy Harding both of Kissing Point the Executor and Executrix the 15th of August 1822. Value 2000 Pounds.