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Section1569.The guardian is the legal representative of the ward.

Sections 1542, 1543, 1544, 1546, 1547, and 1548 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the guardian and the ward.

Section1570.The guardian may spend income of the ward as appropriate for the maintenance and education of the ward. The remainder, if any, shall be spent for seeking benefits in the following manners only:

(1)buying bonds of the Siamese Government;

(2)accepting mortgage of immovable property of first rank; provided, however, that the amount of the price of the mortgage must not exceed the market price of such immovable property;

(3)making fixed deposits with banks permitted by the Siamese Government to carry out their business in the Kingdom;

(4)making deposits with the Siamese Government Savings Treasury;

(5)making other investments which may be specially permitted by a court.