2691192Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2 — Index1908Francis Augustus MacNutt


Acahuilguin, lord of Acuculin, II, 280
Acalan, province of, II, 256ff
description of, 263
Acolhuacan, I, 247
Acolman, II, 56
disturbance between Captains at, 63
Acuculin, province of, II, 280
arrival at, 282
Adelantado, note on, II, 169
Agoes, note on, II, 243
Aguilar, Jeronimo de, I, 143, 144
Aguilar, Marcos de, succeeds Ponce de Leon as commissioner, 151
Cortes reports on, II 341
Aiutecatl, I, 31
Alaman, Lucas, account of concealment of Cortes's remains, I, 7off
Alaminos, Anton de, note on, I, 127
Alango, Fortunio de, II, 349
Albornoz, Rodrigo de, note on, II, 230
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, 361ff
Alderete, Julian de, arrives at Vera Cruz, II, 40
at Tacuba, 51
urges attack on the marketplace, 91
altercation with Cortes, 97
Almeria, I, 192
Altamirano, Fray Diego de, cousin of Cortes, his despatches, II 331
Alvarado, Pedro de, sent back to Cuba by Grijalba I, 17
disobedience of, 25
massacres Mexican nobles, 284, 350
note on, II, 60
quarrels with Olid, 63
disastrous repulse of, 87ff
assault on the market-place by, 115
expedition to Tututepeque, 142ff sent to Guatemala, 178
negotiations with Ovalle, 182
departs for Tehuantepec, 196
in Guatemala, 332
Amazons, legendary island of, II, 177, 178
Amecameca, I, 228
Amohan, lord of Checan, II, 276
Animals, Mexican, I, 161 Apaspolon, chief of Acalan, II, 256
deceives Cortes, 258
his wealth, 264
Apolochic, river, II, 299
Aqueducts, description of, I, 262
destruction of, II, 64
Armada, vessels of Cortes's, I, 155
of Narvaez, 272
Ascension, bay of, I, 133 Atzcapotzalco, note on, II, 34
Avila, Pedrarius de, note on, I, 125
note on, II, 231
troubles in his colony, 328
Axucutaco, province of, II, 322
Ayachapichtla, battle of, II, 38 Ay lion, Vasquez de, note on, I, 274
Bacallaos, note on, II, 207
Balboa, Nunez de, discovers Pacific Ocean, I, 15
death of, II, 232 Banner, Cortes's, I, 203
Barbo, Pedro, mortally wounded, II, 88
Barrientos, Hernando de, his letter to from Chinantla II, 57
Bees, varieties of, I, 145
Bono de Quejo, Juan, his mission, II, 166
Brigantines, building of, I, 320
progress of, II, 7
transported from Tlascala, 31ff
launching of, 59
first action of, 66ff
one captured by Mexicans, 88, 99
Burgos, Bishop of, note on, II, 166, 167
Cacamatzin, king of Texcoco, I, 249
note on, 249
Cacao, I, 244
Cagoatan, character of country, II. 239
Caltanmic, I, 196
Canal, built at Texcoco, II, 58
Canec, lord of Taiza, II, 271
conversion of, 272
Cannibalism, provisions for Indian troops, II, 104
feasting of the Allies, 111
Cortes punishes, 244
Canno, Sebastian del, death of, II, 349
Cannon, the silver, II, 211, 212
Catapult, failure of the, II, 117, 118
Catoche, note on, I, 127
battle at, 134
crosses at, 175
Catzolcin, note on, II, 161
Causeway, approaching Mexico, I, 233
camp on the, II, 70
Cempoal, I, 190
Chalchuihcuecan, I, 247
II, 334
Chalco, I, 226
II, 22ff
Chapagua, town of, II, 317
Cherubusco, II, 54
Chichemecatl, exploits during siege, II, 31, 98, 102
Chichimecas, expedition against, and note on, II, 353
Chihuacoatl, II, 125
Chila, town and lake, II, 171
Chilapan, town of, II, 240
Chinantla, events in, and note on, II, 56, 57
Chirino, Pero Armildez, note on, II, 230
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, 362ff
Cholula, note on, I, 212
embassy from, 215
arrival of Cortes at, 216
massacre at, 217ff
feud with Tlascala, 220
description of city, 220
Citlatepetl, II, 146
Citlatlepoc, II, 56
Civilisation, origins of Mexican, I, 336ff
Coanacochtzin, note on, II, 13
Coatelicamat, description of his country, I, 243
Coatlinchan, II, 14
Coatzacoalco, river of, I, 245
Coins, values of, I, 136
Colhua, I, 225
Columbus, Diego, congress Cuba, I, 6
note on, 123
his expedition to Panuco, II, 170
Communidades, note on, II, 168
Conspiracy at Vera Cruz, I, 167, 189
Cordoba, Francisco Fernandez de, expedition, I, 15, 125
death, 16
Corral, Cristobal, II, 43
Cortes, Fernando, birth and family, I, 3
education and early life, 4ff
quarrel with Velasquez, 10
appointed commander by Velasquez, 19, 138
sails for Cozumel, 25
policy towards Indians, 25
character of his men, 26
compared with Cæsar, 27
dealings with Tapia, 29, 138ff
diplomacy of, 30ff
influences governing his conduct, 35
Prescott's opinion, 36, 37
his Christianity, 38
dialogue with Penn, 39
justifying motives, 42
relations with women, 42ff
second marriage, 44, 55
expedition to Yucatan, 44
Charnay's estimation of, 45
friendship for Indians, 47
later difficulties of, 49
accusations against, 50
returns to Spain, 51
honours conferred on, 54
his emeralds, 55
arrival in Mexico, 57ff
expeditions in Pacific Ocean, 59ff
Voltaire's anecdote on, 61
last letter to Charles V. 62ff
death of, 66
funeral in Mexico, 69
mystery of burial place 69ff
last will, 77ff
negotiations at Cozumel, 139ff
rescues Spaniards in Yucatan, 141
at Tabasco, 146ff
founds Vera Cruz, 157
first description of Mexico, 160ff
destroys his ships, 189
at Cempoal, 190
at Xochimilco, 194
first news of Tlascala, 197
his standard, 203
murmurings against, 206
alliance with Tlascala, 207
ideas of justice, 215
enters Cholula, 216
massacre and results in Cholula, 217ff
arrives at Chalco, 226
enters Mexico, 232
first meeting with Montezuma, 234
plans to take Montezuma prisoner, 238
reports on mines and agriculture, 242-4
searches for harbour, 245ff
describes Mexico, 256ff
overthrows the idols, 260
letter to Narvaez, 270, 271
leaves the city, 277
negotiations with Narvaez, 280ff
defeats Narvaez, 282
return march to Mexico, 285
captures Teocalli, 291
narrow escape of, 295
retreats from Mexico, 296ff
arrives at Tlascala, 302
at Guacachula, 311
builds brigantines, 320
proposes name for Mexico, 322
reviews forces at Tlascala, II, 8
speech to Tlascalans, 9
march to Mexico, 10
at Texcoco, 15
destroys Iztapalapan, 18
receives brigantines, 32
at Tacuba, 34ff
messages to Quauhtemotzin 40, 41
begins hostilities, 42ff
captures Cuernavaca, 46
narrow escape at Xochimilco, 50
begins the siege, 60
commands brigantines, 66
second narrow escape of, 95
wounded, 97
inspects market-place, 116
reports on the treasure, 130
builds ships on the Pacific, 144
plot to murder, 144, 145
campaigning in Panuco, 171ff
appointed Captain-General, 180
dealings with Garay, 188ff
reports ship-building, 199, 200
on rebuilding Mexico, 200ff
gun casting, 204
manufactures ammunition, 205
casts silver culverin, 211
complains of Velasquez, 213
converting Indians, 213, 214
opinions of bishops, lawyers, and doctors, 214
ordinances of, 218
expedition to Yucatan and Honduras, 230
bridge building, 235, 239, 253ff
reports execution of Quauhtemotzin at Peten-Itza, 274
receives tidings from Nito, 283
arrives at Nito, 286
dangerous journey on rafts, 299ff
reception in Honduras, 308
report of his death, note on, 321
receives disquieting news from Mexico, 321ff
embarks for Vera Cruz, 323
reports on slave trade, 333
sails for Vera Cruz, 334
in Havana, 34ff
arrival at reception at Vera Cruz, 335
arrival in City of Mexico, 336ff
accusations against, 341ff
renders an account, 344
proposes to return to Spain, 346
petitions a pension, 347ff
reports on South Sea expeditions, 350
on province of Zapoteca, 351
his treatment of Nuño de Guzman, 352
expedition against the Chichimecas, 353
Coscatlan, note on, II, 171
Cozumel, discovery of, I, 16
note on, 123
Cortes at, 139
crosses at, 175
Cronberger, Juan, editions of Cortes 's letters, I, 103
Cruelty, wholesale executions in Panuco, II, 193
Cruzada, Bula de la, II, 138
Cuauhtitlan, II, 34
Cuba, conquest of, I, 7
note on, 123
Cuernavaca, capture of, and note on, II, 46ff
Cuicuitcatzin, I, 250
Cuitlahuac, description of town, I, 229
II, 54
Cuitlahuaczin, note on, I, 318
measures for defence, 321
Cuzula, report on, I, 242
Darien, note on, II, 179
Diaz del Castillo, Bernal, describes sailing of expedition under Cortes, I, 20, 21
life and writings, 109
Dircio, Pedro, II, 43
Duero, Andres de, I, 281
Empire, extent of Aztec, I, 264
taxes in, 265
Encomienda, note explaining, II, 223ff
Escudero, Juan, takes Cortes prisoner, I, 11
hanged, 167
Espiritu Santo, foundation of, II, 161
Estrada, Alonso de, note on, II, 230
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, 361ff
Famine, during the siege, II, 112, 126
Fernandina, see Cuba
Fernando, Don, King of Texcoco, II, 21, 22
election of, 25
supplies reinforcements to Cortes, 77, 78
note on, 78
death of, 146
note on, 146
Figueroa, Rodrigo de, I, 320
Fonseca, Juan de, note on, II, 166, 167
Gallego, Pedro, captured at Tacuba, II, 50, 55
Garay, Francisco de, note on, I, 191
first expedition to Mexico, 192ff
disastrous expedition of, 307
his men at Panuco, 321
arrival in Panuco, II, 179ff
note on his expedition and death, 180-81
defection of his men, 186
death of, 190
Gomara, Francisco de, chaplain of Cortes, I, 10
version of quarrel between Cortes and Velasquez, 11ff
life and writings, 108
Gonzalez, Gil, in Honduras, II, 308ff
Grijalba, Juan de, captain of Velasquez's first expedition, I, 16, 131
his discoveries, 17
returns to Cuba, 18, 136
note on, 131
river so named, 135
imprisoned at Santestevan del Puerto, II, 185
Guajocingo, I, 226
Guanajos, Los, islands of, II, 332ff
Guatemala, messenger to Cortes from, II, 178
Guevara, Santiago de, death of, II, 349
Guzman, Cristobal de, II, 96
Guzman, Gonzalo de, I, 131
Guzman, Nunez de, governor of Panuco, I, 51
proceeds against Cortes, 56
note on his atrocities, II, 352
Hanega explained, I, 244
Hernandez, Alonzo, captured at Xochimilco, II, 50
Hernandez, Francisco, at Naco, II, 328
Hererra, Antonio de, life and writings, I, 116
Honduras, expedition sent by Cortes to, II, 194ff
note on name, 229
Holquin, Garci, captures Quauhtemotzin, II, 127
note on, 128
Huaquechula, I, 309
capture of, 311
description of, 314
Huaxtepec, II, 37
Huexothla, II, 14
Hueyothlipan, I, 302
Huilacho, outrages in, II, 329
Huisuco, II, 100
Huititla, island of, II, 333
Huitzilopochtli, I, 348
Icazbalceta, Manuel Garcia, his writings, I, 118
Idols, description of, I, 262
destruction of, 345ff
Impilcingo, expedition to, II, 176
Ixhuacan, I, 195
Ixtacmaxtitlan, I, 197
Ixtlilxochitl, joins Cortes, II, 13
note on, 78
conduct during the siege, 78
Iztapalapan, description of, I, 230
destruction of, II, 18
Iztapan, march to, II, 242
Izzucan, I, 315
disputed succession at, 316, 317
Jamaica, I, 141
Jeronymite Fathers, applied to by Velesquez, I, 18, 131
note on, 129
Judges, Aztec, I, 259
Julian, captured by Cordoba, I, 16
interprets for Cortes, 25
Lakes of Chalco and Texcoco, I, 256
Languages, note on Indian, II, 299
Lara, Juan de, captured at Xochimilco, II, 50
Las Casas, Bastolomé de, version of quarrel between Cortes and Velasquez, I, 9ff
life and writings, 114
Las Casas, Francisco de, hostilities against Olid in Honduras, II, 309ff
Laws, sumptuary, in Mexico, II, 218
Loaysa, Garcia Jofre de, fate of his expedition, II, 349
Malinalco, II, 100
Malinaltepeque, gold from, I, 243
Maquahuitl, described, I, 202
Marina, I, 42ff
first mentioned, 217
note on, 327ff
with Cortes in Honduras, II, 273
Market-place, in city of Mexico, 257ff
attack on, II, 92
Spaniards repulsed at, 96
note on, 97ff
Martyr, Peter de Angleria, life and writings, I, 115
Massacre of Mexican nobles, I, 349ff
Matalcingo, expedition against, II, 103ff
Maxixcatzin, I, 207
kindness to Cortes, 303
holds Tlascala to the Spanish alliance, 319
death of, II, 7
Mazatl, execution of, II, 326
Medellin, in Estremadura, birthplace of Cortes, I, 3
in Mexico, foundation and naming of, II, 135
transfer of, 206
Medrano, II, 88
Melchor, captured by Cordoba, I, 16
interprets for Cortes, 25
Melgarejo, Fray Pedro, arrives at Vera Cruz, II, 40
at Tacuba, 51
note on, 138
negotiations with Cristobal de Tapia, 138ff
Mendoza, Alonzo de, II, 3
Merlo, Rodrigo de, slave-hunting, II. 333
Metztithlan, II, 164
Mexicalcingo, description of, I, 232
adheres to Cortes, II, 41
Mexico, description by Cortes, I, 256ff|
fighting in, 287ff
note on, 330ff
civilisation of, 336ff
siege of, II, 60
completely invested, 71
first general assault on, 73ff
second general assault on, 80
third general assault on, 82ff
defection of vassals, 84, 85
note on, 88
gallant defence of, 95ff
destruction begins, 108ff
suffering in, 112
fall of, 125
note on, 127
rebuilding of, 135, 201, 202
notes on new divisions of, 202, 203
Michoacan, messengers to Cortes, II, 130
note on, 131
messengers return from, 136
disaffection of Spaniards in, 162
Mixquic, II, 54
Monjaraz, Andres de, I 43 s,
Montaño, Francisco deprisocures sulphur from volcano, II, 205
Montejo, Francisco de, I, 160, 179
Montezuma, Spaniards first hear of, I, 17
his ambassadors to Cortes, 34, 148
note on, 187
second embassy to Cortes, 211
efforts to stop Cortes, 227
receives Cortes, 233
discourse of, 234ff
imprisoned, 238ff
in chains, 240
betrays Cacamatzin 249
speech to his nobles, 251
his empire, 263
palaces, 265ff
etiquette, 267
death of, 288, 351ff
Moreno, Pedro, his conduct in Honduras, II, 312ff
report of intrigues at Naco, 328
Motolinia, Fray Toribio, life and writings, I, 115
Naco, note on, II, 284
Spaniards at, 290
Narvaez, Panfilo de, arrival in Mexico, I, 269
his designs, 271
note on, 272
negotiations with Cortes, 278ff
defeat of, 282
Natividad, foundation of, II, 304
Nautlan, II, 41
Nieto, Diego, II, 286
Night, the Sorrowful, I, 296ff
Nito, note on, II, 284
Spaniards settled there, 284ff
their sad plight, 286
desperate situation of Cortes at, 289
Oaxaca, I, 317
expedition against, II, 133ff
Obsidian, note on, II, 198
Ocampo, Diego de, note on, II, 163
Ocupatuyo, I, 313
Ojeda, adventures and death of, II, 179
Olea, Cristobal de, at Xochimilco, II, 50
death of, 95, 97
Olid, Cristobal de, lands at Cozumel, I, 17
position during the siege, II, 61
hostilities at Coyohuacan, 65
sent to Honduras, 179
his departure, 194
note on, 194, 195
history of his rebellion, 308ff
execution of, 310
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his rebellion, 361ff
Ordaz, Diego de, ascends Popocatapetl, I, 224
note on, II, 159
Orizaba, volcano of, I, 161
note on, II, 146
Orozco y Berra, Manuel, Historia Antiqua, I, 117
Otomies, join Cortes, note on, II, 79
seek assistance, 103
Otumba, Battle of, I, 300, 301
messengers from, II, 20
Ovando, Nicolas de, appointed governor of Hispaniola, I, 4
Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernandez de, life and writings, I, 111
Palmas, Rio de las, note on, II, 352
Palos, note on, I, 127
Panuco, I, 308
rebellion in, II, 190ff
Papayeca, town of, II, 317
Pasquinades, on the treasure, II, 153
Paz, Rodrigo de, imprisoned in Mexico, II, 322
execution of, 362
Peace, first overtures for, II, 105
renewed proposals for, 120
Penn, William, ghostly dialogue with Cortes, I, 39
Perez, Alonzo, with Cortes at Tacuba, II, 51
Peten-Itza, Cortes arrives at, II, 269ff
note on, 270
deified horse at, 274
Pinzon, Vicente Yañez, I, 133
Pitzacura, capture of, II, 326
death of, 327
Plot, to murder Cortes, II, 144
note on, 145
Ponce de Leon, Juan, discovers Florida, I, 15
note on, II, 106
Ponce de Leon, Luis, sent as commissioner to Mexico, I, 50
arrival and note on, II, 337ff
death of, 340
Popocatapetl, described, I, 223
Prescott, William H., notice of his conquest of Mexico, I, 117
Priests, Aztec, I, 259
Provincials, first named for religious Orders, II, 216
Puertocarrero, Alonzo Hernandez, I, 160, 180
Puerto del Alabastro, named by Cortes, II, 269
Pulque, I, 258
Quauhpopoca, I, 236ff
his death, 241
Quauhtemotzin, sends force against Chalco, II, 39
conduct during the siege, 97
refusals to make peace, 120ff
capture of, 127
torture of, 128
death of, II, 260ff
note on, 262
Quetzalcoatl, note on, I, 340
temple of, 347
Quinones, Antonio de, II, 95
Quintero, Alonzo, captain of ship in which Cortes first sailed, I, 5
Rangel, Rodrigo, sent against the Zapotecas, II, 198
Requirement addressed to Cortes, I, 157
formality explained, 177
Residencia, note on, I, 169
Robertson, William, opinion of Cortes's letters, I, 101
works referred to, 118
Roche, Gaspard, stands surety for colonists, II, 313
Rodelas, explained, I, 134
Rojas, Gabriel de, expedition of, II, 330
Ruano, Juan, intrigues in Honduras, II, 313ff
Saavedra, Hernando de, lieutenant, in Honduras, II, 323
Sacrifices, human, I, 164, 181
number of victims, 345
Spaniards sacrificed, II, 88
note on, 97ff
in Acalan, 258
Salazar, Gonzalo de, note on, II, 230
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, 361
Salt, note on, I, 208
San Andres, note on name, II, 290
Sandoval, Gonzalo de, death, I, 53, 281
note on, II, 22
expedition to Chalco, 23ff
expedition to Tlascala, 29ff
return to Chalco, 37, 38
position during siege, 61
wounded, 72
sent to help Otomies, 103
negotiates with Tapia, 140
San Estevan del Puerto, foundation of, II, 174
San Hipolito, feast of, II, 129
San Juan de Puerta Latina, I, 133
San Juan de Ulua, island of, derivation of name, I, 17
note on, 132
San Martin, I, 271
Santiago de Cuba, I, 125
Santiago, Spanish battle-cry, II, 38
Segura de la Frontera, foundation, I, 308
change of site, II, 163
mutiny at, 164
Settlements, Spanish, I, 126
Siege, beginning of the, II, 60
duration of, 129
Singuatepecpan, II, 248
arrival at, 249
Christian propaganda at, 252
Slavery, Cortes sanctions servitude of natives, II, 147, 148
natives branded and sold, 166
Cortes orders branding, 199
the trade, 332ff
Small-pox introduced by Spaniards, II, 6
Solis, Juan Diaz de, discovers River Plate, I, 15
Sotelo builds the catapult, II, 117
Soto, Diego de, II, 140
South Sea, inquiries concerning, II, 131
efforts to reach, 131ff
Spain, New, name proposed by Cortes, I, 322
Strait, search for the, II, 207ff
Tabasco, discovery of river, I, 131
fighting at, 147
Tacuba, destruction of, II, 34
Taiza, Cortes marches towards, II, 269
Tamazollan, I, 319
Tanjuco, note on, II, 190
Tapia, Cristobal de, his dealings with Cortes, I, 29
arrival at Vera Cruz, II, 138
note on, 138
Tasco, tin mines of, II, 204
Tecuichpo, Princess, I, 318
Tehuantepec, expedition to, II, 196
Temple, the great, I, 260
note on, 345
Tenayucan, II, 34
Tenciz, character of the province of, II, 278
Tenochtitlan, Mexico, note on, I, 330ff
Teotihuacan, pyramids of, I, 248
Tepeaca, expedition to, I, 308
slaves in, 309
garrison at, II, 6
Tepepolco, quarries of, II, 66
Teutepil, II, 31
Texcoco, description of and note on, I, 247, 248
canal built at, II, 58
Tezcatlipoca, I, 340, 341
Tezmulocan, II, 10
Tiac, arrival of Cortes at, II, 268
Tianguiz, II, 92
Tithes, first levied in Mexico, II, 216
Tlalmanalco, II, 42
Tlapanecatl, leads assault, II, 88
Tlascala, republic of, I, 32
character of the people, 32, 33
note on, 197
wall of, 199
hostilities in, 201ff
peace concluded, 207
description of city, 209
feud with Cholula, 220
loyalty of people, 303
events in, 305
native of, rescues Cortes, II, 50
Tlatelolco, I, 330
Torquemada, Juan de, life and writings, I, 116
Tozopan, II, 41
Trade, relations with Hispaniola, II, 217
Treasure, list of first, I, 170
collected in Mexico, 253
division of, 255
fate of the, II, 210, 211
Truce, Mexican flag of, II, 13
Trujillo, foundation of, II, 311
Tuchintecla, I, 245, 246
Tupilcos, province of, II, 234ff
Tututepec, two towns so named, II, 164
Tzilacatzin, his exploits, II, 89
Valdenebro, Diego, II, 140
Valleja, Pedro de, at San Estevan, II, 174
outgenerals Grijalba, 183, 184
Vassals, perfidy of the Mexican, II, 84, 85
doubt the Spaniards, 98
Velasquez, Diego, conquers Cuba, I, 6, 7
character, 7, 8
quarrel with Cortes, 10ff
sends first expedition to mainland, 16, 131ff
second expedition, 18, 137ff
appoints Cortes Captain, 18
instructions to Cortes, 19
suspicious of, 20ff
note on, 125
intrigues with Olid, II, 213
Vendabal, Francisco Martin, captured at Tacuba, II, 50, 55
Vera Cruz, I, 157
reinforcements arrive at, II, 27
more arrivals at, 40
ammunition arrives at, 106
Verdugo, Francisco, II, 43
Villafaña, Antonio de, his plot and fate, II, 144, 145
Villafuerte, Rodriquez de, II, 43
Women, Spanish, during the conquest, II, 99
Xatlocan, attack on, II, 33
Xicotencatl, I, 204, 303
distrust of Spaniards, 319
his desertion and death, II, 63
Xiuhtepec, II, 46
Xochimilco, I, 194
note on name of, II, 49
fighting at, 49ff
Xoloc, capture of and note on, II, 69
Xuarez, Catalina, courted by Cortes, I, 11
marriage, 12
Xuarez, Juan partner of Cortes I, 7
Xuchitepec, I, 244
Yasa, river, II, 287
Yautepeque, II, 46
Yuca, note on, II, 243
Yucatan, note on, I, 123
discovery of, 127
Spanish prisoners in, 141
Yuste, Juan, his fate, II, 30
Zacatula, foundation of, II, 162
Zalapa, the river II, 236
Zapotecas, expedition against the, II, 197
report on expedition, 351
Zozolla, I, 317
Zuazo, Alonso de, sent back to Mexico, II, 233
imprisonment of, 321
exile of, 362
Zumarraga, Juan de, appointed president of audiencia, I, 56
letter to Charles V, 357ff
Zuñiga, Juan de, wife of Cortes I, 44