Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/O'Carroll, Margaret

Mairgréag Ní Chearbhaill

1423435Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 41 — O'Carroll, Margaret1895Norman Moore

O'CARROLL, MARGARET (d. 1451), hospitable lady, was daughter of Tadhg O'Carroll, and married Calbhach O'Connor Faly of Ui Failghe. As is still the custom in parts of Ireland, she retained her maiden surname after marriage. Twice in one year she gave a great entertainment—one on 26 March, and the other on 15 Aug. The first was at Killeigh, King's County; the second at Rathangan, both at the ends of Ophaly. Gillananaemh MacAedhagain, O'Connor Faly's chief brehon, wrote out for her a list of the learned of the time, beginning with Maoilin O'Maelchonaire, and she feasted 2,700 of them. Her husband approved, and rode round looking after the guests, who seem to have been entertained in the open air, near the church. She had two sons, one of whom, Feidhlimidh, died the day after her own death; and one daughter, Finola, who married, first, Nial Garbh O'Donnell, and then Aedh Buidh O'Neill, and died 25 July 1493. She built several churches, mended roads and made bridges, and gave two chalices of gold to the church of Dasinchell in Ophaly. She died of cancer of the breast in 1451.

[Annala Rioghachta Eireann, ed. O'Donovan vol. iv.]

N. M.