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 * Functions for showing the difference between two strings
 * Taken from the popups gadget and modified for re-use as
 * a module for other gadgets.
 * Source:
 * Access by loading then through the inductiveload.difference
 * object:
 * mw.loader.using(["ext.gadget.util-difference"], function() {
 *   // code that uses this module
 * });
 * Methods:
 * * diffString: get the complete diff string between two strings
 * * shortenDiffString: shorten a given diff string with 'n' chars
 *                      of context

"use strict";

// IIFE used when including as a user script (to allow debug or config)
// Default gadget use will get an IIFE wrapper as well
(function() {

  window.inductiveload = window.inductiveload || {}; // use window for ResourceLoader compatibility

  if (inductiveload.difference) {
      return; // already initialised, don't overwrite

  function delFmt(x) {
      if (!x.length) { return ''; }
      return "<del class='popupDiff'>" + x.join('') +"</del>";
  function insFmt(x) {
      if (!x.length) { return ''; }
      return "<ins class='popupDiff'>" + x.join('') +"</ins>";

  function countCrossings(a, b, i, eject) {
      // count the crossings on the edge starting at b[i]
      if (!b[i].row && b[i].row !== 0) { return -1; }
      var count=0;
      for (var j=0; j<a.length; ++j) {
          if (!a[j].row && a[j].row !== 0) { continue; }
          if ( (j-b[i].row)*(i-a[j].row) > 0) {
              if(eject) { return true; }
      return count;

  var entify = function(s) {
    //var shy='&shy;';
    return s.split('&').join('&amp;').split('<').join('&lt;').split('>').join('&gt;'/*+shy*/).split('"').join('&quot;');

  // see
  // FIXME: use obj.hasOwnProperty instead of this kludge!
  var jsReservedProperties=RegExp('^(constructor|prototype|__((define|lookup)[GS]etter)__' +
                     '|eval|hasOwnProperty|propertyIsEnumerable' +
  function diffBugAlert(word) {
      if (!diffBugAlert.list[word]) {
          alert('Bad word: '+word+'\n\nPlease report this bug.');

  function makeDiffHashtable(src) {
      var ret={};
      for ( var i = 0; i < src.length; i++ ) {
          if ( jsReservedProperties.test(src[i]) ) { src[i] += '<!-- -->'; }
          if ( !ret[ src[i] ] ) { ret[ src[i] ] = []; }
          try { ret[ src[i] ].push( i ); } catch (err) { diffBugAlert(src[i]); }
      return ret;

  function diff( o, n ) {

      // pass 1: make hashtable ns with new rows as keys
      var ns = makeDiffHashtable(n);

      // pass 2: make hashtable os with old rows as keys
      var os = makeDiffHashtable(o);

      // pass 3: pair unique new rows and matching unique old rows
      var i;
      for ( i in ns ) {
          if ( ns[i].length == 1 && os[i] && os[i].length == 1 ) {
              n[ ns[i][0] ] = { text: n[ ns[i][0] ], row: os[i][0], paired: true };
              o[ os[i][0] ] = { text: o[ os[i][0] ], row: ns[i][0], paired: true };

      // pass 4: pair matching rows immediately following paired rows (not necessarily unique)
      for ( i = 0; i < n.length - 1; i++ ) {
          if ( n[i].paired && ! n[i+1].paired && n[i].row + 1 < o.length && ! o[ n[i].row + 1 ].paired &&
               n[i+1] == o[ n[i].row + 1 ] ) {
              n[i+1] = { text: n[i+1], row: n[i].row + 1, paired: true };
              o[n[i].row+1] = { text: o[n[i].row+1], row: i + 1, paired: true };

      // pass 5: pair matching rows immediately preceding paired rows (not necessarily unique)
      for ( i = n.length - 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
          if ( n[i].paired && ! n[i-1].paired && n[i].row > 0 && ! o[ n[i].row - 1 ].paired &&
               n[i-1] == o[ n[i].row - 1 ] ) {
              n[i-1] = { text: n[i-1], row: n[i].row - 1, paired: true };
              o[n[i].row-1] = { text: o[n[i].row-1], row: i - 1, paired: true };

      return { o: o, n: n };

  inductiveload.difference = {

     * Given a complete diff string, produce a shortened string with
     * a certain number of characters of context around the differences.
     * @param  {string} str     the complete diff string
     * @param  {number} context number of context chars
     * @return {string}         shortened diff string
    shortenDiffString: function(str, context) {
      var re=RegExp('(<del[\\s\\S]*?</del>|<ins[\\s\\S]*?</ins>)');
      var splitted=str.split(re);
      var ret=[''];
      for (var i=0; i<splitted.length; i+=2) {
          if (splitted[i].length < 2*context) {
              ret[ret.length-1] += splitted[i];
              if (i+1<splitted.length) { ret[ret.length-1] += splitted[i+1]; }
          else {
              if (i > 0) { ret[ret.length-1] += splitted[i].substring(0,context); }
              if (i+1 < splitted.length) {
                  ret.push(splitted[i].substring(splitted[i].length-context) +
      while (ret.length > 0 && !ret[0]) { ret = ret.slice(1); }
      return ret;

     * Produce a complete difference string from two strings (old and new)
     * @param  {string} o           old string
     * @param  {string} n           new string
     * @param  {bool} simpleSplit use a simple split method
     * @return {string}             the difference string
    diffString: function( o, n, simpleSplit ) {
      var splitRe=RegExp('([[]{2}|[\\]]{2}|[{]{2,3}|[}]{2,3}|[|]|=|<|>|[*:]+|\\s|\\b)');

      //  We need to split the strings o and n first, and entify() the parts
      //  individually, so that the HTML entities are never cut apart. (AxelBoldt)
      var out, i, oSplitted, nSplitted;
      if (simpleSplit) {
      } else {
      for (i=0; i<oSplitted.length; ++i) {oSplitted[i]=entify(oSplitted[i]);}
      for (i=0; i<nSplitted.length; ++i) {nSplitted[i]=entify(nSplitted[i]);}

      out = diff (oSplitted, nSplitted);
      var str = "";
      var acc=[]; // accumulator for prettier output

      // crossing pairings -- eg 'A B' vs 'B A' -- cause problems, so let's iron them out
      // this doesn't always do things optimally but it should be fast enough
      var maxOutputPair=0;
      for (i=0; i<out.n.length; ++i) {
          if ( out.n[i].paired ) {
          if( maxOutputPair > out.n[i].row ) {
              // tangle - delete pairing
              out.o[ out.n[i].row ]=out.o[ out.n[i].row ].text;
          if (maxOutputPair < out.n[i].row) { maxOutputPair = out.n[i].row; }

      // output the stuff preceding the first paired old line
      for (i=0; i<out.o.length && !out.o[i].paired; ++i) { acc.push( out.o[i] ); }
      str += delFmt(acc); acc=[];

      // main loop
      for ( i = 0; i < out.n.length; ++i ) {
          // output unpaired new "lines"
          while ( i < out.n.length && !out.n[i].paired ) { acc.push( out.n[i++] ); }
          str += insFmt(acc); acc=[];
          if ( i < out.n.length ) { // this new "line" is paired with the (out.n[i].row)th old "line"
              str += out.n[i].text;
              // output unpaired old rows starting after this new line's partner
              var m = out.n[i].row + 1;
              while ( m < out.o.length && !out.o[m].paired ) { acc.push ( out.o[m++] ); }
              str += delFmt(acc); acc=[];
      return str;
