Page:(Ane hundred) godly lessons that a mother on her death-bed gave to her children.pdf/1

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An Hundred


That a Mother on her Death-bed gave to her


Whereby they may know how to guide them-
ſelves towards GOD and Man, to the
Benefite of the Common-wealth, Joy of
their Parents, and good of themſelves.

MY Children dear, mark well my Words,
and keep my Precepts well,
Conſider daily in your Minds
the Words that I ſhall tell;
The gain is great that doth enƒue,
good Counſel doth direct,
Their Ways and Actions for the beſt,
that do it not neglect.

Firſt, Worſhip GOD above all Things,
vain ſwearing ſee thou ſhun;
Hear much, but ſee thou little ſay,
thereby much good is won,
Speak thou no ill of any Man,
tend well thine own Affairs:
Bridle thy Wrath and Anger ſo,
that thereof come no Cares.
