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Volume 117, Number 44A
Page 5
Royal Gazette

18 May 2543

In the event that there is no person to act in accordance with paragraph 2, the President of the Supreme Court of Justice may order a particular judge to act instead.

No senior judge or junior judge shall act in any position under paragraph 1.

Section10.In the event that the public service of the Supreme Court of Justice, an appellate court, or a court of first instance is divided into divisions or agencies called otherwise, there shall be one presiding judge of the division or agency called otherwise for each division or agency.

When the position of presiding judge of a division or presiding judge of an agency called otherwise according to paragraph 1 becomes vacant, or when the holder of the said position becomes unable to serve, the most senior judge in such division or agency called otherwise shall act in his stead. If the most senior person in the division or agency called otherwise is unable to serve, the judge of that division or agency called otherwise who is next in seniority shall act in his stead.

In the event that there is no person to act in accordance with paragraph 2, the President of the Supreme Court of Justice may order a particular judge to act instead.

No senior judge or junior judge shall act in any position under paragraph 1.

Section11.The President of the Supreme Court of Justice, the President of the Court of Appeal, the Presidents of the Regional Courts of Appeal, the chief judges of the courts of first instance, and the presiding judges of the courts must be responsible for the public service of their courts in order that it proceed in an orderly manner, and they shall have the following powers and duties also:

(1)to participate in sittings for trying and adjudicating upon cases which impact the security of the State or which interest the public, cases which contain serious criminal offences, cases which involve high amounts of money, and cases of court contempt, according to the criteria designated in the rules for the judicial service of the courts of justice;

(2)to give orders on motions and applications submitted to them in accordance with the provisions of procedural laws;

(3)to oversee the correct application of rules and procedures established by the law or by other means, in order that the trial and adjudication of cases be concluded in an expeditious manner;

(4)to give advice to judges in their courts regarding the obstruction the judges meet in the performance of their duties;

(5)to cooperate with administrative officials on all affairs relating to the organisation and carrying out of the administrative business of the courts;

(6)to make reports on cases and affairs of their courts to be sent in accordance with rules;

(7)to exercise other powers and duties as designated by the law.