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the twelve million people, I shall accept this." The entire meeting unanimously resolved to admit him.

Luang Praditmanutham said: "All the Members have to be true to the people in various significant matters. Thus, I beg Honourable Members to all together make an affirmation first." He then administered the following affirmation and was followed by the other Members all together:

"I, (name of the affirmer), hereby affirm that I will be true to the People's Party[1] and will help maintain the six principles of the people[1] firmly.

"1.All kinds of independence of the Country, such as political independence, judicial independence, economic independence, etc, must be maintained firmly.

"2.The internal safety of the Country must be maintained in order to minimalise interpersonal violence as much as possible.

"3.The economic well-being of the people must be nurtured, in respect of which the new Government will try to generate employment for the people to the best of its ability and will draft a national economic project, without leaving the people in hunger.

"4.The people must be enabled to have equal rights.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Correctly, the terms People's Party and people in this paragraph should switch each other's place. (Wikisource contributor note)