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and elect the President of the People's Committee at once."

Phraya Phahonphonphayuhasena nominated Phraya Manopakonnitithada, saying: "He is of all qualifications which deserve this position." Phraya Nitisatphaisan seconded him.

Phraya Manopakonnitithada stated: "I feel greatly honoured but at the same time feel greatly worried if I have to accept this post, because it is not something to be done for fun but it is an enormous work in which one has to be responsible for the prosperity or poverty of as many as twelve million Thais. Will I be able to undertake this task? I would like to confer and converse with Phraya Phahonphonphayuhasena and Luang Praditmanutham for about five minutes first, following which I will be able to give an answer."

All the Representatives granted the three an opportunity to converse and confer with each other, after which Phraya Manopakonnitithada accepted the post and the meeting adopted a unanimous resolution declaring Phraya Manopakonnitithada as President of the People's Committee.

Phraya Manopakonnitithada made an inaugural address, saying: "I am delighted and feel honoured whilst feeling considerably worried. Since the day I was born, never once have I thought of being given such a position as this. But after taking into account the interest of the twelve million people, I think I should do it and shall do my best."

6.Members of the People's Committee Chaophraya Thammasakmontri said: "Now, we have come to the agenda in which the House needs to appoint fourteen more Members of the People's Committee from the persons selected and nominated by the President of the People's Committee." He then