Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2/Index
A | ||
Acahuilguin, lord of Acuculin, II, | 280 | |
Acalan, province of, II, | 256ff | |
description of, | 263 | |
Acolhuacan, I, | 247 | |
Acolman, II, | 56 | |
disturbance between Captains at, | 63 | |
Acuculin, province of, II, | 280 | |
arrival at, | 282 | |
Adelantado, note on, II, | 169 | |
Agoes, note on, II, | 243 | |
Aguilar, Jeronimo de, I, | 143, 144 | |
Aguilar, Marcos de, succeeds Ponce de Leon as commissioner, | 151 | |
Cortes reports on, II | 341 | |
Aiutecatl, I, | 31 | |
Alaman, Lucas, account of concealment of Cortes's remains, I, | 7off | |
Alaminos, Anton de, note on, I, | 127 | |
Alango, Fortunio de, II, | 349 | |
Albornoz, Rodrigo de, note on, II, | 230 | |
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, | 361ff | |
Alderete, Julian de, arrives at Vera Cruz, II, | 40 | |
at Tacuba, | 51 | |
urges attack on the marketplace, | 91 | |
altercation with Cortes, | 97 | |
Almeria, I, | 192 | |
Altamirano, Fray Diego de, cousin of Cortes, his despatches, II | 331 | |
Alvarado, Pedro de, sent back to Cuba by Grijalba I, | 17 | |
disobedience of, | 25 | |
massacres Mexican nobles, | 284, 350 | |
note on, II, | 60 | |
quarrels with Olid, | 63 | |
disastrous repulse of, | 87ff | |
assault on the market-place by, | 115 | |
expedition to Tututepeque, 142ff sent to Guatemala, | 178 | |
negotiations with Ovalle, | 182 | |
departs for Tehuantepec, | 196 | |
in Guatemala, | 332 | |
Amazons, legendary island of, II, | 177, 178 | |
Amecameca, I, | 228 | |
Amohan, lord of Checan, II, | 276 | |
Animals, Mexican, I, 161 Apaspolon, chief of Acalan, II, | 256 | |
deceives Cortes, | 258 | |
his wealth, | 264 | |
Apolochic, river, II, | 299 | |
Aqueducts, description of, I, | 262 | |
destruction of, II, | 64 | |
Armada, vessels of Cortes's, I, | 155 | |
of Narvaez, | 272 | |
Ascension, bay of, I, 133 Atzcapotzalco, note on, II, | 34 | |
Avila, Pedrarius de, note on, I, | 125 | |
note on, II, | 231 | |
troubles in his colony, | 328 | |
Axucutaco, province of, II, | 322 | |
Ayachapichtla, battle of, II, 38 Ay lion, Vasquez de, note on, I, | 274 | |
B | ||
Bacallaos, note on, II, | 207 | |
Balboa, Nunez de, discovers Pacific Ocean, I, | 15 | |
death of, II, 232 Banner, Cortes's, I, | 203 | |
Barbo, Pedro, mortally wounded, II, | 88 | |
Barrientos, Hernando de, his letter to from Chinantla II, | 57 | |
Bees, varieties of, I, | 145 | |
Bono de Quejo, Juan, his mission, II, | 166 | |
Brigantines, building of, I, | 320 | |
progress of, II, | 7 | |
transported from Tlascala, | 31ff | |
launching of, | 59 | |
first action of, | 66ff | |
one captured by Mexicans, | 88, 99 | |
Burgos, Bishop of, note on, II, | 166, 167 | |
C | ||
Cacamatzin, king of Texcoco, I, | 249 | |
note on, | 249 | |
Cacao, I, | 244 | |
Cagoatan, character of country, II. | 239 | |
Caltanmic, I, | 196 | |
Canal, built at Texcoco, II, | 58 | |
Canec, lord of Taiza, II, | 271 | |
conversion of, | 272 | |
Cannibalism, provisions for Indian troops, II, | 104 | |
feasting of the Allies, | 111 | |
Cortes punishes, | 244 | |
Canno, Sebastian del, death of, II, | 349 | |
Cannon, the silver, II, | 211, 212 | |
Catapult, failure of the, II, | 117, 118 | |
Catoche, note on, I, | 127 | |
battle at, | 134 | |
crosses at, | 175 | |
Catzolcin, note on, II, | 161 | |
Causeway, approaching Mexico, I, | 233 | |
camp on the, II, | 70 | |
Cempoal, I, | 190 | |
Chalchuihcuecan, I, | 247 | |
II, | 334 | |
Chalco, I, | 226 | |
II, | 22ff | |
Chapagua, town of, II, | 317 | |
Cherubusco, II, | 54 | |
Chichemecatl, exploits during siege, II, | 31, 98, 102 | |
Chichimecas, expedition against, and note on, II, | 353 | |
Chihuacoatl, II, | 125 | |
Chila, town and lake, II, | 171 | |
Chilapan, town of, II, | 240 | |
Chinantla, events in, and note on, II, | 56, 57 | |
Chirino, Pero Armildez, note on, II, | 230 | |
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, | 362ff | |
Cholula, note on, I, | 212 | |
embassy from, | 215 | |
arrival of Cortes at, | 216 | |
massacre at, | 217ff | |
feud with Tlascala, | 220 | |
description of city, | 220 | |
Citlatepetl, II, | 146 | |
Citlatlepoc, II, | 56 | |
Civilisation, origins of Mexican, I, | 336ff | |
Coanacochtzin, note on, II, | 13 | |
Coatelicamat, description of his country, I, | 243 | |
Coatlinchan, II, | 14 | |
Coatzacoalco, river of, I, | 245 | |
Coins, values of, I, | 136 | |
Colhua, I, | 225 | |
Columbus, Diego, congress Cuba, I, | 6 | |
note on, | 123 | |
his expedition to Panuco, II, | 170 | |
Communidades, note on, II, | 168 | |
Conspiracy at Vera Cruz, I, 167, | 189 | |
Cordoba, Francisco Fernandez de, expedition, I, | 15, 125 | |
death, | 16 | |
Corral, Cristobal, II, | 43 | |
Cortes, Fernando, birth and family, I, | 3 | |
education and early life, | 4ff | |
quarrel with Velasquez, | 10 | |
appointed commander by Velasquez, | 19, 138 | |
sails for Cozumel, | 25 | |
policy towards Indians, | 25 | |
character of his men, | 26 | |
compared with Cæsar, | 27 | |
dealings with Tapia, 29, | 138ff | |
diplomacy of, | 30ff | |
influences governing his conduct, | 35 | |
Prescott's opinion, | 36, 37 | |
his Christianity, | 38 | |
dialogue with Penn, | 39 | |
justifying motives, | 42 | |
relations with women, | 42ff | |
second marriage, | 44, 55 | |
expedition to Yucatan, | 44 | |
Charnay's estimation of, | 45 | |
friendship for Indians, | 47 | |
later difficulties of, | 49 | |
accusations against, | 50 | |
returns to Spain, | 51 | |
honours conferred on, | 54 | |
his emeralds, | 55 | |
arrival in Mexico, | 57ff | |
expeditions in Pacific Ocean, | 59ff | |
Voltaire's anecdote on, | 61 | |
last letter to Charles V. | 62ff | |
death of, | 66 | |
funeral in Mexico, | 69 | |
mystery of burial place | 69ff | |
last will, | 77ff | |
negotiations at Cozumel, | 139ff | |
rescues Spaniards in Yucatan, | 141 | |
at Tabasco, | 146ff | |
founds Vera Cruz, | 157 | |
first description of Mexico, | 160ff | |
destroys his ships, | 189 | |
at Cempoal, | 190 | |
at Xochimilco, | 194 | |
first news of Tlascala, | 197 | |
his standard, | 203 | |
murmurings against, | 206 | |
alliance with Tlascala, | 207 | |
ideas of justice, | 215 | |
enters Cholula, | 216 | |
massacre and results in Cholula, | 217ff | |
arrives at Chalco, | 226 | |
enters Mexico, | 232 | |
first meeting with Montezuma, | 234 | |
plans to take Montezuma prisoner, | 238 | |
reports on mines and agriculture, | 242-4 | |
searches for harbour, | 245ff | |
describes Mexico, | 256ff | |
overthrows the idols, | 260 | |
letter to Narvaez, | 270, 271 | |
leaves the city, | 277 | |
negotiations with Narvaez, | 280ff | |
defeats Narvaez, | 282 | |
return march to Mexico, | 285 | |
captures Teocalli, | 291 | |
narrow escape of, | 295 | |
retreats from Mexico, | 296ff | |
arrives at Tlascala, | 302 | |
at Guacachula, | 311 | |
builds brigantines, | 320 | |
proposes name for Mexico, | 322 | |
reviews forces at Tlascala, II, | 8 | |
speech to Tlascalans, | 9 | |
march to Mexico, | 10 | |
at Texcoco, | 15 | |
destroys Iztapalapan, | 18 | |
receives brigantines, | 32 | |
at Tacuba, | 34ff | |
messages to Quauhtemotzin | 40, 41 | |
begins hostilities, | 42ff | |
captures Cuernavaca, | 46 | |
narrow escape at Xochimilco, | 50 | |
begins the siege, | 60 | |
commands brigantines, | 66 | |
second narrow escape of, | 95 | |
wounded, | 97 | |
inspects market-place, | 116 | |
reports on the treasure, | 130 | |
builds ships on the Pacific, | 144 | |
plot to murder, | 144, 145 | |
campaigning in Panuco, | 171ff | |
appointed Captain-General, | 180 | |
dealings with Garay, | 188ff | |
reports ship-building, | 199, 200 | |
on rebuilding Mexico, | 200ff | |
gun casting, | 204 | |
manufactures ammunition, | 205 | |
casts silver culverin, | 211 | |
complains of Velasquez, | 213 | |
converting Indians, | 213, 214 | |
opinions of bishops, lawyers, and doctors, | 214 | |
ordinances of, | 218 | |
expedition to Yucatan and Honduras, | 230 | |
bridge building, | 235, 239, 253ff | |
reports execution of Quauhtemotzin at Peten-Itza, | 274 | |
receives tidings from Nito, | 283 | |
arrives at Nito, | 286 | |
dangerous journey on rafts, | 299ff | |
reception in Honduras, | 308 | |
report of his death, note on, | 321 | |
receives disquieting news from Mexico, | 321ff | |
embarks for Vera Cruz, | 323 | |
reports on slave trade, | 333 | |
sails for Vera Cruz, | 334 | |
in Havana, | 34ff | |
arrival at reception at Vera Cruz, | 335 | |
arrival in City of Mexico, | 336ff | |
accusations against, | 341ff | |
renders an account, | 344 | |
proposes to return to Spain, | 346 | |
petitions a pension, | 347ff | |
reports on South Sea expeditions, | 350 | |
on province of Zapoteca, | 351 | |
his treatment of Nuño de Guzman, | 352 | |
expedition against the Chichimecas, | 353 | |
Coscatlan, note on, II, | 171 | |
Cozumel, discovery of, I, | 16 | |
note on, | 123 | |
Cortes at, | 139 | |
crosses at, | 175 | |
Cronberger, Juan, editions of Cortes 's letters, I, | 103 | |
Cruelty, wholesale executions in Panuco, II, | 193 | |
Cruzada, Bula de la, II, | 138 | |
Cuauhtitlan, II, | 34 | |
Cuba, conquest of, I, | 7 | |
note on, | 123 | |
Cuernavaca, capture of, and note on, II, | 46ff | |
Cuicuitcatzin, I, | 250 | |
Cuitlahuac, description of town, I, | 229 | |
II, | 54 | |
Cuitlahuaczin, note on, I, | 318 | |
measures for defence, | 321 | |
Cuzula, report on, I, | 242 | |
D | ||
Darien, note on, II, | 179 | |
Diaz del Castillo, Bernal, describes sailing of expedition under Cortes, I, | 20, 21 | |
life and writings, | 109 | |
Dircio, Pedro, II, | 43 | |
Duero, Andres de, I, | 281 | |
E | ||
Empire, extent of Aztec, I, | 264 | |
taxes in, | 265 | |
Encomienda, note explaining, II, | 223ff | |
Escudero, Juan, takes Cortes prisoner, I, | 11 | |
hanged, | 167 | |
Espiritu Santo, foundation of, II, | 161 | |
Estrada, Alonso de, note on, II, | 230 | |
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, | 361ff | |
F | ||
Famine, during the siege, II, | 112, 126 | |
Fernandina, see Cuba | ||
Fernando, Don, King of Texcoco, II, | 21, 22 | |
election of, | 25 | |
supplies reinforcements to Cortes, | 77, 78 | |
note on, | 78 | |
death of, | 146 | |
note on, | 146 | |
Figueroa, Rodrigo de, I, | 320 | |
Fonseca, Juan de, note on, II, | 166, 167 | |
G | ||
Gallego, Pedro, captured at Tacuba, II, | 50, 55 | |
Garay, Francisco de, note on, I, | 191 | |
first expedition to Mexico, | 192ff | |
disastrous expedition of, | 307 | |
his men at Panuco, | 321 | |
arrival in Panuco, II, | 179ff | |
note on his expedition and death, | 180-81 | |
defection of his men, | 186 | |
death of, | 190 | |
Gomara, Francisco de, chaplain of Cortes, I, | 10 | |
version of quarrel between Cortes and Velasquez, | 11ff | |
life and writings, | 108 | |
Gonzalez, Gil, in Honduras, II, | 308ff | |
Grijalba, Juan de, captain of Velasquez's first expedition, I, | 16, 131 | |
his discoveries, | 17 | |
returns to Cuba, | 18, 136 | |
note on, | 131 | |
river so named, | 135 | |
imprisoned at Santestevan del Puerto, II, | 185 | |
Guajocingo, I, | 226 | |
Guanajos, Los, islands of, II, | 332ff | |
Guatemala, messenger to Cortes from, II, | 178 | |
Guevara, Santiago de, death of, II, | 349 | |
Guzman, Cristobal de, II, | 96 | |
Guzman, Gonzalo de, I, | 131 | |
Guzman, Nunez de, governor of Panuco, I, | 51 | |
proceeds against Cortes, | 56 | |
note on his atrocities, II, | 352 | |
H | ||
Hanega explained, I, | 244 | |
Hernandez, Alonzo, captured at Xochimilco, II, | 50 | |
Hernandez, Francisco, at Naco, II, | 328 | |
Hererra, Antonio de, life and writings, I, | 116 | |
Honduras, expedition sent by Cortes to, II, | 194ff | |
note on name, | 229 | |
Holquin, Garci, captures Quauhtemotzin, II, | 127 | |
note on, | 128 | |
Huaquechula, I, | 309 | |
capture of, | 311 | |
description of, | 314 | |
Huaxtepec, II, | 37 | |
Huexothla, II, | 14 | |
Hueyothlipan, I, | 302 | |
Huilacho, outrages in, II, | 329 | |
Huisuco, II, | 100 | |
Huititla, island of, II, | 333 | |
Huitzilopochtli, I, | 348 | |
I | ||
Icazbalceta, Manuel Garcia, his writings, I, | 118 | |
Idols, description of, I, | 262 | |
destruction of, | 345ff | |
Impilcingo, expedition to, II, | 176 | |
Ixhuacan, I, | 195 | |
Ixtacmaxtitlan, I, | 197 | |
Ixtlilxochitl, joins Cortes, II, | 13 | |
note on, | 78 | |
conduct during the siege, | 78 | |
Iztapalapan, description of, I, | 230 | |
destruction of, II, | 18 | |
Iztapan, march to, II, | 242 | |
Izzucan, I, | 315 | |
disputed succession at, | 316, 317 | |
J | ||
Jamaica, I, | 141 | |
Jeronymite Fathers, applied to by Velesquez, I, | 18, 131 | |
note on, | 129 | |
Judges, Aztec, I, | 259 | |
Julian, captured by Cordoba, I, | 16 | |
interprets for Cortes, | 25 | |
L | ||
Lakes of Chalco and Texcoco, I, | 256 | |
Languages, note on Indian, II, | 299 | |
Lara, Juan de, captured at Xochimilco, II, | 50 | |
Las Casas, Bastolomé de, version of quarrel between Cortes and Velasquez, I, | 9ff | |
life and writings, | 114 | |
Las Casas, Francisco de, hostilities against Olid in Honduras, II, | 309ff | |
Laws, sumptuary, in Mexico, II, | 218 | |
Loaysa, Garcia Jofre de, fate of his expedition, II, | 349 | |
M | ||
Malinalco, II, | 100 | |
Malinaltepeque, gold from, I, | 243 | |
Maquahuitl, described, I, | 202 | |
Marina, I, | 42ff | |
first mentioned, | 217 | |
note on, | 327ff | |
with Cortes in Honduras, II, | 273 | |
Market-place, in city of Mexico, | 257ff | |
attack on, II, | 92 | |
Spaniards repulsed at, | 96 | |
note on, | 97ff | |
Martyr, Peter de Angleria, life and writings, I, | 115 | |
Massacre of Mexican nobles, I, | 349ff | |
Matalcingo, expedition against, II, | 103ff | |
Maxixcatzin, I, | 207 | |
kindness to Cortes, | 303 | |
holds Tlascala to the Spanish alliance, | 319 | |
death of, II, | 7 | |
Mazatl, execution of, II, | 326 | |
Medellin, in Estremadura, birthplace of Cortes, I, | 3 | |
in Mexico, foundation and naming of, II, | 135 | |
transfer of, | 206 | |
Medrano, II, | 88 | |
Melchor, captured by Cordoba, I, | 16 | |
interprets for Cortes, | 25 | |
Melgarejo, Fray Pedro, arrives at Vera Cruz, II, | 40 | |
at Tacuba, | 51 | |
note on, | 138 | |
negotiations with Cristobal de Tapia, | 138ff | |
Mendoza, Alonzo de, II, | 3 | |
Merlo, Rodrigo de, slave-hunting, II. | 333 | |
Metztithlan, II, | 164 | |
Mexicalcingo, description of, I, | 232 | |
adheres to Cortes, II, | 41 | |
Mexico, description by Cortes, I, | 256ff| | |
fighting in, | 287ff | |
note on, | 330ff | |
civilisation of, | 336ff | |
siege of, II, | 60 | |
completely invested, | 71 | |
first general assault on, | 73ff | |
second general assault on, | 80 | |
third general assault on, | 82ff | |
defection of vassals, | 84, 85 | |
note on, | 88 | |
gallant defence of, | 95ff | |
destruction begins, | 108ff | |
suffering in, | 112 | |
fall of, | 125 | |
note on, | 127 | |
rebuilding of, | 135, 201, 202 | |
notes on new divisions of, | 202, 203 | |
Michoacan, messengers to Cortes, II, | 130 | |
note on, | 131 | |
messengers return from, | 136 | |
disaffection of Spaniards in, | 162 | |
Mixquic, II, | 54 | |
Monjaraz, Andres de, | I 43 s, | |
Montaño, Francisco deprisocures sulphur from volcano, II, | 205 | |
Montejo, Francisco de, I, | 160, 179 | |
Montezuma, Spaniards first hear of, I, | 17 | |
his ambassadors to Cortes, | 34, 148 | |
note on, | 187 | |
second embassy to Cortes, | 211 | |
efforts to stop Cortes, | 227 | |
receives Cortes, | 233 | |
discourse of, | 234ff | |
imprisoned, | 238ff | |
in chains, | 240 | |
betrays Cacamatzin | 249 | |
speech to his nobles, | 251 | |
his empire, | 263 | |
palaces, | 265ff | |
etiquette, | 267 | |
death of, | 288, 351ff | |
Moreno, Pedro, his conduct in Honduras, II, | 312ff | |
report of intrigues at Naco, | 328 | |
Motolinia, Fray Toribio, life and writings, I, | 115 | |
N | ||
Naco, note on, II, | 284 | |
Spaniards at, | 290 | |
Narvaez, Panfilo de, arrival in Mexico, I, | 269 | |
his designs, | 271 | |
note on, | 272 | |
negotiations with Cortes, | 278ff | |
defeat of, | 282 | |
Natividad, foundation of, II, | 304 | |
Nautlan, II, | 41 | |
Nieto, Diego, II, | 286 | |
Night, the Sorrowful, I, | 296ff | |
Nito, note on, II, | 284 | |
Spaniards settled there, | 284ff | |
their sad plight, | 286 | |
desperate situation of Cortes at, | 289 | |
O | ||
Oaxaca, I, | 317 | |
expedition against, II, | 133ff | |
Obsidian, note on, II, | 198 | |
Ocampo, Diego de, note on, II, | 163 | |
Ocupatuyo, I, | 313 | |
Ojeda, adventures and death of, II, | 179 | |
Olea, Cristobal de, at Xochimilco, II, | 50 | |
death of, | 95, 97 | |
Olid, Cristobal de, lands at Cozumel, I, | 17 | |
position during the siege, II, | 61 | |
hostilities at Coyohuacan, | 65 | |
sent to Honduras, | 179 | |
his departure, | 194 | |
note on, | 194, 195 | |
history of his rebellion, | 308ff | |
execution of, | 310 | |
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his rebellion, | 361ff | |
Ordaz, Diego de, ascends Popocatapetl, I, | 224 | |
note on, II, | 159 | |
Orizaba, volcano of, I, | 161 | |
note on, II, | 146 | |
Orozco y Berra, Manuel, Historia Antiqua, I, | 117 | |
Otomies, join Cortes, note on, II, | 79 | |
seek assistance, | 103 | |
Otumba, Battle of, I, | 300, 301 | |
messengers from, II, | 20 | |
Ovando, Nicolas de, appointed governor of Hispaniola, I, | 4 | |
Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernandez de, life and writings, I, | 111 | |
P | ||
Palmas, Rio de las, note on, II, | 352 | |
Palos, note on, I, | 127 | |
Panuco, I, | 308 | |
rebellion in, II, | 190ff | |
Papayeca, town of, II, | 317 | |
Pasquinades, on the treasure, II, | 153 | |
Paz, Rodrigo de, imprisoned in Mexico, II, | 322 | |
execution of, | 362 | |
Peace, first overtures for, II, | 105 | |
renewed proposals for, | 120 | |
Penn, William, ghostly dialogue with Cortes, I, | 39 | |
Perez, Alonzo, with Cortes at Tacuba, II, | 51 | |
Peten-Itza, Cortes arrives at, II, | 269ff | |
note on, | 270 | |
deified horse at, | 274 | |
Pinzon, Vicente Yañez, I, | 133 | |
Pitzacura, capture of, II, | 326 | |
death of, | 327 | |
Plot, to murder Cortes, II, | 144 | |
note on, | 145 | |
Ponce de Leon, Juan, discovers Florida, I, | 15 | |
note on, II, | 106 | |
Ponce de Leon, Luis, sent as commissioner to Mexico, I, | 50 | |
arrival and note on, II, | 337ff | |
death of, | 340 | |
Popocatapetl, described, I, | 223 | |
Prescott, William H., notice of his conquest of Mexico, I, | 117 | |
Priests, Aztec, I, | 259 | |
Provincials, first named for religious Orders, II, | 216 | |
Puertocarrero, Alonzo Hernandez, I, | 160, 180 | |
Puerto del Alabastro, named by Cortes, II, | 269 | |
Pulque, I, | 258 | |
Q | ||
Quauhpopoca, I, | 236ff | |
his death, | 241 | |
Quauhtemotzin, sends force against Chalco, II, | 39 | |
conduct during the siege, | 97 | |
refusals to make peace, | 120ff | |
capture of, | 127 | |
torture of, | 128 | |
death of, II, | 260ff | |
note on, | 262 | |
Quetzalcoatl, note on, I, | 340 | |
temple of, | 347 | |
Quinones, Antonio de, II, | 95 | |
Quintero, Alonzo, captain of ship in which Cortes first sailed, I, | 5 | |
R | ||
Rangel, Rodrigo, sent against the Zapotecas, II, | 198 | |
Requirement addressed to Cortes, I, | 157 | |
formality explained, | 177 | |
Residencia, note on, I, | 169 | |
Robertson, William, opinion of Cortes's letters, I, | 101 | |
works referred to, | 118 | |
Roche, Gaspard, stands surety for colonists, II, | 313 | |
Rodelas, explained, I, | 134 | |
Rojas, Gabriel de, expedition of, II, | 330 | |
Ruano, Juan, intrigues in Honduras, II, | 313ff | |
S | ||
Saavedra, Hernando de, lieutenant, in Honduras, II, | 323 | |
Sacrifices, human, I, | 164, 181 | |
number of victims, | 345 | |
Spaniards sacrificed, II, | 88 | |
note on, | 97ff | |
in Acalan, | 258 | |
Salazar, Gonzalo de, note on, II, | 230 | |
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, | 361 | |
Salt, note on, I, | 208 | |
San Andres, note on name, II, | 290 | |
Sandoval, Gonzalo de, death, I, | 53, 281 | |
note on, II, | 22 | |
expedition to Chalco, | 23ff | |
expedition to Tlascala, | 29ff | |
return to Chalco, | 37, 38 | |
position during siege, | 61 | |
wounded, | 72 | |
sent to help Otomies, | 103 | |
negotiates with Tapia, | 140 | |
San Estevan del Puerto, foundation of, II, | 174 | |
San Hipolito, feast of, II, | 129 | |
San Juan de Puerta Latina, I, | 133 | |
San Juan de Ulua, island of, derivation of name, I, | 17 | |
note on, | 132 | |
San Martin, I, | 271 | |
Santiago de Cuba, I, | 125 | |
Santiago, Spanish battle-cry, II, | 38 | |
Segura de la Frontera, foundation, I, | 308 | |
change of site, II, | 163 | |
mutiny at, | 164 | |
Settlements, Spanish, I, | 126 | |
Siege, beginning of the, II, | 60 | |
duration of, | 129 | |
Singuatepecpan, II, | 248 | |
arrival at, | 249 | |
Christian propaganda at, | 252 | |
Slavery, Cortes sanctions servitude of natives, II, | 147, 148 | |
natives branded and sold, | 166 | |
Cortes orders branding, | 199 | |
the trade, | 332ff | |
Small-pox introduced by Spaniards, II, | 6 | |
Solis, Juan Diaz de, discovers River Plate, I, | 15 | |
Sotelo builds the catapult, II, | 117 | |
Soto, Diego de, II, | 140 | |
South Sea, inquiries concerning, II, | 131 | |
efforts to reach, | 131ff | |
Spain, New, name proposed by Cortes, I, | 322 | |
Strait, search for the, II, | 207ff | |
T | ||
Tabasco, discovery of river, I, | 131 | |
fighting at, | 147 | |
Tacuba, destruction of, II, | 34 | |
Taiza, Cortes marches towards, II, | 269 | |
Tamazollan, I, | 319 | |
Tanjuco, note on, II, | 190 | |
Tapia, Cristobal de, his dealings with Cortes, I, | 29 | |
arrival at Vera Cruz, II, | 138 | |
note on, | 138 | |
Tasco, tin mines of, II, | 204 | |
Tecuichpo, Princess, I, | 318 | |
Tehuantepec, expedition to, II, | 196 | |
Temple, the great, I, | 260 | |
note on, | 345 | |
Tenayucan, II, | 34 | |
Tenciz, character of the province of, II, | 278 | |
Tenochtitlan, Mexico, note on, I, | 330ff | |
Teotihuacan, pyramids of, I, | 248 | |
Tepeaca, expedition to, I, | 308 | |
slaves in, | 309 | |
garrison at, II, | 6 | |
Tepepolco, quarries of, II, | 66 | |
Teutepil, II, | 31 | |
Texcoco, description of and note on, I, | 247, 248 | |
canal built at, II, | 58 | |
Tezcatlipoca, I, | 340, 341 | |
Tezmulocan, II, | 10 | |
Tiac, arrival of Cortes at, II, | 268 | |
Tianguiz, II, | 92 | |
Tithes, first levied in Mexico, II, | 216 | |
Tlalmanalco, II, | 42 | |
Tlapanecatl, leads assault, II, | 88 | |
Tlascala, republic of, I, | 32 | |
character of the people, | 32, 33 | |
note on, | 197 | |
wall of, | 199 | |
hostilities in, | 201ff | |
peace concluded, | 207 | |
description of city, | 209 | |
feud with Cholula, | 220 | |
loyalty of people, | 303 | |
events in, | 305 | |
native of, rescues Cortes, II, | 50 | |
Tlatelolco, I, | 330 | |
Torquemada, Juan de, life and writings, I, | 116 | |
Tozopan, II, | 41 | |
Trade, relations with Hispaniola, II, | 217 | |
Treasure, list of first, I, | 170 | |
collected in Mexico, | 253 | |
division of, | 255 | |
fate of the, II, | 210, 211 | |
Truce, Mexican flag of, II, | 13 | |
Trujillo, foundation of, II, | 311 | |
Tuchintecla, I, | 245, 246 | |
Tupilcos, province of, II, | 234ff | |
Tututepec, two towns so named, II, | 164 | |
Tzilacatzin, his exploits, II, | 89 | |
V | ||
Valdenebro, Diego, II, | 140 | |
Valleja, Pedro de, at San Estevan, II, | 174 | |
outgenerals Grijalba, | 183, 184 | |
Vassals, perfidy of the Mexican, II, | 84, 85 | |
doubt the Spaniards, | 98 | |
Velasquez, Diego, conquers Cuba, I, | 6, 7 | |
character, | 7, 8 | |
quarrel with Cortes, | 10ff | |
sends first expedition to mainland, | 16, 131ff | |
second expedition, | 18, 137ff | |
appoints Cortes Captain, | 18 | |
instructions to Cortes, | 19 | |
suspicious of, | 20ff | |
note on, | 125 | |
intrigues with Olid, II, | 213 | |
Vendabal, Francisco Martin, captured at Tacuba, II, | 50, 55 | |
Vera Cruz, I, | 157 | |
reinforcements arrive at, II, | 27 | |
more arrivals at, | 40 | |
ammunition arrives at, | 106 | |
Verdugo, Francisco, II, | 43 | |
Villafaña, Antonio de, his plot and fate, II, | 144, 145 | |
Villafuerte, Rodriquez de, II, | 43 | |
W | ||
Women, Spanish, during the conquest, II, | 99 | |
X | ||
Xatlocan, attack on, II, | 33 | |
Xicotencatl, I, | 204, 303 | |
distrust of Spaniards, | 319 | |
his desertion and death, II, | 63 | |
Xiuhtepec, II, | 46 | |
Xochimilco, I, | 194 | |
note on name of, II, | 49 | |
fighting at, | 49ff | |
Xoloc, capture of and note on, II, | 69 | |
Xuarez, Catalina, courted by Cortes, I, | 11 | |
marriage, | 12 | |
Xuarez, Juan partner of Cortes I, | 7 | |
Xuchitepec, I, | 244 | |
Y | ||
Yasa, river, II, | 287 | |
Yautepeque, II, | 46 | |
Yuca, note on, II, | 243 | |
Yucatan, note on, I, | 123 | |
discovery of, | 127 | |
Spanish prisoners in, | 141 | |
Yuste, Juan, his fate, II, | 30 | |
Z | ||
Zacatula, foundation of, II, | 162 | |
Zalapa, the river II, | 236 | |
Zapotecas, expedition against the, II, | 197 | |
report on expedition, | 351 | |
Zozolla, I, | 317 | |
Zuazo, Alonso de, sent back to Mexico, II, | 233 | |
imprisonment of, | 321 | |
exile of, | 362 | |
Zumarraga, Juan de, appointed president of audiencia, I, | 56 | |
letter to Charles V, | 357ff | |
Zuñiga, Juan de, wife of Cortes I, | 44 |