Page:รายงานการประชุม สผ (๒๔๗๕-๑๑-๒๕) b.pdf/55

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Phraya Nitisat said: "One third should be preferred. It is more suitable."

Phraya Ratchawangsan replied: "Meetings are held on three occasions, and at meetings [Members] have to be present for making laws and [they] have to come in advance for preparations. When some points or some parts do not interest them, they would not get involved. If it is something they are curious about, they would come themselves. If we set a limitation, trouble would ensue."

The President of the House said: "Now that there is no further discussion, we are going to pass a resolution." No one objected. The meeting finally resolved to confirm that section 25, as amended, was satisfactory.

Section 26 The President of the Subcommittee stated: "Section 26 reads 'Passage of a resolution for ruling upon an issue of discussion shall be based on a majority of votes as a rule, except in the matters for which this Constitution contains special provisions.'" And he said: "As regards constitutional amendments, there are provisions in the sections at the bottom, which contain special matters."

The President of the House said: "Now that there is no further discussion, we are going to pass a resolution." No one objected. The meeting finally resolved to confirm that this section was satisfactory.

Section 27 The President of the Subcommittee stated: "Section 27 reads 'In casting of votes, one Member does have one vote.

'At a parity of votes, the president of the meeting shall give