A Memorial for Britons/On the Duke's triumphant Return

A Memorial for Britons (1746)
by J. Duick
On the Duke's triumphant Return
2228049A Memorial for Britons — On the Duke's triumphant Return1746J. Duick

London Courant, 26 July, 1746.

On the DUKE's triumphant Return.

Let Acclamations round our Island ring.
He comes, the glorious Youth, with Laurels crown'd,
Exulting Crowds his Victor-Carr surround:
Ten Thousand Pray'rs were for his Weal prefer'd,
Ten Thousand Pray'rs were with Acceptance heard.
And now innum'rous Benedictions tell
How WILLIAM conquer'd, and how Rebels fell.
Ye fond Abettors of a Tyrant's Claim,
Now hide your conscious Heads, and blush for Shame:
Growl that you're curs'd with hated Freedom still,
And forc'd to Happiness against your Will;
While grateful Britons loud their Joys attest,
We feel, and therefore boast, how much we're blest:
Boast the long Prospect, that delights our Eyes,
Of future Chiefs from BRUNSWICK's Race to rise;
That shall, we trust, our Liberty secure,
As long as Sun, and Moon, and Time endure.