Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1

2690711Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1 — Home page of Volume 11908Francis Augustus MacNutt

Of this limited letterpress edition seven hundred and fifty copies have been printed, and the type has been distributed

Letters of Cortes

The Five Letters of Relation from Fernando
Cortes to the Emperor Charles V.

Translated, and Edited, with a Biographical Introduction
and Notes Compiled from Original Sources


Francis Augustus MacNutt

In Two Volumes

Volume One

G. P. Putnam's Sons
New York and London
The Knickerbocker Press

Copyright, 1908

The Knickerbocker Press, New York

Chapters (not listed in original)

Fernando Cortes Frontispiece
From an Engraving by Ferdin Selma, after the Painting by Titian
Cortes Coat-of-Arms On cover
Plan of Mexico — Tenochtitlan 188
From Conquista de Mexico, vol. iv., by Orozco y Berra
The Wall of Tlascala, 200
From Storia Antica del Messico, vol. ii., by Clavigero

Cortes family crest